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Barbara H

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  • Car wash made my blower motor work?

    I have an 02 jeep grand cherokee special edition. over a year ago i started having issues with my ac/heat fan. for a while, it would only work intermittently, then after several weeks it would only work on high.

    then about a month ago i started losing high every once in a while, until it cut out all together. sometimes i could get it to work by banging on the dash, and then nothing would help.

    i figured it was either my resistor or blower motor, but was waiting for enough time to be able to take things apart and figure out what exactly was the problem.

    today i took it through an automatic car wash. when i went through the wind area at the very end, viola! i have air again on not only high, but also all of the other settings.

    now i'm just wondering how long this will last, and what exactly could be wrong with it so i can permanently fix it if it goes out again.

    anybody know what this could be?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • 2002 grand cherokee blower motor issues?

    I have an 02 jeep grand cherokee special edition. over a year ago i started having issues with my ac/heat fan. for a while, it would only work intermittently, then after several weeks it would only work on high.

    then about a month ago i started losing high every once in a while, until it cut out all together. sometimes i could get it to work by banging on the dash, and then nothing would help.

    i figured it was either my resistor or blower motor, but was waiting for enough time to be able to take things apart and figure out what exactly was the problem.

    today i took it through an automatic car wash. when i went through the wind area at the very end, viola! i have air again on not only high, but also all of the other settings.

    now i'm just wondering how long this will last, and what exactly could be wrong with it so i can permanently fix it if it goes out again.

    anybody know what this could be?

    2 AnswersJeep7 years ago
  • My 3 year old can't jump?

    He can only jump maybe an inch off the ground, but can't jump off of things (even just a short step) Is this normal? Are there any ways I can get him to finally? I don't even think it's that he can't, he's just afraid, and very cautious.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Sold a car - now I'm getting their traffic tickets!?

    I sold a car in march, right before my tags were due to expire. Now, seven months later, I've been receiving tickets in the mail, because the car is still apparently in my name. They never switched the title over, but apparently managed to renew the tags (checked with the tag agency, and they're up to date). I've talked to the tag agency, and police, and no one can do anything for me. I never thought as the seller that I would need a bill of sale, since it was a cash purchase. I also never made a copy of the signed title, so I have zero proof that I've sold the car. It's looking like I have no options, aside from filing for a lost title and reporting it stolen (which I don't want to do). I just don't want this kicking me in the butt anymore, and I'm afraid of what else could come back on me, if the car is ever involved in a wreck. I was told I could file a form if I have the address of the person I sold to (which I don't have), but that form wouldn't even get the car out of my name, it would just put a flag on the title to where they can't renew the tags again without it being transferred over.

    We've contacted the people we sold it to, but they have since skipped town, and sold the car to a third party, and they're not willing to give us any more information.

    Does anyone know of any options I have? I just want to be out from under this car once and for all.

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • bleeding with mirena?

    i've had mirena since my son was born, and haven't had a period since oct. 2009. every few months i'll have very slight spotting, but nothing ever heavy enough for a liner. a few weeks ago, i had spotting, but it was more than usual. then, today i started some fairly heavy bleeding (no more than what my periods were though). i have no cramping, and no other symptoms at all.

    anyone know if this is normal? should i be taking a preg test, or seeing my gyno, or just wait it out?


    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • rogue vista antivirus?

    so i got this rogue antivirus. i can only use my computer in safe mode. i've tried everything i can think of to rid it. the first time i ran a virus scanner it popped up with the virus, i sent it to quarantine, but it didn't work for some reason. since then, i've run full scan of malwarebytes, AVG, Avast, and i've tried doing a system restore. none of the scanners are showing any viruses anymore, but it's obviously still screwed up, because when i try to start my computer normally, i get the blue screen, and my computer automatically shuts down.

    anyone know of anything i can do myself, aside from taking it somewhere?

    3 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • how to get my son to poo in the potty?

    my son is 2 1/2 and refuses to poo in the potty. he pees, and will stay dry if i take him every hour or so, but just won't poo. i know, i know, boys take longer than girls, etc. etc. but he understands where poop is supposed to go, asks for a diaper when he needs to poop, etc, and i really think he should be doing it now. he's done it a few times (3 within the past 6 months) if i catch him in the act and set him on the potty, he puts it in reverse, and clenches up...

    what can i do???????

    don't harp on me for this next question, cause i'm just asking.. . for those parents who don't believe that spanking is wrong, (and i'm talking spanking, not beating) would spanking be an option, since he's outright refusing? i.e. i ask him if he needs to poo, he says 'yes'. i tell him to go in the potty, and he says 'no' and shakes his head and hands me the diaper... and i'm only considering spanking after the fact - not spanking if he won't go, but maybe a light swat if he poos in his diaper? make sense? or would that be detremental to my efforts?

    any other advice or encouragement?


