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Diarrhea, out of control rash, what am I doing wrong?!?

I've asked a couple questions similar to this, already, but this just keeps going on. Please actually read this before you give a standard "A&D/ baby powder/ brat diet" answer... I've already tried that

My 2 y/o son has had diarrhea and a terrible rash for over a week now. At first I thought it was just a bug, but w/ no fever or vomitting, then I thought it was because of his molars that are coming in, now I'm just not sure. We've been to the doctor once, called the doctor a couple more times, but they keep brushing it off as nothing. I've tried the BRATY diet and probiotic chewables for diarrhea, heavy duty OTC rash cream, prescription rash cream, baby powder, and letting him run naked as much as possible for the rash, but nothing is helping, and I can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong!

His rash is starting to get out of control, with areas that will bleed a little, and rash even on his scrotum. It's terribly painful whenever he has a poo, and then it's almost impossible to change him because he writhes around, screaming in pain when I try to clean it, as gentle as I'm being (I've even tried not using wipes, but washing in luke-warm running water instead, but nothing seems to help with the pain of cleaning him up for a new diaper) I've tried explaining that if he'll poo on the potty it won't be as bad, but he won't go for that :(

It hurts me to see him in so much pain, and not be able to give him things like milk when he asks since the milk only makes it worse. He's never had a diaper rash in his life, so maybe this really is normal? Should I see a different doctor, or just keep waiting this out? How long should I expect this to last?

Thanks in advance.


@fuzzy. if you'd actually read, we've already been to the doctor, and i've called a few times to see if they want me to bring him in again.. and btw, he's not dehydrating. don't you think that i would already know that diarrhea can cause dehydration? he's taking in plenty of fluids - pedialyte, gatorade, water, and soy milk, which the doctor suggested as an alternate to cows milk. he's perfectly hydrated, so why don't you stop giving stupid answers when people are asking for honest advice after already being at the doctor.

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep him on the BRAT diet and try giving him Pedialyte. That will help him stay hydrated. You can get pre-made liquid, or powdered, or popsicles. They come in different flavors so hopefully you can find something he'll like.

    As for the diaper rash, this comes from our pediatrician after baby had the same thing. The rash happens due to the acidic diarrhea. You want to try to cut the acid. First, give him a bath and put 1/2 cup baking soda in the tub. Let him stay in it for at least 15 min. Then pat (not rub) him dry. That will help. You can even get some antacid at the drug store, like for heartburn, and dab a little on his behind and let it dry. Just make sure you don't get any mint or flavored kind.

    Also, sunshine is great as long as it's not so hot he'll burn. Let him have some naked time, preferably outside, but inside is good to. Air will also help.

    I've never tried it, but I've heard that an oatmeal bath will help to. You take regular, uncooked oatmeal and grind it to a powder in the blender or coffe grinder or whateverf. Then put about a cut in a tub for a bath.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    First off I'm sorry this is going on. I know how hard it is to see him go through this.

    It does sound like a stomach virus. The diarrhea is very acidic which is why it is causing the rash. It is pretty much burning the skin. I'm sure the diarrhea smells pretty sour too. That should be the clue to the acidic stuff causing the rash.

    My kids had viruses like this too. I remember then going through it.

    I have a poor immune system & I too have actually had that problem too. Just going to the restroom caused open sores on my bottom near the anus. I actually had to lay on my side for a few days because it hurt to even sit.

    The virus needs to run it's course. That is what we were told. But if this diarrhea has been going on for a week now it should have already run it's course. At least I would think so.

    You say he has been to the doctor once & you've made a few more calls. I'd say go in & see him again. This way he can see for him self how worse this is. Also offer to bring in a stool sample for them to run tests on.

    When changing a diaper or cleaning him off I'd suggest using a squirt bottle. This way you won't have to wipe which makes the skin even more sore. Plus as you said it is pretty painful. So using a squirt bottle to help wash away an solid stool will clean it then use a soft dry towel or something just to pat dry him. It will be hard since you have to hold him down. I remember doing this with my kids when they had it too. I had to use one arm to hold them down and one arm to clean them up the best I could.

    I'd also say keep up with the BRAT diet. Potatoes, toast, Popsicles for fluid but if you can try to find some that are lower in acid since his tummy is still upset, rice, spoon feed him soup or anything else plain.

    Source(s): homeschooling mom of 3 - my kids had a diaper rash like this and I actually once got a bad rash after a bad stomach virus
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Ow, poor little thing.

    I know it doesn't feel like "only", but it is only a week. You're doing the right things - they just take time. Keep going with the BRAT diet and the prescription rash cream (did you ask the pharmacist if it's okay to put barrier cream over the top of it? If not, do that now.)

    I would take a picture of it now and take another one in two days - it's almost impossible to judge worse and better just from memory. If it's not getting better in two days then call the doctor and say you need him to be seen again because you are concerned that his rash is getting infected.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It defiantly appears like your doing all of the proper matters. Both my children have long gone via this "bloody booty" diaper rash. I spotted it was once in view that they have been consuming plenty of fruit and it made their poo extra acidic, inflicting the terrible rash. Make definite your son is not consuming acidic meals at the same time the rash continues to be there. I too attempted all of the lotions/ointments in the market or even acquired a prescription cream from the health care professional. What I located to paintings pleasant is Neosporin. After all, it IS an open wound if its bleeding and it helped heal the ones blisters. I used a petrol jelly (Aquafer is my fav) at the relaxation of the subject on account that it now not handiest is helping heal the rash, nevertheless it acts as a barrier while the diaper will get rainy once more. Since this has long gone on for see you later, I could provide him a few pedialite on account that diarrhea can dehydrate your frame. Also preserve him consuming transparent beverages with a view to aid flush his method if this can be a malicious program. Lastly, I could name his pediatrician once more. It is not healthful to have diarrhea that lengthy and if he/she nonetheless wont aid, then I could uncover a brand new one. Your son could also be allergic to whatever and a pediatrician must be equipped to aid. Good good fortune..I desire your son heals up quickly!

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    He may have a food allergy of some kind. His digestive system may be extra sensitive to lactose, sugars or acidic foods.

    If you feel like your son's current physician isn't doing the job well, then seek out a second opinion.

    Until then, I'd use luke warm soapy water and wash rags to clean him for now. They are more mild on the skin. Keep diaper rash cream or petroleum jelly on his red areas and keep him as dry and clean as possible. Keep him hydrated with water or pedialyte. Keep on with the BRAT diet.

    I hope he feels better soon. I know how hard it is to see your child hurting :(

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    For the diarrhea, continue on with the BRAT diet and pedialyte.

    For the rash, make a paste out of Cornstarch and water (or vaseline). Spread it like a cream. It helps for severe rashes.

    It can take 10 days for a bug to be completely flushed out our little ones. If it continues one, I consult another doctor.

  • 10 years ago

    what are you doing wrong??? you are killing your baby!!!! you are not taking him to a doctor and are spending your ignorant *** time asking dumb questions here!!! diarrhea for extended periods in babies can kill them,, he is dehydrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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