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Do atheist's children have no souls either?

How do they prove to their children that God doesn't exist? How do they prove to them they have no souls and souls don't exist? What proof do they give their children? How do they prove although the world is full of complicated wonders, but there's nothing in the thereafter, that they will go to the way of nothingness? The proof that the fate of their children is the same fate as that of a child murderer, maggot, virus, Hitler, or a cockroach? Atheists constantly ask for proof of everything. What proof do they offer their children?

Ten points for best answer!


I am a Muslim.

I have no children.

Nobody has ever died and came back, so NO ONE KNOWS.

36 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have a feeling like the ten points are going to go to a christian answer

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    "Do atheist's children have no souls either?"

    Prove to me a soul exists.

    "How do they prove to their children that God doesn't exist?"

    You're projecting.

    My parents let me - encouraged me to - explore anything I wanted to.

    No limits.

    "How do they prove to them they have no souls and souls don't exist?"

    How do you prove they do?

    "What proof do they give their children?"

    You're projecting.

    My parents let me - encouraged me to - explore anything I wanted to.

    No limits.

    "How do they prove although the world is full of complicated wonders, but there's nothing in the thereafter, that they will go to the way of nothingness?"

    There's no evidence to the contrary.

    "The proof that the fate of their children is the same fate as that of a child murderer, maggot, virus, Hitler, or a cockroach?"

    True but you don't know what evidence is.

    "Atheists constantly ask for proof of everything."

    I ask that you produce a god - ANY god.

    You can't.

    Therefore there is no god.

    "What proof do they offer their children?"

    They don't - what evidence do you provide yours?

    Or do you just stick with Pascal's wager and FEAR and ignorance?

    "Ten points for best answer!"

    I don't play for points - it's pointless ;)


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I'm an atheist and though I have not had kids yet I have a few things to say to this:

    I believe everything has a soul only if you give it attention, by doing so you give it a soul. I have a soul, you have a soul, ect.

    Now then, as for the question: I hope you understand the point of atheists is not to force our beliefs on others, like religious peoples. If I were to have children I would tell them what I believe but I wouldn't force it on them. I would let them know what else is out there and hopefully they would decide through growing up and observing things what they would like to believe in. Whatever they believe in, I will accept it, as long as they respect my wishes that they don't force their beliefs on other people.

  • Eva
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    All human beings have Souls (to be precise, the Spirit-Soul-Ego-Self has a "human body", not the other way around, as you've phrased it)

    To wit, upon passing over ("dying") atheists still believe they're atheists even in the psychical plane ("4th Heaven" to some)... elderly couples still squabble, people "construct", with thought, new realities, etc. completely unaware that they've passed over. This state is not permanent, however. Most continue to the noetical plane before being re-emanated back into the World(s) of Separation.

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  • kdiz
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    You can't explain to children consciousness and workings of the brain. Therefore it must be better to lie to your children and say there is a fat man that comes down through the chimney around the winter solstice and that when they loose teeth a fairy puts money under their pillow and if they tell a lie they will burn in hell for all eternity. Yes that's much better. While were at it let's tell them a bunny lays eggs with candy inside and babies are brought to mommy and daddy by birds carrying a cloth. Oh boy this is fun! What will they think up next!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I once heard an analogy that pertains to this question. How many legs does a dog have? The correct answer is 4. Now if someone says they believe the tail is also a leg, NOW how many legs does the dog have? The correct answer is still 4. So if an atheist believes they have no soul it doesn't make it true. The sad part of it is that for a lot of them by the time they find out they were wrong it will be too late. Their children will be told the lie also and nothing can be done about it. It's the Holy Spirit who knocks on the door of our hearts and He will knock on the childrens heart as well. They will make their own decisions.

  • 10 years ago

    Just common sence, there is no way you can proof an inexistence entity, not going around trying to finds proofs of the existence of your god!, thats not my issue.

    I dont use the term "soul" to make reference of myself, me as a human being, as an atheist, i just do not believe in god and such things.

    The sun doesn't spin around planet earth, planet earth isn't the center of the universe, stop believing you're more important than than maggots, cockroaches or bacterias, in the afterlife we're all going to the same spot, nowhere.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    We ask for proof because the burden of proof is on you. If you claim these things exist, then prove it. We never claimed that souls, God or Heaven existed in the first place, so there's nothing to prove.

  • Joe N
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Souls, like God, are imaginary.

    "If it looks like God does not exist, quacks like God does not exist, then there is a good chance he does not.... Proof is not required to believe. But some sign, some evidence is needed. None exists....Find some inkling of evidence. There is none."

    - Victor Stenger

    Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado

    Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii (retired in 2000)

    Read "God: The Failed Hypothesis (How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist)" and "The New Atheism" both by Victor J. Stenger

  • 10 years ago

    How do you prove to your children that gd does exist? How do you prove that they have a soul? How can you prove that even though no one has ever been to Hell and back to tell us what's there, that it actually exists? How can you justify to your children that it's somehow okay for THEM to pass judgment on other people even though one of the doctrines of all organized monotheistic religions is that only gd can judge? What PROOF do you offer yours? (I mean, proof other than fairytales)

    I'm a religious person, but this type of idiotic reasoning is why people hate us.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    We don't try to "prove" anything to them; we just educate them.

    We teach them about evolution and cosmology. We teach them philosophy and how to determine what is right and wrong. We teach them to be kind and respectful of others.

    In short, we teach them what is true, and what is myth, and how to tell the difference. We teach them to ask the questions they need to in order to understand, and we teach them to look for evidence to show that what they believe to be true, is true.

    I never discouraged my children from going to church with their friends, if they were curious. My eldest and I read through the Bible together, in fact.

    They just have no need for a god. They know that what they do will live after them, just as any children they have will carry their genetic gifts forward. They know that this life we have is all the more precious and important because it's our only one. They don't spend their days dwelling on what will happen after they die, and they don't waste all their time here trying to please some deity and daydreaming about a "better place".

    That's my honest answer, based on myself and the atheists I know.

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