    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • stretch mark creams - what works?

    for the moms who got stretch marks, did you find any stretch mark lotions that actually work? i've tried a couple, but i'm not seeing any results, and getting dissappointed.


    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • stretch mark creams - what works?

    for the moms who got stretc marks, did you find any stretch mark lotions that actually work? i've tried a couple, but i'm not seeing any results, and getting dissappointed.


    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • spoiled 2 year old starting daycare soon?

    i'm starting a new job soon at a daycare. until now, i've been a SAHM with my just turned 2 year old son. he's an only child, and spoiled - very picky about food (he only eats crackers, potatoes and applesauce - everything else is "yucky"), and naptime (he takes good naps, but only for me, and only in his own bed. when we visit grandparents, he gets very upset and screams at naptime)

    other than that, he really is a good kid, easy-going, well tempered, well mannered (please and thankyou, apologizing without being asked if he accidentally does something wrong or knocks over another kid while playing chase).

    he's never been in daycare before. he's been away from me with sitters, even overnight, and for a couple weeks when i had a military reserve obligation, and he's fine with that - no seperation anxiety... but i'm worried about everything else as soon as he starts full-time daycare. i've been trying to work with him on things, and i know that i've made some mistakes (it's no one elses fault but mine that he's spoiled about some things) but i need some advice about how to get him ready for this, and some info on what i should expect?

    thanks in advance, and please no nasty answers about how i shouldn't have spoiled him.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • spoiled 2 year old starting daycare soon?

    i'm starting a new job soon at a daycare. until now, i've been a SAHM with my just turned 2 year old son. he's an only child, and spoiled - very picky about food (he only eats crackers, potatoes and applesauce - everything else is "yucky"), and naptime (he takes good naps, but only for me, and only in his own bed. when we visit grandparents, he gets very upset and screams at naptime)

    other than that, he really is a good kid, easy-going, well tempered, well mannered (please and thankyou, apologizing without being asked if he accidentally does something wrong or knocks over another kid while playing chase).

    he's never been in daycare before. he's been away from me with sitters, even overnight, and for a couple weeks when i had a military reserve obligation, and he's fine with that - no seperation anxiety... but i'm worried about everything else as soon as he starts full-time daycare. i've been trying to work with him on things, and i know that i've made some mistakes (it's no one elses fault but mine that he's spoiled about some things) but i need some advice about how to get him ready for this, and some info on what i should expect?

    thanks in advance, and please no nasty answers about how i shouldn't have spoiled him.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • dog flea treatment and my toddler?

    I have an old black lab who's usually an outside dog, but lately we've been having a few strays around, they gave him fleas, so now i have an issue. i gave him a flea treatent last night (the kind where you squeeze the gel stuff along the back), and for now he's inside.. but i'm wondering if it's going to be a problem for my 2 year old. whenever the dog is inside, my son climbs all over him gives him kisses, etc. etc... is the residue that's still on him (you can still see the line where i treated) harmful to my son at all? or should i keep him away from the dog for another day or two?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • dog flea treatment and my toddler?

    I have an old black lab who's usually an outside dog, but lately we've been having a few strays around, they gave him fleas, so now i have an issue. i gave him a flea treatent last night (the kind where you squeeze the gel stuff along the back), and for now he's inside.. but i'm wondering if it's going to be a problem for my 2 year old. whenever the dog is inside, my son climbs all over him gives him kisses, etc. etc... is the residue that's still on him (you can still see the line where i treated) harmful to my son at all? or should i keep him away from the dog for another day or two?

    1 AnswerDogs10 years ago
  • Diarrhea, out of control rash, what am i doing wrong?!?

    I've asked a couple questions similar to this, already, but this just keeps going on. Please actually read this before you give a standard "A&D/ baby powder/ brat diet" answer... I've already tried that

    My 2 y/o son has had diarrhea and a terrible rash for over a week now. At first I thought it was just a bug, but w/ no fever or vomitting, then I thought it was because of his molars that are coming in, now I'm just not sure. We've been to the doctor once, called the doctor a couple more times, but they keep brushing it off as nothing. I've tried the BRATY diet and probiotic chewables for diarrhea, heavy duty OTC rash cream, prescription rash cream, baby powder, and letting him run naked as much as possible for the rash, but nothing is helping, and I can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong!

