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Diarrhea, out of control rash, what am i doing wrong?!?

I've asked a couple questions similar to this, already, but this just keeps going on. Please actually read this before you give a standard "A&D/ baby powder/ brat diet" answer... I've already tried that

My 2 y/o son has had diarrhea and a terrible rash for over a week now. At first I thought it was just a bug, but w/ no fever or vomitting, then I thought it was because of his molars that are coming in, now I'm just not sure. We've been to the doctor once, called the doctor a couple more times, but they keep brushing it off as nothing. I've tried the BRATY diet and probiotic chewables for diarrhea, heavy duty OTC rash cream, prescription rash cream, baby powder, and letting him run naked as much as possible for the rash, but nothing is helping, and I can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong!

His rash is starting to get out of control, with areas that will bleed a little, and rash even on his scrotum. It's terribly painful whenever he has a poo, and then it's almost impossible to change him because he writhes around, screaming in pain when I try to clean it, as gentle as I'm being (I've even tried not using wipes, but washing in luke-warm running water instead, but nothing seems to help with the pain of cleaning him up for a new diaper) I've tried explaining that if he'll poo on the potty it won't be as bad, but he won't go for that :(

It hurts me to see him in so much pain, and not be able to give him things like milk when he asks since the milk only makes it worse. He's never had a diaper rash in his life, so maybe this really is normal? Should I see a different doctor, or just keep waiting this out? How long should I expect this to last?

Thanks in advance.

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like you are doing everything right with the rash treatment. Definitely don't wipe him if you can avoid it. I'd stand him in the tub and rinse him off like that. It will be a mess, but better for him.

    My son had rash like that the first month of his life. I found that blow drying his bottom really helped. Seriously, with a blow dryer on low heat. My family thought I was crazy, but it got him dry. Plus you have to change him as soon as he gets wet. The more dry you can keep him the better.

    If he's bleeding from his rash and its been over a week with no improvement, then I would take him back to the dr. They can prescribe better cream than what you can buy. IF they blow you off again, then yes see a different dr. No one should have diarrhea for more than a week, or have to be in pain that long!

    Did you change something up in his routine? New diapers, new wipes? Sometimes that helps make the rash even worse.

    Finally, the combo that works best with my son and his extremely sensitive bottom is Tri-Derma Triple Severe Diaper Rash Cream AND Baby Anti-Monkey Butt Diaper Rash Powder. I've found in the last 2 years that the powder really does help a ton. I usually have to order them online though, since they are hard to find in stores.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It defiantly sounds like your doing all the right things. Both my kids have gone through this "bloody booty" diaper rash. I noticed it was because they were eating a lot of fruit and it made their poo more acidic, causing the horrible rash. Make sure your son isn't eating acidic foods while the rash is still there.

    I too tried all the creams/ointments out there and even got a prescription cream from the doctor. What I found to work best is Neosporin. After all, it IS an open wound if its bleeding and it helped heal those blisters. I used a petroleum jelly (Aquafer is my fav) on the rest of the area since it not only helps heal the rash, but it acts as a barrier when the diaper gets wet again.

    Since this has gone on for so long, I would give him some pedialite since diarrhea can dehydrate your body. Also keep him drinking clear liquids which will help flush his system if it is a bug.

    Lastly, I would call his pediatrician again. It isn't healthy to have diarrhea that long and if he/she still wont help, then I would find a new one. Your son may be allergic to something and a pediatrician should be able to help.

    Good luck..I hope your son heals up soon!

  • 10 years ago

    Have you tried corn starch to dry out the rash and soothe it? My mom swears by this and it worked when my nephew had bad diaper rash from diarrhea. Let it air out as much as possible. Use only luke warm water and a soft cloth to clean him after going potty. Be very gentle and blot more than wipe. Dry him off well and apply the corn starch liberally. It won't irritate him and it will dry out the rash. I would take him to another doctor to get a second opinion on any food allergies or stomach issues. Use neosporin or A&D ointment for the cracked areas...or perhaps bag balm, which is for painful cracked skin?

    Source(s): Trying to come up with other ideas for you... Good Luck and I hope he feels better
  • 10 years ago

    I was first going to say pull him off dairy. he could be having a reaction to milk (diarrhea, rash)

    let him go naked as much as you can, his bum needs to air out.

    and i would call your dr again if its been a few days. because i would be worried the rash could now be a yeast infection or something which wont clear up on its own.

    the rash cream also could be making it worse switch to plain a&d ointment or aquaphor.

    stick with the brat diet too. and push fluids like crazy so he doesn't get dehydrated,

    we went through this with my son too. I am sorry!

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    initially i'm sorry this is going on. i recognize how annoying that's to work out him bypass by this. It does sound like a abdomen virus. The diarrhea is amazingly acidic that's why that's inflicting the rash. that's fairly lots burning the exterior. i'm particular the diarrhea smells fairly bitter too. that could desire to be the clue to the acidic stuff inflicting the rash. My young toddlers had viruses like this too. I undergo in concepts then dealing with it. I also have a poor immune device & I too have actually had that situation too. only going to the restroom brought about open sores on my backside close to the anus. i individually had to place on my area for some days simply by fact it harm to even sit down. The virus desires to run that is course. that's what we've been informed. yet while this diarrhea has been happening for each week now it might desire to have already run that is course. a minimum of i might think of so. you're saying he has been to the physician as quickly as & you have made some greater calls. i might say bypass in & see him back. this way he can see for him self how worse that's. additionally grant to usher in a stool pattern for them to run exams on. while changing a diaper or cleansing him off i might propose making use of a squirt bottle. this way you will no longer might desire to wipe which makes the exterior much greater sore. Plus as you mentioned that's fairly painful. So making use of a squirt bottle to assist wash away an stable stool will sparkling it then use a mild dry towel or something just to pat dry him. that's going to be annoying for the reason which you may desire to hold him down. I undergo in concepts doing this with my young toddlers while that they had it too. I had to apply one arm to hold them down and one arm to bathe them up the terrific i ought to. i might additionally say save up with the BRAT eating recurring. Potatoes, toast, Popsicles for fluid yet once you are able to attempt to discover some that are decrease in acid for the reason that his tummy remains upset, rice, spoon feed him soup or the rest straightforward.

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