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Calling by people by complexion instead of color?

Should we call by complexion other than color like black or white? Since no one is really black or white, but instead we are complexions of colors. Wait...I just realized that black and white aren't even colors on the light spectrum... Do you get my jist?


Hmmm...interesting answers my people!

Hahahaha..I do believe that it is very important to call people by their names, I guess what I mean by my question is that African Americans like me and European Americans (aka "Americans") are not really "black" and "white". Those are socially constucted words to seperate people of different backgrounds. I apologize for not phrasing the question the clearest way. I do hope you understand though.

Journalism Major, Concentration in African and African American Diaspora Studies and Minor in Sociology.

Let's Talk. : )

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Would you prefer that people call others by their metabolic rate? Or perhaps the shape of their eyes? The fact is that skin color is quite simply the most obviously visible of differences between the different groups of Humans. And the fact is that the skin color isn't the only difference (with "yellow" people having different looking eyes, "black" people having in general larger lips, etc). The pointing out of these differences is often called racism by the uneducated, but the opposite is in fact the truth. Tolerance of differences between the races is not the ignoring of the existence of those differences but rather the embracing of those differences along with the achknowledgement of equality.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Yahoo told me my answer was too long but wouldn't say by how much so I just had to chop a lot.

    See the whole message at:

    There is already a trend to do just that. People call themselves honey, Jamoca, chocolate, etc. It's funny, but it will never completely end the racists views although it seems to help the individuals to not have self hate.

    The fact is, if a so called group of white people move to a warm sunny location, the skin of their subsequent generations will be darker even if they only "breed" with members of their original "white" group.

    This is also shown in a recent discovery involving fish. A cave fish was found to be the same species as a sea fish, but the cave fish had no eyes and was much smaller than the sea fish. When kept in an aquarium with normal light, subsequent generations of the cave fish had eyes and became more and more like the sea fish.

    Although the traits that are displayed by the next generation do depend on the parents and grandparents, we all have within our DNA the ability to generate the entire population over again just as we initially came from Adam and Eve and Eve came from Adam's rib. God is good.

    God authored our DNA to hold so much information and to be so flexible as to give us variety and the ability for generations to adapt to certain environments.

    Look at hair color. Why don't the racists break people into categories according to that? Sure there are blonde jokes and people make fun of "gingers" but they are generally lumped into one group, which doesn't make sense. If you are going to discriminate based on skin color when there are so many different shades, why not consider all the colors and differences and literally have thousands of races? I guess they realized how ridiculous it is. So yes, we should write our government to insist that there be no more census questions asking for black or white since we are all the same species and not one of us has pure white or pure black skin. The first step in eliminating discrimination based on color is to completely erase it from our government. Reverse discrimination has played its role and now is the time to end all of it.

    The only real differences are cultural.

    United we stand, divided we fall. The elite super rich who have been controlling the nations with their wealth and in the process getting wealthier and increasing the wealth gap between them and the majority population... this small group of people has been able to control the majority simply because they are able to divide us and pit us against one another. It was more beneficial to them to pit "black" against "white" than to have thousands of little groups. They needed to have a group to take the fall for their evil and they couldn't have done it with the "white" group broken down into smaller groups. So now "white" is synonymous with "the man" who is actually the elites who control the governments to this day. Even to this day, the same elites are in power even though there are more "black" in government positions than ever. So it should be easy to see now that Republican vs. Democrat, black vs. white, Millionaire vs. poor, are all set ups to pit the majority against each other. The super elite are the ones who pay the people to run the propaganda to put fluoride in our water which helps them to make the majority population stupid.

    In a democracy, the power of the government comes from the consent of the people. When the people are attacked with fluoride being put in their water, this is an attack on the power of the country and is treason. We need to pinpoint those government officials who had the most to do with promoting the addition of poison into our water supply so that we can try and convict and execute them for treason.

    We have our differences, and the elite are using them to divide us so they can conquer us.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    How bout names, it seems easier. I don't like being called as color, I'm not a dog, I'm a human-fücking-being and I refuse to be disrespected!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Nice weave, Shaniqua.

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  • 10 years ago

    call them by their name.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    with all the makeup who can tell.

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