    His rash is starting to get out of control, with areas that will bleed a little, and rash even on his scrotum. It's terribly painful whenever he has a poo, and then it's almost impossible to change him because he writhes around, screaming in pain when I try to clean it, as gentle as I'm being (I've even tried not using wipes, but washing in luke-warm running water instead, but nothing seems to help with the pain of cleaning him up for a new diaper) I've tried explaining that if he'll poo on the potty it won't be as bad, but he won't go for that :(

    It hurts me to see him in so much pain, and not be able to give him things like milk when he asks since the milk only makes it worse. He's never had a diaper rash in his life, so maybe this really is normal? Should I see a different doctor, or just keep waiting this out? How long should I expect this to last?

    Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Diarrhea, out of control rash, what am I doing wrong?!?

    I've asked a couple questions similar to this, already, but this just keeps going on. Please actually read this before you give a standard "A&D/ baby powder/ brat diet" answer... I've already tried that

    My 2 y/o son has had diarrhea and a terrible rash for over a week now. At first I thought it was just a bug, but w/ no fever or vomitting, then I thought it was because of his molars that are coming in, now I'm just not sure. We've been to the doctor once, called the doctor a couple more times, but they keep brushing it off as nothing. I've tried the BRATY diet and probiotic chewables for diarrhea, heavy duty OTC rash cream, prescription rash cream, baby powder, and letting him run naked as much as possible for the rash, but nothing is helping, and I can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong!

    His rash is starting to get out of control, with areas that will bleed a little, and rash even on his scrotum. It's terribly painful whenever he has a poo, and then it's almost impossible to change him because he writhes around, screaming in pain when I try to clean it, as gentle as I'm being (I've even tried not using wipes, but washing in luke-warm running water instead, but nothing seems to help with the pain of cleaning him up for a new diaper) I've tried explaining that if he'll poo on the potty it won't be as bad, but he won't go for that :(

    It hurts me to see him in so much pain, and not be able to give him things like milk when he asks since the milk only makes it worse. He's never had a diaper rash in his life, so maybe this really is normal? Should I see a different doctor, or just keep waiting this out? How long should I expect this to last?

    Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • yeast diaper rash treatment?

    my 2 year old has a diaper rash that is starting to turn into a yeast/thrush infection. is there any home remedy for this, like, could i put plain yogurt on it instead of rash cream, or anything else i can do rather than getting a prescription?

    not that i'm against getting a prescription, if that's what he needs, but if there's something easier and cheaper that wouldn't require a trip to the doctor, i'd rather try that first.


    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • yeast diaper rash treatment?

    my 2 year old has a diaper rash that is starting to turn into a yeast/thrush infection. is there any home remedy for this, like, could i put plain yogurt on it instead of rash cream, or anything else i can do rather than getting a prescription?

    not that i'm against getting a prescription, if that's what he needs, but if there's something easier and cheaper that wouldn't require a trip to the doctor, i'd rather try that first.


    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • diarrhea in toddler for a week?

    my son just turned two, and has had diarrhea for six days now. i took him to the doctor on day two, and they just said to do the brat diet, and gave a scrip for medicated diaper rash cream. now, after six days, he still has the diarrhea, he still has a terrible diaper rash, and the medicated cream doesn't seem to be helping. he hasn't had a fever or been vomitting at all, and he doesn't seem to be getting dehydrated - he's drinking plenty, and acting like a normal two year old.

    but.. this diarrhea just won't let up. what can i do? should we go back to the doctor again, even though it's likely they won't be able to do anything for it?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • potty train? or should i hold off a little longer?

    my son just turned 2 in july. he's getting very good at peeing in the potty (i try to take him frequently, and when i do, he will always go, and gets soo excited about it, however, he still won't tell me if he needs to go. he seems perfectly fine with wetting his underwear, and then staying in it until i notice)

    he absolutely refuses to poo on the potty. i think it's just because it's a position he's not used to, but even if i catch him right before a poo, if i put him on the potty, he will stop, and put it in reverse, and eventually constipate himself. he has no problem sitting there, he just won't do his business.

    he likes to wear big boy underwear, and he loves to pee in the potty, but nothing else.. should i stop trying to work with him on it and wait a few months, or just keep washing dozens of wet underwear during the day, and hope he catches on?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago