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How does a person's perception of right and wrong influence them spiritually?

in terms of heaven/hell/karma, etc? I'm interested in how people of different faiths/belief systems conceptualise this.


Oh, sorry, I realise that may not have been very clear. When I said "heaven/hell/karma" I didn't just mean that in future tense. I'm also referring to how perception and behaviour influence them spiritually (or energetically) right now (as well as in the future, if you think that's relevant).

Thank you everyone.

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    When one lives Spirituality, he perceive no right or wrong, good or bad, heaven or hell, all is one. I suppose his perception is null and void as well (I really hadn't thought about that one).

    As per Karma, I believe, what goes around - comes around. It is the energy one projects (positive or negative) that reverberates and comes back full circle. Living spirituality, one is all that is positive, loving and good, because he is one with The One Who IS/ :D

    Peace and Blessings

  • 10 years ago

    Well MumOf5 you ask interesting questions. I will answer from my "Christian" point of view, since you were asking for a variety of views based on our different faith/belief systems.

    I believe it is the opposite of how you state the question. That it is our spirituality that influences our perception of right and wrong... that though we may have from birth a rudimentary understanding of good and evil, we need the Holy Spirit (which is very different from what the New Age person believes regarding a guardian angel) within us to help us perceive the truth, to divide the truth correctly. (And the Holy Spirit will indwell us if we believe, repent of our sin, and accept Jesus as Lord and Master of our lives.) Then the Bible teaches that our fight in this world is to stand strong and do what is right and understand that we're not supposed to be fighting against people (flesh and blood) but against the forces of darkness themselves. (Hence hate the sin, but love the sinner... wish more Christians would remember this.) See my source.

    As to the Heaven and Hell thing, I think it is clear that if we stumble and fall then the powers of darkness gain strength, that we're failing ourselves and our fellow Christians. That is why it is so key that we all hold each other up and help one another daily as the source text instructs, by prayer and staying vigilant. But it is also clear that God sends His angels to help us defeat the powers of darkness since we do not have the ability to clearly see the battlefield. But someday (1 Corinthians 13:12) we'll be able to perceive it all.

    The Bible also teaches that we'll be rewarded in Heaven for our good deeds... that we are laying up treasures in Heaven by doing "right" which ultimately is described as bearing good fruit. (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.) I hope that basically covers what you were asking.


  • 10 years ago

    A person starts out in this world with a conscience. This conscience makes them feel good or bad about a thought they have or an act they perform. Eventually, most people learn to tune out their conscience kind of like selective hearing. They only listen to what the big stuff (like murder) and don't sweat the small stuff (like white lies). Unfortunately, the universe has unseen moral laws just as it has physical laws. Every wrong is met with justice and punishment eventually. This is why bad things happen to "good" people. Unfortunately, there really are not any perfect people. This is why bad things happen to everyone. Even the few good people there are will be hated and hurt by the "normal" people because the good people remind the bad people of just how bad they are, and they don't like that. They don't want the good people around just like they don't want their conscience around. People become addicted to bad behavior and must work through those addictions to become spiritually free of them. Examples of this are: drug addiction, compulsive lying, alcoholism, serial killing and all forms of addictive bad behavior. This person will have to go through a spiritual change to overcome their addictions and bad behavior. Unfortunately, most peoples problems don't cause as much harm as the aforementioned vices (like negativity), so they remain in denial about their problems and it will negatively affect them their whole life (and afterlife) unless they change.

    One way to start listening to your inner voice (conscience) again is to do good deeds. Doing these deeds will give you a good feeling and that feeling tunes you into your inner voice. This will allow you to hear it better when you are tempted to do destructive (bad) things.

  • 10 years ago

    What one perceives depends on her intellect. You may see a glass half filled or half empty as you like. These things have nothing to do with spirituality. These are only for living a life of discipline. Also my right may be your wrong.

    The basic of spirituality is acknowledging the fact that we are in this body, but we are not this body. This body is perishable, but this soul which is our real self, lives on. This body comes to action when it has a soul within. When the soul goes out, this body is as good as dust. So we need to understand what this soul is. And my soul is as pure as is yours. That is the reason all of us has an equal chance.

    So do as you like (right or wrong), remembering always that I am a soul basically.

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  • fodor
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    females: they provide the impression of being at you, look down or away, and then look lower back in below a minute. in addition they could flutter their lashes extremely, as impressive as that sounds. They aarch their lower back and act humorous around you. They touch their hair and function extreme eye touch with you, they snigger and smile plenty. Sorry, this is coming from a young person lady, once you're an grownup the flirtation could be a sprint in spite of in case you haven't any longer dated in a on a similar time as, it may come needless to say to you, understanding if somebody is fascinated or no longer. physique language is often diffused, no longer compelled. analyzing physique language is often subconcious, till you're a dunce like me and you in basic terms won't have the capacity to parent it out.

  • 10 years ago

    It doesn't. For a person may desire for spiritual powers for wrong reasons but it doesn't hinder his/her spiritual progress if they are sincere and preserve.But on the path towards achieving higher spiritual goals,all karma expires, ones consciousness and awareness increases beyond just the perception of right and wrong and there is pure divinity and bliss.

  • rac
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    First, each of us has, through our own life experience, developed a paradigm, or way of looking at life's circumstances. All of our actions, thoughts and speech will be colored by our own paradigm. We may have rose colored glasses or smoky ones through which we judge our life experiences.

    Thus, if I perceive something as right or okay, I will feel fine to behave in that manner.

    Second, if we believe in God, the creator and father of all that is in our earth, then we also subscribe to the notion that He is allowed to set the rules by which each of us must live. It is His earth and we are His creation so He can set the rules for life.

    Third, having said that, it really doesn't matter what our paradigm is, we are going to be up against His rules and we will have to compare our behavior against His standard. If we were raised with God's rules in mind, then our own paradigm may be pretty much in line already and our perception of right and wrong will be just fine. If our paradigmn is not in line with God's rules, then we will feel guilt when our perception conflicts with His rules. We are then left with two options.

    First, change our behavior, our paradigmn shift, so that our perception lines up with God's; or

    second, change our acceptance of God's rules so that our perception is no longer in conflict.

    In other words, to avoid guilt, we have to either change our behavior to match the rules, or change the rules to match our behavior. If we choose the former, then we will be free from guilt. If we choose the latter, we may escaped guilt for a while, but no matter how much sophistry we practice, it will not eliminate God's rules and they will eventually catch up with us for our utter condemnation.

    Source(s): my LDS opinion
  • 10 years ago

    Everyone is born with an 'original mind' which strives to do the right thing.... we all know what is right and wrong.... whether we choose to listen to our conscious or not is our choice....

    Children and ignorant people can get away with stupid things to some degree because they are still in a growing period and if they don't know what they are doing is wrong then that doesn't mean they are committing a sin.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    In Islam we believe that when someone commits a sin and does not repent,

    a black dot appears at his heart and it keeps going on until all of his heart

    becomes black. Such black hearts cannot think any good or accept a good

    advice. So sins make people unable to be guided to the true path of God.

    M J Iqbal

  • 10 years ago

    More like how does your spirituality effect your idea of right and wrong. Most people define their morals by what there religions say. But if you are truly spiritual or have true morals, you don't need a god or church to tell you to do right, or that you are doing right. You should know in your heart.

    Source(s): Experience
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