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  • How can the deferred interest for 3 years be more than the original purchase amount?

    Three years ago I bought a TV and computer from Best Buy. I put $968 on my Best Buy card. Apparently there was some promotion for three years deferred interest. From what I can understand form their bill where the interest charge hit, is that of the original 968, I'm down to 700 that I owe....and the interest charge they just hit me with is $1,073.00. So I went from owing $700 to owing $1,773. The APR is high, 24%, since I don't normally use credit cards so had a low credit score from lack of a credit history.

    I just do not see how 24% apr for three years can be an amount MORE than the original purchase price. Can someone please explain?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • I have a ton of music on my iPod, purchased in iTunes and from CDs..?

    My computer crashed. I got a new computer. How do I save my music on my ipod so it doesn't try to clear it off when using the new computer to sync the ipod? I've found that since the music library is not on the new computer that the new computer wants to wipe my ipod and only load the itunes purchases.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Would a 55" Sony screen work as a replacement part for a 55" broke Insigna screen?

    As per my other question, my 55" Insignia cracked.

    I found a TV with a bad motherboard on craigslist, but a Sony. Do you think the screen could work as a replacement part????? Or only another Insignia?

    Yes, my thought is that maybe someone with a broken TV, but a non-broken screen, would be a good source for parts to fix my broken TV, or if easier, that the working parts on my TV can be a Replacement for the new broken TV. Either way, just as long as I can get a complete working TV from the two.

    Yes, ideally I'm trying to find the same TV since then there is no question on compatibility of parts.

    2 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • Insignia 55" TV broken screen, 1 year old?

    In moving, our TV got bumped. It looks fine when off, but when you turn it on the inner screen is clearly broken in a spiderweb of cracks and no clear picture. Is there any saving it? Can you replace a screen?

    The TV is not even a year old yet. Would a warranty possibly cover this damage, even partially? I love my TV but don't have a spare $1000 sitting around for a replacement. But if a screen can be found or repair done for $600 or less, I'd be very happy. Please help with advise, tips where to go, and any overall information!

    5 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • How to avoid getting scam email in Craigslist?

    I am trying to sell my oven and cooktop, both nice Dacors.

    I get tons of replies, and all appear to be scams. They all want to sent a cashier's check and have their "Movers" or "moving agent" collect the oven. Just recently the second flood of scammers has come asking for paypal, then their "Moving agent" will come, blah, blah, blah. I know they are scam, and have finally learned to not even reply to interest that ask "Is the item still available?" or "I want your item"

    But is there a way to stop these emails? I am afraid a real buyer will be lost in the flood of mail. Any tips, tricks, or advice? Any other suggestion for selling appliances for a good price?

  • Used Aquarium pricing opinions and valuation help?

    I am cleaning out storage and have tons of tanks I need to sell. I am looking for opinions on asking price, and if I should sell the lights separate since they are nicer lighting than normal.

    I have an 80 gallon high aquarium and oak stand, glass. with matching hood.

    55 gallon with black stand (I think it is pine). Glass lid.

    50 gallon with oak stand, glass.

    I also have a fluval, rena fillstar, eheim, and cascade canister filters.

    I also have three 48" Coralife Compact Fluorescent Lights (Brand new is like $350-$400).

    So, any opinions on value? Should I combine the light and filter with the tanks for a "complete setup" or do you think I'll make more in just the tank/stand and lights/filter separate?

    I'm struggling most on the 80 gallon tall as it isn't a super common tank dimension (4 feet long, 30 inches tall) and is pretty thick glass.

    All are like new. No damage at all, crystal clear.

    1 AnswerFish9 years ago
  • How do you say "pleco" I know the "proper way" but want to see your way, and what region/area?

    I'm out west and we tend to mumble over some vowels. So most people say pleh co. I've heard occasional Play Co and the "proper" Pleeco too, but 99% of locals in the fish store will say plehco or more like "pleck oh".

    How do you say it or people in your area say it? Are you UK, East Coast US, West Coast US, South US, Canada, etc?

    Also, do you say crayfish, crawfish, craw dad, yabby, or what? We say Craw Dad or crawfish, but again I've heard it other ways.

