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Differential Equations Question please help?

Use the method of variation of parameters to determine the general solution of the given differential equation.

y'''- y'= t

thank you

3 Answers

  • Lisa
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Change the equation

    y''' - y' = t to y'' - y = t²/2 + C

    The characteristic equation is

    r²- 1 = 0

    r = 1, -1

    So the two linearly independent functions to the homogeneous solution is

    yp = Av(t)eᵗ + Bw(t)e⁻ᵗ

    So our restrictions are

    v'(t)eᵗ + w'(t)e⁻ᵗ = 0

    v'(t)eᵗ - w'(t)e⁻ᵗ = t²/2 + C

    Eliminate by adding. v'(t)eᵗ + w'(t)e⁻ᵗ + v'(t)eᵗ - w'(t)e⁻ᵗ = 2v'(t)eᵗ = t²/2 + C

    v'(t) = t²e⁻ᵗ/4 + Ce⁻ᵗ =

    v(t) = -¼ e⁻ᵗ[t²+ 2t +2] + Ce⁻ᵗ = (no constant because we only want one particular solution or you could say we took c = 0)

    Substitute v'(t) back and w'(t) = Ceᵗ - t²eᵗ/4, so w(t) = Keᵗ -¼eᵗ[t²-2t+2] (same argument for v(t)).

    Put it all back together into y = v(t)eᵗ + w(t)e⁻ᵗ

    yp = [-¼ e⁻ᵗ[t²+ 2t +2] + Ce⁻ᵗ]eᵗ + [-¼eᵗ[t²-2t+2] - Keᵗ ]e⁻ᵗ

    Distribute the e⁻ᵗ and eᵗ to make things simpler. Solving you should get

    yp = (C - K) - t²/2 = D - t²/2 (let D = C - K)

    Add the homogeneous solution yh = Aeᵗ + Be⁻ᵗ to get general solution

    Hence the general solution is

    y(t) = Aeᵗ + Be⁻ᵗ + D - t²/2


  • 10 years ago

    I do not know that method, but I am sure it is not the simplest way.

    Find the complementary function by solving the auxiliary equation:

    y''' - y' = 0

    m³ - m = 0

    m(m² - 1) = 0

    m(m + 1)(m - 1) = 0

    m = 0 OR m + 1 = 0 OR m - 1 = 0

    m = 0 OR m = -1 OR m = 1

    yᶜ = A + B℮ᵗ + C℮⁻ᵗ

    yᶜ = A + B℮ᵗ + C / ℮ᵗ

    Find the particular integral by comparing coefficients:

    yᵖ = Dt² + Et

    yᵖ' = 2Dt + E

    yᵖ'' = 2D

    yᵖ''' = 0

    yᵖ''' - yᵖ' = t

    -(2Dt + E) = t

    -2Dt - E = t

    -2D = 1

    2D = -1

    D = -½

    E = 0

    yᵖ = -t² / 2

    Find the general solution by combining these two parts:

    y = yᶜ + yᵖ

    y = A + B℮ᵗ + C / ℮ᵗ - t / 2

    y = A - t² / 2 + B℮ᵗ + C / ℮ᵗ

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    if you thank me, i will give you :you are welcome:

    however if you have a question like this please ask from your maths teacher. don't be a foolish to others!!!!!

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