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Christians please...Are you truly thankful for the suffering and affliction that God allows?

We know it is taught in scripture to expect it in many forms, as others that went before us have. Most of us know little about extreme suffering and sacrifice, but some do. Is it hard to sing in prison, so to speak, as Paul did? Do you believe it is a blessing in disguise?

For my part, I do find it difficult @ times, and yes I know in my heart it is a blessing, no matter the pain.

13 Answers

  • Misty
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    <<Are you truly thankful for the suffering and affliction that God allows?>>

    I try to be, it isn't easy.

    But I have found that when I do turn to God in my suffering, accept it as a blessing, he turns it to joy.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Paraphrasing scripture; "But God was not in the storm, or in the earthquake; when these were past, I heard a small, still voice."

    God allows us the strength to endure suffering and affliction, and further, urges us to rise above our pain and help others. It is for the encouragement to be strong that God's servants are thankful.

    "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."

    I have seen it in my lifetime; after the destruction on 9/11, the city of New York was immersed in a miracle of LOVE -- a spirit of community and neighborliness that place had never seen before.

  • 10 years ago

    yes, because who doesn't suffer some kind of pain for the things they want or need even today. Consider the case of Job, before,during and after his sufferings. What a blessing indeed.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    hi Ryan, i used to be a Christian, a southern Baptist, then a fundamentalist Pentecostal. at last, I grew to advance into the happy atheist i'm now. i'm able to assure you you will get solutions claiming "loose will" and "guy further sin and suffering into the international", etc. and that i know I used to have confidence that. I used to have the comparable question you presently have besides as many others. as long as believers can pull the ol', "God works in mysterious techniques" and "loose will!" arguments, there somewhat may be no communication. the two those merely close down communication and close down one's very own thinking, thinking techniques. one ingredient to contemplate which i do no longer have confidence I'ver ever seen further into play until eventually now: whether we settle for that human beings go through because of the sin of Adam and Eve disobeying God, why is it that animals go through? and that i do no longer mean your pets which believers could desire to easily declare are go through to punish the sinful human that cares approximately them, yet why animals interior the wild that no human will ever know approximately. Did God create them with a view to go through? Why? Did he create them to stay in peace? if so, why then do they eat one yet another, die in misery, stay long lingering deaths? And in case you settle for that it rather is "loose will", then, ok the rapist has loose will to rape, yet why does the three 365 days previous female or the 14 365 days previous boy no longer have the comparable "loose will" to no longer be raped? it rather is particularly complicated to contemplate that your perception device may be incorrect, incredibly while it rather is rigged wherein includes a manner as to reason you to have confidence any doubt, any thinking, may be the devil attempting to win you over. I keep in mind the phobia of that. i wish you do no longer go through that comparable worry. This life, the sturdy and the undesirable and each thing in between, is all that all of us know we've. we are able to concentration in this life and this international and do what sturdy we are able to with what time we've, or we are able to spend our lives focusing on the "afterlife" which will no longer exist. stay a life with objective and which capacity in spite of whether there's a god or no longer. Be right here now. that's all all of us know we've. Create your man or woman which capacity. life is sturdy.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No. No one is "thankful" for suffering. I wouldn't want to see anyone suffer, not even an Atheist. The suffering that most people endure is of their own doing one way or another. It's not a gift from God.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    They are not thankful for the suffering and sorrow that God allows, as evidenced by the fact that they call good things that happen "miracles" but not the bad things--- even though they are all equally Gods work and he supposedly doesnt distinguish between the things he does as good or bad. By definition, all things he does are good.

    I have to laugh when someone says "its a miracle" when someone survives a disease or an accident... Think about it. If they had died, wasnt that also Gods will and equally a miracle?

  • 10 years ago

    Salvifici Doloris by John Paul II. You would Love it! Suffering unites us with Christ and with each other.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Yes, I find that without contrast I wouldn't know what the opposite is either. I appreciate health much more knowing that one can come to illness.

  • Rene
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    We grow stronger in our sufferings. I am thankful for everything God does, good or bad.

    Romans 8:28

    And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    God does nothing because he does not exist, it is the human beings still operating out of the reptilian brain that has practically destroyed the planet.

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