    5 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Ok, so when someones says "my water is fine" what parameters are "fine"? Also when someone says "normal ..?

    When someone says "normal size tank" what on earth would that imply?

    To me water is either perfect or not perfect, and "fine" to me indicates you didn't test the water and assume it is "fine" because the other fish don't seem stressed yet, or it is elevated but not in the danger range.

    To me a "normal" size tank is a 55 gallon, but a friend who used this term thought 55 gallons was a giant tank....her "normal" was a desktop 1 gallon tank!

    So, what is "fine" to you and "normal size"? Just curious. Really, to those of you who use this term on here, you are the ones I'd especially like to hear from but would also like input from people who have heard these terms and what comes into their mind.


    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I just traded in my car, and used the payoff amount used was higher than the real payoff. How long to refund?

    I just traded in my car which had a slight loan balance remaining. It turns out the payoff amount used was higher than the real amount for my existing loan by a couple hundred. I was told by the dealer that my old bank would cut me a check for the difference. How long does that usually take?

    Also, I just checked and my account is still shown as open, and a payment is due tomorrow. Since I actually traded in the car, and the full payoff should be underway, do I need to worry about this payment?

    How long does it take the payoff to go through? I traded in the car last week.

    I do not want to cause problems by paying another payment and having them issue me two refunds or anything like that!

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Coral brown slime disease, help? What causes it? How to cure?

    I am just shocked. I've had this current reef running for 5 years, and have added nothing new in the last year. No ammonia, no nitrite, and the tests barely register any nitrate. I've never had brown slime disease problems.

    My frogspawn which has been doing so well was closed Monday, all day, which was unusual. Tuesday it is covered in a brown slime. I'm thinking brown slime disease. I removed the slime, the coral looked decent underneath but stressed. Yesterday it is covered again! I removed the slime, tested water again, and all seems OK.

    Today the coral is almost wasted away to nothing, and completely covered again. Also there is red slime algae in the sand that is cropping I am logically thinking it is something bacterial.....maybe it is something that came from my filtered tap water or something (Have a RO/DI unit adn I filter my tap, but the pads are about due for a change).

    I have many other coral in the tank, including other Euphyllia. What can I do? Do you think it will spread?

    I've read it is Bacterial like the red slime algae, will the antibiotic for red slime work for both? Will it hurt my biological filtration?

    I'm going to miss my frogspawn, but there is some flesh left so if I fix it fast enough I should be able to regrow. Time is of the essence!! It is a tri color frogspawn from Australia! I got it cheap as a frag, grew it to the size of two softballs, and now am losing it to this!!! HELP!

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can Wells Fargo do this to a loyal customer of 10 years with free checking?

    I bank with Wells Fargo and have for over 10 years. I have a checking account (free) that is 11 years old, a mortgage with them for the last 7 years, a credit card. My wife has a checking account, credit card, and savings account, and is on the mortgage. We don't do joint checking, easier that way.

    Well, my ATM card expires in May (only reason I come up for this D-day).

    I have been accosted twice in the last two months when I go into the bank (two separate branches). Here is what they tell me:

    1) my account is flagged because it is a "grandfathered free checking account"

    2) come May 1 there will be serious changes they want to tell me about

    3) that May 1 they will open a savings account for me, that bears no interest

    4) that they will automatically withdraw $25 a month from my checking account into this savings account

    5) that if I do not have the $25, they will overdraft me and hit me with fees

    6) to avoid this I can set up automatic deposits or close my account

    7) the reason for this is the "economic situation" and "federal regulations" that made them "lose fees" and they have to "make up the difference" that they are mad too because good people have to pick up the fees that otherwise would be paid by slackers because of the new federal laws (I know, a bunch of garbage, the real problem was the deregulation of the banks in the first place)

    So, my questions

    1) CAN they really force me to open a new account, withdraw money from my existing account without my permission or signature?

    2) or is this some scam to make me open new accounts because my "grandfathered free checking" really is safe and it is all lies?

    I have not received ANYTHING in writing, and when I emailed the bank with online banking they said they were clueless.

