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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 10 years ago

Do you believe that God is punishing Texas with natural disasters -?

for the way that Governor Perry and far right extremist 'christian' Conservatives have been behaving? perhaps more specifically, their anti-American rhetoric, their re-interpretation of Jesus Christ's message, and their hatred for President Obama?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why would God feel the need to punish Texas anymore? He already made the Texans live there.

  • 10 years ago

    Let's not bring "God" into this. He has been setting California on fire and hitting it with earthquake after earthquake for decades. I'm afraid if we brought "God" into this things might get ugly.

    Don't get me wrong being that God, clearly, is just a figment of the human mind. I don't like the way some of these Christian conservatives have been behaving and bringing religion into politics either but a significant portion of what comes out of their mouths isn't really anti-American. It's usually Anti-Barack Obama or Anti-Big Government or Anti-Liberalism. Different opinions on the role of government. And some of their opinions dare I say are actually quite pro-American when one begins to study the issues in America and listen to their side without bias. They are hypocritical on some social issues, but it is what it is. I could never in good conscience say that liberals aren't hypocrites either:

    "We must save the environment we'll all die if we don't!" (Turns around and steps onto private jet.)"

    "I believe we should treat everyone as equals in this country, except if you are rich. You are clearly evil if you don't want to give the government money that it historically has been shown to mostly waste due to inefficiency."

    "The problem is Big Business!" (Bails out failing businesses---not just their employees but the actual businesses---and never prosecutes anyone for obvious fraud.)

    "I believe in the American people. The American people know what's best for them...that's why I'm gonna tax smokers harder and then use their money to make it even harder for them to enjoy the product I'm taxing whenever it is politically convenient for me to do so."

    "I believe D.O.M.A. is unconstitutional!" (Doesn't say another word about it, Doesn't fight against it, passes the unconstitutional Obamacare.) [Clearly BOTH are unconstitutional.]

    "Everyone should have a voice unless your against collectivist policies and bigger government"

    "We believe every religion should be embraced." (Bans prayer---not forced prayer but even voluntary prayer---in Public Schools.)

    "I believe the Constitution is a living document, so alive in fact that I can use it to defend any argument I don't like and then completely slam it when passing my unconstitutional agenda!"

    "School vouchers? Hell no! Parents would have choice of what schools they want to send their kids to!"

    "Anti-American actually means Anti-Collectivist, Socialist Policies even if you genuinely DO care about other people's freedoms."

    "Our country was founded on liberty and justice for ALL, well **** that!"

    -What might as well be famous liberal quotes

    Source(s): Vote Libertarian!
  • D.E.M.
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    What anti -American rhetoric? I also have not heard him say he hates Obama just disagrees with him. The re-interpretation on Jesus, I also know nothing about but, how do you think we got the Protestants, Catholics, Christians ,Baptists, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, just to name a few?

  • 10 years ago

    God is not causing these disasters. To a very large extent these natural forces have been operating since the creation of earth. Unforeseen occurrence befalls us all!

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


    Please provide examples to support your contention that Governor Perry is anti-American and said that he hated Obama... It would also be nice to see you come up with examples of his re-interpretation of Christ's message.

    I will say that Texas is one of the most blessed states in the union when it comes to jobs and economic health. They have one of the lowest rates of unemployment and the highest concentration of corporate headquarters of all states. Bottom line, the people are working and providing for their families.

  • 10 years ago

    No. He is punishing America with Barack Obama and the democrats. We have gotten the government we deserve. Alas, Babylon!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No, but sometimes I wonder if God is punishing me by compelling me to read idiotic questions on Y!A.

    Source(s): God doesn't exist
  • Shawn
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I think God is punishing YA with people like you posting stupid stuff.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    No god is not punishing anyone person, city, county, state, or nation.

  • 10 years ago

    nope,God is putting Texas through basic training so they will be ready when he turns the blue states into katrina type natural disasters to wake up the lib dummies...

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