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legalbgl asked in Social ScienceEconomics · 10 years ago

How do we fix this economy?

OK, this is for a serious debate. Lets start with the premises that the country needs economic fixing. To much debt! I think we can all agree on that. Not making any comments on who caused the debt or which party is at fault. So at a static moment in time -- right now, today. We have 14.6+ trillion in debt.

So, how do we get out of debt. If you say raise taxes, on who, how much, how much would be raised.

IF you say cut spending, what programs, how much.

Second, how do we create jobs. Be specific. We don't have manufacturing in this country, we are service based. So where would jobs come from? Who would work them? Who creates them?

Serious comments only please. Not Obama sucks or rebublicans suck answers. Lets be specific. I think if we look at this seriously, we realize that there are no easy solutions.

We have been debating this at work and it has become circular. Want some fresh ideas in the mix.


Rusina --

Put Ron Paul into office -- not a serious answer, thats your desire

get rid of Federal Reserve -- Ok, one idea, but how does this save money or get the economy back in order?

Close off our borders -- and again this does what?

Bring our soldiers home from fighting in war's that we have no reason to be in. -- OK, so where do these people go when they get back. 45,000 troops in Iraq. where will they work? What about the people in their jobs now? If we do that are we not moving spendign from defense to unemployment?

Cut useless spending. -- Right, agreed, what programs, what spending, how much?

Update 2:


1. Stop raising the debt ceiling. -- thats a political answer, and if we didn't need to we wouldn't but I am asking how we get to not needing to.

2. Remove legislation that allows us to outsource jobs. -- OK, I agree with this one. But, be aware, jobs are outsorced because labor is cheap. Without outsorcing everything will increase in price thereby lowering standard of living. We want that?

3. America needs to stop CONSUMING and start PRODUCING -- YES, agreed, but producing what? Where? By whom?

4. and most importantley... the top 10% must, MUST, MUST pay their fair share. -- What is there fair share? How much money will be raised? What will it be used for - reduction of debt or continuation of entitlements?

Update 3:

Aquidian --

Legalization of ALL drugs? Interesting, I can see other problems with that, but out of the box thinking.

universal healthcare -- thats Obama care. How is that supposed to help the economy? Nice social idea, but what does it fix economically? Who pays for it? If the governement isn't that the issue we are in now?

Update 4:

John Smith -- I do not agree. The Fed is not the problem. The Fed is there to regulate the currency. If they are abolished, the job still needs to be done and would get done by treasury instead. Abolishing the Fed would cause economic chaos, not solve anything.

Update 5:

Stinky, on your edits.

-- Stop borrowing money from China to finance quagmires in Afghanistan. -- China buys our bonds on the open market. How are we supposed to limit that?

--But borrowing more money to stop borrowing money is a totally stupid way of thinking. -- OK, that is a statement I agree with, so the entire stimulus plan was a bust under that rational

2. With 10% unemployment... yes we need that. Maybe limit outsourcing. -- Again, is the middle class ready to loose its middle class luxuries? No one would be able to afford cell phones, clothes, or many items we take for granted.

3. I dunno... Aquidian says drugs... maybe we can start there- Marijuana did wonders for California's economy. -- Not sure selling drugs is the solution.

4. The government takes 30% of my paycheck so lets start there. People who make 10 times what I make pay approx. 15% THATS A PROBLEM.

Update 6:

Stinky, sorry, your last comment n the 15% rate, thats capital gains. Yes, it should probably be raised. But the rich can always pay more, and choose not to.

Update 7:

BTW, just wanted to thank everyone so far. Some great responses, even the ones I have questioned. Keep them coming. Want to see more!

12 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Put Ron Paul into office, get rid of Federal Reserve, Close off our borders. Bring our soldiers home from fighting in war's that we have no reason to be in. Cut useless spending.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    We've been giving tax breaks to the super-rich since the late 1970s. Supposedly they would use all their extra money to invest and create more jobs, so that the wealth would "trickle down" to the masses. Just the opposite has happened over the last 35 years - the rich who own the big corporations have fired tens of millions of middle class Americans, making them poor. They then opened factories in China and India and hired tens of millions of dirt-poor Chinese and Indians. Yeah, so the "tax break" thing is played out and was a lie to begin with. The truth is that back in the 1940s, '50s, '60s and early '70s, top marginal tax rates on the super-rich were 70%, sometimes 90%. And our economy was GREAT back then! We had economic growth TWICE as high as we've had during these last 35 years of slashing taxes on the super-rich. Unemployment was very low back then. America was a prosperous middle class society, the envy of the world. That was our Golden Age! So for starters, we could raise taxes on the millionaires and billionaires. We could also penalize American corporations that fire Americans and/or hire foreigners instead of rewarding them as we do now. We could put a huge import tax on products from countries that don't have the same labor and pollution standards we have. So if a Chinese company wants to pay it's workers slave wages and dump chemicals into the nearest river and spew untreated air pollution into the atmosphere, we will tax their cheap products up to the price level of products made here in America. Problem solved, or at least 90% solved.