    They said my mortgage cannot save my free checking because my wife has free checking because of the mortgage (has automatic mortgage payments from that account) and we both cannot benefit from the same mortgage account.

    I am super mad, and will probably just close my account anyway, but how can this intimidation and practice be legal?

    Shame on Wells Fargo and all other banks taking these measures and attacking loyal customers who have never gone over in their account, never been late with any payments, and loyally done all their banking with you?

    9 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why did you start keepign fish? When? How did you start, where are you now?

    I'm just bored and curious, and would like to know how others got into the hobby...also are you hooked yet and a overboard fish keeper, or just a casual pet owner?

    I had fish on and off growing up, usually the carnival goldfish or simple kit tank for a betta. The goldfish always ended up in the horse troughs as we kids had short attention spans and my mom would just throw then in the horse water rather than take care of the (they do breed rapidly LOL and we always had lots of fish in the horse troughs that would help keep the algae down!). It wasn't until college when I started a reef tank at the suggestion of a mentor to help me through my engineering classes. Having hands on experience helped me ace water chemistry and fluid dynamics!

    I've been hooked ever since, with the one 100 gallon reef blossoming into many other marine tanks, and finally I moved to some freshwater tanks again after I graduated. I still have several reefs, a few FOWLR, and way too many freshwater now! It happened so gradually I never even noticed I had fallen victim to multiple tank syndrome ;) but hey, if everyone has an obsession or habit I'm glad mine is fish!

    So, what was your first real tank? Why did you start? Have you managed to keep just one or two tanks, or are you spiraling down the obsessive path yet?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • WF is terrible now! Any good banks left out there with free checking?

    I've been with Wells Fargo for 12 years. I have a free checking account, credit card and mortgage with them. My wife has a separate checking and savings account with them as well.

    I went to deposit a check yesterday and was told my account was "flagged" and that "something" would happen to my account in May because it is a "grandfathered free checking account." They made me step out of line and meet with a bank representative (sales person) who kept referencing to this "something" happening in May that she had no details on and I "need to call Wells Fargo to find out" (I was IN Wells Fargo and being told to call them for details, arg). The representative then tried to use this threat to have me open a new savings account, or open a new checking account where I had to keep a $1500 minimum daily balance or use direct deposit. I told her to close the account as I didn't like her new terms and didn't like this vague threat to try to bully me into new products; she couldn't because of a pending transaction (my deposit)!!! She then got nice and told me to call the bank later.

    I've done some research and WF is apparently not offering the free checking anymore and trying to bully their existing customers to phase out these accounts. I have been loyal for 12 years and cannot believe this treatment. I've done all my banking through WF, including my mortgage. Is tens of thousands in mortgage interest a year not enough that they now need to try to bully me into more accounts and penalize me for not using direct deposit on my free checking?

    BofA doesn't have free checking, but has a better system than WF.

    Any banks out there with some ounce of respect still where they treat their customers right instead of trying to strong arm them and rape them on crazy fees? I was ambushed, wasted my entire lunch hour, and not how this threat of "something happening in May" hanging over my head.

    Anyone know what this "something" is supposed to be that is negatively happening to free checking customers in May?

    My employer does not offer direct deposit.

    I need a good bank!

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How much do you think these used tanks are worth? What shoul dbe my asking price?

    I've been out of the tank sales and purchase arena for a few years and am finally clearing out my storage unit and have a bunch of tanks I want to sell. I'm looking for your opinion of what a good asking price would be for some of them.

    110 gallon mirror back glass tank (48 inches x 30 inches x 18 inches), great conditions with just one little scuff in the mirror and a few small scratches down where the substrate/sand would fill. Pine stand, two doors.

    55 gallon flat back hexagon tank, 4 feet long, 16 inches at the deepest part, 20 tall (I think, for sure 4 feet long) glass, nice stand with removable shelf, flush doors, and a sliding back for easy access. The stand was re-stained and is in perfect condition, the tank is immaculate. Lids included.

    50 gallon 3 foot tank, glass, flush doors, some minor water staining on the bottom corner of the stand that can eb fixed with stain.

    And then some "garbage" tanks of some beat up 55 gallon acrylic tanks with built in overflows, a 20 gallon with a one inch bulkhead drilled in the back - glass, and a 30 gallon glass tank.

    What do you guys think is a fair asking price? How much should I expect? West coast area USA.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I'm setting up a home theater and looking for input on video projectors help?

    What should I look for?

    How far can they be from the screen?

    Do they work with Dish or DirectTV like a normal TV?

    Any suggested brands or good deals?


    2 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Dry food or wet food for cats?

    Which is better? I've heard that wet food is bad for cats and makes them overweight, but on here people say the opposite and bad mouth dry food.

    I have four cats, and I prefer to use dry food and let them forage at will.

    But I like to do what is best for them, and one cat is older, diabetic, and lost a lot of her teeth. I was just adding water to the dry food to make it soft for her, but then switched her to wet food.

    From what I have read on here, I decided it was simpler and healthier if they all just went to wet food. What a mistake! Now my two male cats started fighting and spraying, all four meow and beg for food all morning, noon, and night. They rarely leave the house and just yowl to get fed (I still leave dry food out for them, but they won't touch it anymore).

    Did I do the wrong thing going to wet food? Can I go back to just dry food? Is dry food really that unhealthy? (I keep getting told dry food is low in protein and high in carbs, but even the best wet food doesn't have even half as much protein as my dry food brand claims to have)

    Please give REASONS why one is better than the other.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What damages am I liable for in this situation? Can my employer take from my pay?

    I am a foreman for a painting company. My crew just pressure washed an apartment complex to prep for paint.. The faucet they used apparently has been broken for years (leaky pipe) and when they used it, the abutting apartment got "flooded" - the carpet got wet. The renter was home, saw the water, ran out, and we turned off the faucet. The damages were just cleaning the carpet and airing out the floorboards, and patching the sheetrock, but ran a couple thousand.

    The owner of the complex did not disclose the faucet was broken and not to be used, and even admitted she knew it had been broken for over 11 years! Well, my boss (the owner of the company) said not to worry about it that it was the apartment owner's fault and liability. He said to finish the paint job and not give the water thing a second thought.

    Well, normally one would think that the insurance company for the complex and the insurance company for the company would work out liability, and one or the other would pay for the damages. I am not sure why, but apparently nobody wants to go through insurance. The apartment owner demands the company I work for pay for the damages (since we used the faucet). My boss, wanting additional work on other apartment buildings owned by these people, agrees that our company will pay for the cleaning bill.

    He then tells me it is coming out of MY paycheck!!!! Can he do that? Am I really liable?

    He is literally going to refuse to pay me the majority of my paycheck! What can I do, or am I truly liable. I had no idea the faucet was broken, it was an internal leak and not something we could see from the outside, and nobody told us not to use it, plus the landlord did not disclose the faulty facet even though she knew we would be pressure washing and needed water, and I am an employee, not a partner or anything in the company! Do employees need to be worried about stuff like this? Should employees get their own liability insurance?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • How am I supposed to interpret the answer to the following question?

    The following is a similar question I just got the answer "yes" should I interpret the answer?

    Q: Do you want to pick up the delivery or should I make other arrangement?

    A: Yes

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Anyone keeping clover in their tank? I cannot get it to do well, but do great with other plants?

    Why does the clover always suffer and fade away in my tank? I have a super planted tank with many different species of plant, very strong lights, and have tried clover twice, just to have it slowly shrink away to nothing. All my other plants go crazy with growth (cryptos, wysteria, several types of Ludwigia, temple, hornwort, water lily, onion, swords, java fern, java moss, banana plant, pennywort, Rotala, and Anubias).

    Could the pleco or platies be eating it or something? It is the only plant that I just cannot win with! Any tips of clovers would be great.

    The tank has 50-50 compact fluorescent on all day and 300 watts of 6700K halide for about 5 hours a day, CO2 system, is a 125 gallon, deep aquarium plant substrate, runs about 82 degrees and has a pH of 6.5.

    I have a few sticks of clover left that are hanging in there. Any tips on bringing them back?

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago