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potty train? or should i hold off a little longer?

my son just turned 2 in july. he's getting very good at peeing in the potty (i try to take him frequently, and when i do, he will always go, and gets soo excited about it, however, he still won't tell me if he needs to go. he seems perfectly fine with wetting his underwear, and then staying in it until i notice)

he absolutely refuses to poo on the potty. i think it's just because it's a position he's not used to, but even if i catch him right before a poo, if i put him on the potty, he will stop, and put it in reverse, and eventually constipate himself. he has no problem sitting there, he just won't do his business.

he likes to wear big boy underwear, and he loves to pee in the potty, but nothing else.. should i stop trying to work with him on it and wait a few months, or just keep washing dozens of wet underwear during the day, and hope he catches on?


i know he understands, because when he pees and we go to change his wet underwear, he says "no pee buzz, pee potty" (he has buzz lightyear underwear, and i've told him buzz doesn't like to be peed on), and when i change a dirty diaper, he'll say "poo go in potty", so he definitely understands what's supposed to be happening.... i think with the pee, he just gets distracted, and then doesn't mind being wet, and with the poo, he's just scared of pushing it out on the potty... is there any way i can help him not be so scared of a poo, and help him understand his urge to go pee, i guess?

btw, i don't reprimand him, i don't punish him, he gets lots of rewards when he does well, and i just kindly remind him of the right thing to do when he wets or poos in his pants.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once you've started potty training you should not stop otherwise your going to confuse him. You have to stay commited, keep him in underwear from now on. Night time is ok to be in a nappy.

    Maybe try him on an actual toilet (with a converter seat)

    Sit him on the potty/toilet after each accident so he knows where to go. Try to encourage him to tell you about the accident if he does one. He has control over his bowels if he stops himself from doing a poo so he definitely is ready. It may even take him a couple of messy accidents in his underwear to understand that pooing on the potty/toilet feels a lot better than in your underwear.

    Try incorporating potty training into his play. Buy a potty just for play and get a doll and pretend it has done a poo on the potty, praise the doll, put the poo in the toilet etc.

    Find books about potty training and read them with him.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I started early training with my daughter when she turned 2 in Feb... at first she was super excited about it (I could tell she wanted to be like mommy), and then I let her pick out her big girl panties at the store. All of a sudden, a couple months ago, she stopped being interested. She would pee in her diapers without telling me she needed to be changed, and whenever I ask (still) if she wants to try to use the potty, she says no. I decided to back off and wait until she seems more ready and willing. She understands what it is, how to do it, and that it's what "big girls" do, but she doesn't know how to tell me before she goes yet. I'll keep trying in a month or so, but she still just may not be ready!

    I disagree with the people who say stopping once you've started will just confuse them. If they're not ready, they're not ready. It's worth waiting until they are than forcing them to go through with something that their brains just can't comprehend quite yet.

    Good luck. :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    stopping now would confuse him you are supposed to be consistent when potty training..try asking him every once in a while if he has to go pee, he'll tell you yes i bet,..then eventually he will tell far as poo..i really don't know, i know it sounds gross but maybe let him start going..then rush him there..seems like it would be harder to stop once you're at that point..also sounds like you're using diapers and underwear? try just underwear going back and forth can be confusing too

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    put him in pull ups and keep him in them until he learns. i am the last person that any my friends would think to say this but i learned jto go to the potty cause my mom told me next time i peed in my pants she was going to beat me so i sat on the toilet forever and i told my mom i didnt have to go potty and she was like fine than i got up and peed on the floor she spanked me and i never did it agian i have been potty trained ever since. so dont be abusive but maybe ur not demanding enough and praise him every time he goes give him a specail treat sometimes that is all it takes but def dont hold back cause he will never learn he is at the age to start learning just keep him in pull ups it takes a while for them to get the hang of it

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    dont stop hes making good progress, u will take 100steps backwards if you stop it now. i had my twins daughters potty trained at 18 months, theyre two in september and only have a nappy of a night now, and they very rarely wee in it. good luck! its all about persistence.

  • 10 years ago

    Just keep at it. It sounds like he's perfectly ready he just needs more practice. one day soon he'll start telling you he needs to go and hating being wet and especially poopy.

    Source(s): potty trained my girls at 18 months
  • 10 years ago

    i think you should hold off maybe a year or 2..until he is about 3 and a half...kid brains develop with their age and they may not understand some things until a couple of months later.

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