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Is there any Tea Party people here that are against unions or just some of the unions activities?


@ Tea Bag Patriot why did you block me? Did I offend you in some way?

Update 2:

Edit: I am not kathy and I have no other account and I would never have said any such thing.

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am pro union, but some of the things they do will bankrupt a governmental entity. In the private sector, the owners have choices. The states have NO choices. The unions in this situation does not care that families have to work multiple jobs to pay the awful high taxes to support the state union workers in schools and such, the union workers do not care about budget or other people's problems. Gov Walker was brave to stand up to those thugs.

    Unions have done great good, yet are now causing a major crisis. The TP is for fiscal sanity, however that would work into thugs taking down a state.


  • 10 years ago

    LOL! Tea Bag Patriot seems to be on a roll today. He blocked me too simply because I proved him wrong... Must be his time of the month.


    Tea Bag Patriot... I'm very sorry if you were not aware of the reference to the hanging Blacks from trees. Try Googling Andre Carson, a Democrat member of the Congressional Black Caucus who made exactly that accusation against Conservative Tea Party members just a few days ago... And to make matters worse was applauded by the audience who were members of CONGRESS!!

    That was the reference for my comments.

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