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Lv 6
? asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 10 years ago

CCW/CCP holders what would you do in this situation?

Specificly Pennsylvania LTCF holders

What would you do knowing Open Carry is 110% legal in a City of First Class [Philadelphia] with a LTCF:

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesn't really matter whether the law is on your side or not: this is a lose/lose situation. If the officer can't make a case for a firearms violation, they will dream up something else. That puts the burden on you to prove the stop was not justified in the first place and, if the cop didn't cite you with a firearm violation, it may be difficult to persuade a judge to admit that circumstance into evidence.

    Something that needs to be understood: It's not always the cop who doesn't know the law. It may be that a district attorney or high-ranking police department official doesn't like the law and tells the officers under their control to ignore the LTCF provision and be tough on those who open carry. This has happened in several California DA and sheriff offices. Open carry of an unloaded handgun is perfectly legal in California, but officers are routinely told to harass anyone they see doing it. This also happened in Texas when the vehicle carry law was changed. The District Attorney in Harris County, the state's most powerful DA, didn't like the new, more liberal (in terms of what it allowed) law and told the sheriff's and constable deputies to continue enforcing the older, stricter, law even though he knew any cases would almost absolutely, positively be thrown out of court. The Texas Legislature actually had to modify the new law to make it impossible for the DA to ignore.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I didn't watch the video but I know where your going with this. In Ohio we have an optional open carry law but very few people do it because of the heat from the police and the anti-gun people. We have had many cases where CCW were harassed on the open carry. So it is just best not to do it even if your state allows the open carry. I will be honest with you the advantages in carrying concealed is very great. I get to ignore the little annoying signs banned guns in places. Almost every business has this signs. And who wants to run back to the car and lock a gun, that can be stolen, in your vehicle. I am not saying ignore every sign(like government buildings or schools) because that will make us responsible ccw holders look bad but on public transportation, corner stores, etc is just stupid. My Kahr CW9 is with me 95% of the time and it is concealed so I don't catch crap from the police or anti- gun zombies. Can I get a "A Man" ; )

  • 10 years ago

    Yes, but Being the smart holder we don't. The grief from the Cops & frankly the public is not worth it. You should read the Story about the guy who did the open carry and got a bad time from the Philly PD. This is on top of their crusade on folks with florida permits.

    CCW is just fine

    Source(s): CCW in Phila. County for sometime now.
  • sutor
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    on condition that no regulation replaced into broken, the subpoenas have been legally won and signed for via a choose, there incredibly isn't something to rigidity approximately. If Cons choose to ***** then whine to have the regulation replaced. Edit: What component of the be conscious Subpoena do no longer you comprehend? It replaced into ok'd and signed off via a choose making it legal. no remember how plenty the Republicans *****, the regulation is the regulation.

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  • Mav
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Honestly, I'd do what the cop asked me to do. You can be 100% right, but you'll probably get arrested for failure to obey a law enforcement officers commands and it would end up costing you a ton of money just to prove you are right!

  • 10 years ago

    I have enough drama in my life, I don't need to be adding to it.

    Especially dealing with Philly cops. They seem to be dealing with their own set of rules. Plenty of people have wound up locked up and had their handguns confiscated even though they had concealed permits. I think there is currently a lawsuit pending.

    Daily News covered it last year

  • Know the law..............if you are right, and you seek legal counsel before and after an indecent like this, you will have an awesome civil rights violation lawsuit against the agency.

    Good gun case law=more gun rights for all.

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