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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Would you vote for Mayor Nutter and Felonious Munk For president and VP respectively?

'If you walk into somebody’s office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won’t hire you? They don’t hire you ‘cause you look like you’re crazy,” the mayor said. “You have damaged your own race.”'



@kool1: That's fine you can disagree with the Mayors statement on "you have damaged your own race". However you cannot disagree with the rest of the premise, in society you are judged by the way you present yourself. I like the fact that someone will stand up and state why you(not you but the urban culture) can't get a job. I like the fact some will point out why our society and by association economy is being destroyed. Someone needs to stand up and say this same thing to white kids as well, and let them know that emulating the idiots on Jersey Shore will not make you successful let alone get you a job.

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally I agree with him on most of what he said. And he has the balls to say it. Yeah, I would consider voting for him.

    Pst...Hey, Kool1! Pull up your pants, your bigotry and ignorance are showing. Not all who agree with Nutter even watch TV, much less FOX News. If blacks don't like being stereotyped they should not go out of their way to create stereotypes of themselves. Your silly justifications only make the point stronger.

  • 10 years ago

    It's so obvious that you and the other Fox viewers here don't know a d@mn thing about Michael Nutter, you're just trying to start some sh*t. Well let me hip to something about Nutter. This *Black* guy, wanted the police to *stop and frisk* or whatever they were calling it, ... any Black guy or Latino who THEY (the cops) thought looked suspicious and profile them. If that would have passed (thank goodness that intelligent people in his city wasn't going for that UNLAWFUL bs and it was stopped in it's tracks). Nutter just made himself look extremely stupid, more than usual, because NO proud Black man would ever say some of the sh*t that he has said out of his ignorant mouth . Black people are not ALL connected at the hip. You have good and BAD in any racial group! When the Whites do crime why don't THEY say to the Whites that have done the crimes, "you have damaged our race"??? Why don't they say that pfft? Nutter is bowing down to Whites in office there, because if he had any good sense, he would know that everyone is an *INDIVIDUAL* first and foremost! He's most likely on his way out next election. The city overall is NOT happy with him and his snow removing blunders , proposed sugary drink taxes etc. He may have won the last primary, but that doesn't necessarily mean Jack . When the old boys want ya out, trust, they can get ya out.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Mayor Nutter is awesome. If you haven't watched his entire speech at church about teenage flash mobs attacking innocent people you should. Not just the 5 minute version, the entire 30 minute speech.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago


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