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How important is respecting each others path ways to get to our own enlightentment?



Thank you for your answers, No matter from where, you don`t fail to come and show me, lol. I bow to all your pathways. I love you always.

Hmmmm I,m gonna let this question to go to vote, better to let Shiva choose the best answer, know what I mean ? I love you all.

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Exceedingly Important...

    One must first and foremost realize that enlightenment is not "ones own".

    It is a state of awareness.

    Enlightenment is simply a means of transportation, that allows one to become an observer.

    Enlightenment is but the beginning of a long process that is deemed necessary for one to arise, out of the "ocean of illusion" (maya) and understand the various shadows found within this world.

    Enlightenment is but the beginning stage of a process known as "Self-realization".

    Peace be always with you.


    Source(s): a small insignificant sufi student and brother....
  • 10 years ago

    It's an important key. There is no understanding without respect and there is no peace without understanding and there no enlightenment without peace.

    Respect own path first and that will lead to respecting others. And respecting involves looking and being aware and understanding the nature of anything or any path, at least until respect is automatic.

    To understand the nature of some individual paths it is revealed that there is sometimes little or no respect for other paths there. That aspect can't be respected absolutely, it can only be respected in the sense of being understood and tolerated and knowing that that aspect can change. It would be disrespectful to both the person with that aspect on their path and to other people and their paths which are adversely affected by it to view it differently.

    Respecting enlightenment is also respecting the opposite of enlightenment. So there is care due in understanding exactly what respect means. And respecting self and respecting people comes before respecting enlightenment or respecting paths to enlightenment.

    This is kind of like constructing a pyramid now. There are threads and layers to it on the way to self realisation or enlightenment or whatever term may be used. It can't really be deliberately jumped, because noone would know what enlightenment was until they reached it.

    So respect is really question to be discovered internally, in terms of what it is and what it means. Tolerance is the platform for that, because hardly anyone if anyone can achieve more in all possible circumstances at least for most of their lives. Some people claim to be quite enlightened, and yet it's all on the basis of keeping separate and as far away as possible from people who are regarded as unenlightened. So that isn't total respect in every way. It's often perceived as a tenet that people should only have dealings with nice people. It's not true, because people who've lost their way and are not always nice are the often the ones who need people to be nice to them, and when they find that happening for a change they are increasingly nice back. And that is more rewarding than merely pursuing a path of enlightenment. And initially it's not respecting their path any absolute way, it's respecting them and understanding their nature and their path and respecting the nature of things in that way. Because their path is going to turn around by their choice. And they respect honesty and truth, even if they can't accept it immediately, because they are not used to getting it and they like it when they do. It's not harsh, but it is clear.

    And I rarely think about enlightenment. It's only really if someone brings it up. There is more a path of service kind of orientation, rather than a spiritual advancement kind of orientation. I find it works for me.

    If it's an issue, I wouldn't worry too much. Just tolerance will do, ... later.

    You are nice. And you've been light and inspiring and funny and brightening often. Maybe you think that isn't to do with enlightenment (?)

    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    All paths lead to enlightenment because enlightenment is not found on any path.

    It is your natural state of being, where you are merging and already merged with everything that is here now.

    There is no more fighting with life, you simply allow for everything to be born, fall away or show up as it is.

    The most intelligent will see that until each and every sentient being has finally found the highest possible happiness, one’s responsibility to others has not been fulfilled.

    The first hindrance we must overcome is our chronic habit of feeling attached to some sentient beings, averse to others and indifferent towards the rest.

    Source(s): bn
  • 10 years ago

    Since we live in a world of illusion or maya,

    virtually all paths are wrong. The only illusion that does

    not create more illusion is forgiveness. Forgiveness of the world and

    everything and everybody in it. Only by seeing the oneness in

    each other and seeing the face of our Creator in fellow man

    can we awaken from this dream world.

    So we have to accept all men exactly where they are today

    in whatever belief system they practice and whatever

    living conditions they have made for themselves. It is

    our way out and eventually all man kinds.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Let me surprise you. It is not important to respect others at all. What is important, if you are truly seeking enlightenment, is to respect the journey. If you can manage that, your dealings with others will be marked by wisdom and compassion, though from your point of view, it will be all natural and spontaneous - no big deal. Good luck.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    We will not uncover our own enlightenment whilst still in a place of disrespecting others, or their paths, or their choices.

    We are all children of the Light, and to honour and respect each other is a blessing and joyous to our hearts.

    with much love and salutations

    Sunny Girl

    :) :) :)

  • Rob P
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Importance and respect are not what is required, for those are limited attributes and constructs. Unconditional Love is all that is required. When Unconditional Love is all that exists in your heart, all you see is Love in all others. And thus you become Unconditional Love itself.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    It is very important to respect one another. I would say it should be one of the top priorities. But to respect someone, you need to love them. That's why people find it hard. and while I do honestly respect all people, it's so hard to respect the 'lack of belief' of atheists.

    I'm generally very gentle about other theistic religions, but I just can't respect atheism.

  • 10 years ago

    Sir, that is very significant question, for that we have to keep in mind not to create a dispute with any one in any case, otherwise our peace of mind would be disturbed and our spiritual practices could not be performed with concentration. Therefore never respond if some one slanders you, since that is going to be in our favor for spiritual progress.

    भले निंदउ भले निंदउ भले निंदउ लोगु ॥ Slander me well slander well, slander me well, O people,

    तनु मनु राम पिआरे जोगु ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ My body and soul are for my beloved Lord. Pause.

    बादु बिबादु काहू सिउ न कीजै ॥ Hold thou no discussion and argument with anyone.

    रसना राम रसाइनु पीजै ॥२॥ With thy tongue sap thou the Lord's elixir.

    {{{Bhagat Naam Dev Ji Raag Bhairao 1164}}}

    फरीदा जो तै मारनि मुकीआं तिन्हा न मारे घुमि ॥

    Farid! To those who beat thee with fists; do not return them beating turning around.

    आपनड़ै घरि जाईऐ पैर तिन्हा दे चुमि ॥७॥

    Kiss thou their feet and go to thy own house.

    {{{Bhagat Sheikh Fareed Ji Salok Fareed Jee 1378}}}

    The great devotee Farid ji, has very well answered a question how can some one captivate Lord God.

    निवणु सु अखरु खवणु गुणु जिहबा मणीआ मंतु ॥

    Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra.

    ए त्रै भà¥��णे वेस करि तां वसि आवी कंतु ॥१२७॥

    Wear these three robes, O sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord. ||127||

    {{{Bhagat Sheikh Fareed Ji Salok Fareed Jee 1384}}}

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The buy-bull god does not like knowledge. In fact, the word "enlightenment" is not even in the buy-bull.

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