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Weird noise my 6 year old is making?

My 6 year old son keeps making a squeaking noise, he sounds like a mouse. Kind of like a strange nervous habit. He says he can't stop making the noise and that his teacher at school is getting upset with him and asking him to stop making the noise. Around the beginning of the year, he would make a weird growling noise but he stopped after a few months. Now he started making a squeaky sound. He's said nothing in his throat or mouth hurts. It's not during specific times of the day or after a specific task, it's just all the time. I'm not sure if i should make a doctor appointment for him or just hope it passes. I just don't want him to get in trouble at school especially if he can't help it. He's a very calm child... doesn't show any signs of ADHD or anything like that. Our lives are very routine and calm, so I don't feel that stress is a cause. Can someone help? Ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


he's not doing it like he's playing, though. he'll do it in the middle of a conversation or while he's coloring or watching cartoons... just randomly. most of the time he doesn't even seem to know he's making the sound!

4 Answers

  • honey
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My son has made odd noises on and off, not ever a constant but he does make some wierd sounds that I dont' feel he is aware of. Mostly it is when he plays, not ever in a conversation. Last year he started 2nd grade. He started doing this "tic" which scared me alot. He would turn his head to the left and do a wierd thing with his mouth. He didn't realize he was doing it. I scared me. I researched, found alot obout Turrets..OMG and then I found a magnesium deficincy can cause "tics" I looked for vitamins with mag. they were all huge pills I knew he wouldn't take. I went to the health food store and found a liquid vitamin with magnesium. In two days the tic became a week they were gone!

    this sounds like a tic to me.(tic's can be silent like my son, or verbal like yours) You can take him to the doctors and see what they have to say. I did and they didn't help much. I researched and found what was wrong. tics, read up on it, if you feel this could be a tic, try giving him a vitamin with magnesium.

    My son doesn't have a great diet. He is a very picky eater. so i was not at all surprised when I realized he was defficient. I gave it to him for about 5 months..ran out and decided to try not giving it to him and...a year later...he is ok. I try and buy things he will eat that are fortified with magnesium vitamins. After typing all of this, I just realized, my son doesn't make any of the odd sounds he used to make...I guess when his faical tic went away...I was so relieved, I forgot about the noises..

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well you have answere'd the 2 thing's I was going to suggest in your question. Hard drives do go bad. So does your fans. If you would of said a click'n noise I would a said hard drive but bein a screech as you say I'm think'n fan. These are the 2 thing's in which I'd suspect noise from because they are moving parts. If you do suspect your hard drive may I suggest you replace it before it does a total lock up, install the new drive and operating system and transfere programs and any other thing you'd like to retain in the future before it's all lost. Good luck. Mikie.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It could be a lot of things.


    Sexual abuse



    the list goes on and on.

    But it could be nothing. Ignore it. Avoid telling him that this is bad or anoiing, it wont do anything but make things harder for him. If he was 14 and doing it, then I would be concerned.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


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