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Christians: do you ever find yourself imagining what heaven will be like?

describe what you think heaven will be like.

someone tried to delete this when i asked it last time but yahoo overturned it. but i felt like asking it again.

23 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    When I can't sleep,I do this. It's so sweet and relaxes me enough to drift off to sleep. Better than pills and so much more edifying! I think of walking on street's of gold, the throne of God,the river of life below it.

    Throwing my crowns at Jesus feet,Being whole again,no imperfections Seeing and communing with the Saints and my loved ones long ago parted especially my Son and soul mate Husband.

    Listening to the Angelic choir sing hauntingly beautiful and poignant praises to God.( My favorite).Worshiping my God and creator.

    Receiving all answers,my tears wiped away from mourning my loved ones who didn't make it leaving New Jerusalem after.receiving my mansion and vineyard, Living in the restored Garden of Eden. Living in Harmony and peace and Love forever more. Before I know it-it's morning yeah...

    Source(s): The Holy Bible kjv too many verses to cite.
  • mytube
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I'm not a christian but still believe in the, as we're suppose to the original bible, torah, gospel, etc, etc and all the prophets like Muhammed (s.a.w), Jesus (pbuh), etc, etc, etc. In heaven you will have whatever your heart desires. Also another thing the lowest grade in heaven that a person gets will be like 10 times better than of this Earth it's general but I guess just try to think of the best thing to do on Earth or something that is very popular like with the millions or billions of people and times it by 10 or something like that. And also in Heaven things are going to see more real instead of seeing with your eyes you will see with your soul too whether you believe it or not so I guess it'll be way better than hd tv or something. Anyway sry if I didn't answer this question properly, take care.

    Source(s): Muslim
  • 10 years ago

    As an atheist, I believe the the concept of heaven is a poorly-thought-out collection of unrealistic fantasies used to lure people to waste their ONLY life not accomplishing anything at all. It keeps the middle and lower classes happy in society ("Religion is the Opiate of the Masses" - Karl Marx) by assuring them that they won't have to work for anything anymore, and will get luxury goods and superpowers for free. If gold were as abundant as, say, aluminum, it would have significantly less value. It's essentially a canvas for people to paint their selfish fantasies. Another problem with heaven is that it would get boring after the first few million years, perhaps you would like it to end. Too bad... you're in this for eternity upon eternity. Eventually, you will have done everything, met everyone, every possible event is an inevitability since we're talking about eternity here. It gets even worse.. if you thought political corruption was bad in America, or the USSR, you haven't seen nothing yet. Heaven is ruled by an omnipresent supposedly-omnibenevolent being who watches you even when you're taking a dump. Privacy in Heaven is nonexistent, ruled by a divine force who makes the rules, and is resistant to changes in morals. This government would never, ever change. The very values of freedom and democracy that bible-thumpers love do not exist in Heaven.

  • Greg
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    The present perception of "Heaven" is one of misconception based on the many misinterpretation of scripture. Much like the existence of "Hell" which is something that is describing the painful world we are living in. Society is the evil against the spiritual God. We are spiritual as well. Our bodies are the illusion because they are part of this world. Our spirits are not. Nothing anyone does in this world can destroy our spiritual being. But they can drag us away from God, which hurts us spiritually. Having this perception on life gives a different idea about what's important. Focusing on "heaven" is what people who are spiritually threatened do. They don't walk with God. So they think he lies beyond this life "somewhere". He's already here.

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  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No. Life is life, and death is death. The person I am now is the person I'll be if needing a resurrection.

    Those who inherit heaven receive the heavenly kind of body; still, they are who they were; they do not eat in heaven, but they do the work they must do. Those who receive a resurrection into Paradise likewise will live on a cleansed earth; they also shall go about their daily business but without the chaff of this world to endanger them; otherwise, they live human lives as before in service to Christ.

  • elyon
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I read about it just yesterday. The throne where God sits: very bright and beautiful light is the appearance of God on His throne, with a rainbow surrounding it...thunder and lightening and voices come from the throne...a river (the water of life) comes out of the middle of it, which appears as crystal, and the tree of life with 12 different kinds of fruit grows on each side of it....there are 7 lamps in front of the throne of God, which are the seven spirits of God...there are 24 seats around the throne area, with 24 "elders" sitting there, each wearing crowns of gold...there are thousands upon thousands of angels everywhere...there are the redeemed from all nations there, all in joyful fellowship, in white linen...and it is a place where there is no more death or pain or tears, for all the former things are gone is always day, the light provided by the brightness of God Himself and the Lamb, Jesus Christ...believers are wearing crowns given to them for their works, some one, some several, and we will gladly throw them before the throne in worship of the One who sought us out of the world and purchased us by His blood...

    this is just the beginning, and there will be no end... I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Beautiful in every way, perfect unity in the spirit instead of people constantly finger pointing at you, and attacking you will get love and joy and peace. Fantastic music, being in the presence of the Lord will be the most glorious thing, and you will be welcomed by all those who blessed you while you were on earth. The colors there are brighter than here on earth and more colors. So many glorious things to see there!

  • Karl
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    The bible describes hell like this:

    Hell is like this: Picture jumping into molten lava without being able to die. You can not see, hear, talk, or anything but pain. All that pain from molten liquid all over your body. Just putting your foot in it would burn your foot instantly off. Everyone will have a body that can not die, so this pain and burning can not kill this body. Just the enormous pain of burning and never seeing for an eternity.

    And now for better things like heaven: I think (but not is said in the bible about it all) heaven will be different for all of us. Because your perfect life is different then my perfect life. So you will have yours and I will have mine. Though the bible does not say this it makes sense because God is good to us.

    So I will have my perfect life forever and ever and you yours and others theirs. I do not know how it all works with rewards and treasures and such but they come into all this as well. So some can have many rewards and treasures waiting for them, and if some have much some will have nothing at all for their life choices and doings.

    God nor the bible has told me much of this, but this would be good and God is good and it makes sense that you have what is perfect for you and I have my perfect life as well.

    Once again, not biblical just my opinion. But it truly makes sense and may be how it is as well. But we can not know and the bible does not say much about heaven.

    bless you.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Heaven to me would be a place that would instantly click on something that makes me happy instantly for eternity constantly.It feels like I would have another life in heaven.Just without the bad things,or the troubles.Not sure how heaven's really like,but thats how I can image it.I'd never get sick of it.

  • 10 years ago

    I have had a taste of heaven through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of God sent down from heaven to dwell in me and to dwell among the saints. So I have some idea; but what for me is today only a drink of water will in that day be an Ocean to swim in.......

    "But, as it is written,

    "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,

    nor the heart of man imagined,

    what God has prepared for those who love him"—

    these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. "

    I Corinthians 2:9-12

    listen what God showed this man......

    Source(s): have you received the gift of God?
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