  • 10 years ago

    Remove all regulations on every single business. Regulations lead to dead weight loss and inefficiencies. This includes any quotas,"safety regulations" that consumers do not demand naturally in a free market, minimum wage, "discrimination" laws, permits and so on.

    Eliminate 90% of all taxes local, state and federal. Taxes increase prices, which decreases consumer surplus and leads to economic inefficiencies. Consumption makes up 2/3rds of our GDP and by giving consumers their entire pay check instead of stealing hundreds every week, there would be more money to pay off the mortgages, to consume goods and services - thus leading to more company profits, the ability for companies to have more payroll and hire more workers, stocks to rise, more personal savings.

    Cut all budgets by 90% as well. Military and servicemen do not need to be paid to sit on a base in California and Kentucky doing nothing. There is no reason to have an active standing military. The government should not prop up failing businesses, museums or parks. The government should not spend money on research into social sciences. It should not even have social security in place. At a non-compounded interest of 3%, citizens would earn more savings than the average payout of social security.

    Outsourcing jobs is not a problem. It is called specialization of labor and leads to cheaper prices, more consumption at home and leads to higher employment and wages in the service sectors.

    It is really quite simple. The freer the market, the better the economy. No regulations. No taxes. No nationalism (same thing as socialism). Very limited and restricted government.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Abolish the Federal Reserve

    If you do your research you can see the economy is bad ALMOST only because of the current banking system.

    Legalizing all drugs will also help, and allowing more room for competition in the economy is good too.

    With respect, the Fed IS the problem, they took power and separated from the government in the early twentieth century and they regulate themselves. They have been making their own rules, they wrote the system that introduces debt at such an alarming pace. They're smart businessmen out for extra cash that figured out how to rob people legally.

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  • Stinky
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    The only way:

    1. Stop raising the debt ceiling.

    2. Remove legislation that allows us to outsource jobs.

    3. America needs to stop CONSUMING and start PRODUCING.

    4. and most importantley... the top 10% must, MUST, MUST pay their fair share


    1. For example: Stop borrowing money from China to finance quagmires in Afghanistan. But borrowing more money to stop borrowing money is a totally stupid way of thinking.

    2. With 10% unemployment... yes we need that. Maybe limit outsourcing.

    3. I dunno... Aquidian says drugs... maybe we can start there- Marijuana did wonders for California's economy.

    4. The government takes 30% of my paycheck so lets start there. People who make 10 times what I make pay approx. 15% THATS A PROBLEM.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    First we need to get rid of the rigged trade agreements. Second, we need a tax code that makes sense one that is not paid for by big money to exempt their special interest. Three, we need a health care system that cost much less and gets better results (cut out the middleman) . Fourth, we need a energy policy that does not send billions of dollars overseas every month. Fifth, and maybe the most important, we need a political system that is for the betterment of the country rather than the betterment of the politician.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Increase economic freedom!

    Gradually cut almost all government spending and regulations. Downsize government and allow the private sector to absorb them by reducing taxes.

    Cut corporate taxes to zero.

    Remove the minimum wage.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Legalize and tax all drugs. Major revenue booster. Wouldn't fix the economy but it would help. Also universal healthcare. The United States currently spends more on healthcare and covers less people, than countries with universal healthcare.

  • 10 years ago

    I AM VERY SERIOUS ABOUT MY ANSWER: Economist Ludwig Erhard freed the german market after world war 2. It quickly turned around. Read about it! I typed in "a miracle for the ecomony" and found out about Ludwig.

    ."Type into your yahoo search box "God save our economy" theres a great site very colorful there, with videos.

    But what "I" want to tell you is this:

    Things can change in one instant! God can heal our land! Type "700 club- prayer needed for global economies "

    It takes more acknolwleging Him as creator and king. He will give a miracle to our economy and His miracles are awesome. Thats All folks.

    Type: "infinite unknown-economy" into search box ! Its more complicated than we think!

  • 10 years ago

    Many people have asked this. Not just in this website. Answers are offered yet no one important does anything to fix it. Why? Because its all according to plan.

    Source(s): I agree with the other answers
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