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Army vet, nuff said.
Casio G-Shock Mudman, How to change 24 hour clock to 12 hour clock?
This is my watch:
How do I change it?
2 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years agoDo the people who make Wolf Ammunition also make Tula Ammunition?
I've heard this both on the internet and around gun shops and ranges but can't thing about it. Does anyone have a link or is it just word of mouth?
1 AnswerHunting9 years agoWhat US Army insignias are these?
I picked up some patches for a good deal at the local army navy store and found out all but four. All are OD and Black not colored. Any info appreciated:
Patch 1: Circular patch with quatrefoil in middle with what looks like four propellers coming out of quatrefoil. Almost looks like the 88th infantry SSI.
Patch 2: Circular patch with crossed towers like the towers of Engineer Branch
Patch 3: Shield shape. Straight on top, with "U" shape bottom. Star in middle of triangle over an circle. Both triangle and circle black but OD field in center where star is.
Patch 4: Shield with pointed top and "V" shaped bottom. Arrow points up, almost goes up to top of patch. Two Fleur-de-Lys french symbols on each side of arrow.
P.S. I already went on wikipeida and looked up all division and corps insignias for the US Army.
1 AnswerMilitary10 years agoHornady actually makes and anti-zombie round?
Check it out it's called "Z-Max" -
15 AnswersHunting10 years agoDo you know Hornady makes 7.62x54R now?
1 AnswerHunting10 years agoWhat ever happened to Newell?
I haven't seen him on the hunting section in a while.
14 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat kind of cartridge is this? Headstamp read "22" at 12 o'clock and "72" at 6 o'clock.?
Looks too new to be from the 70s. Found it on a range trip one day and put in my misc. bullet bag. Overall case length is a little longer then a 7.62x54R. But shorter then .30-06. The case is rimless. Case color looks like steel [?] and is gray in color. Bullet diameter looks like a .308sh caliber. I'm pretty sure it's a 7.62x51. I could be wrong so any guesses.
Also if I could get a manufacturer and production year.
6 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat is the best multi-tool you ever owned?
Mine choice is SOG Power Lock. I got it a few days ago as an early birthday present. I did two little jobs with it and it's the best multi-tool I ever saw or used. Knife if 1/2 serrated and edge holds great. Saw is double bladed and works very good. Wire cutters cut chain link no problem. Handles feel very nice. It's also bigger and heavier then a Leather man which like. I wanted the SOG Power Assist tough.
So what's you choice and why?
12 AnswersHunting10 years agoDummy .50 BMG headstamp info?
I have a Dummy .50 BMG round. Three holes drilled in case. Head stamp reads "F A 4". I know FA means Frankford Arsenal but does anyone know what the 4 means? links would be great too.
1 AnswerHunting10 years agoHow would you send a gun back to the manufacturer for repair?
Like if I buy a Hi Point C9 with a broken rear site and missing safety switch for a very very good deal. How will I send it back to Hi-Point for there no questions asked, life time of the gun warranty? I wouldn't want to walk into the post office with it. Even it was in a case and locked, which raises the question of Hi Point breaking off the cable lock and my being out of a cable lock. Also a post office employee or other customer seeing what I have and freaking out or stealing it. I could go UPS or FED EX but they have been known to steal guns being shipped. Also what happens if it gets stolen? I'll be liable for it it gets stolen and a crime is commited with it, right?
13 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat's the stupidest thing you ever heard someone say regarding guns?
On a form or in person.
I don't have one but the tops are:
It's illegal to own a gun inside philadelphia city limits.
"combat" loads have more powder loaded in them [I know there higher pressure the guy who said didn't know what he was talking about]
You need a hunting license to buy a rifle or shotgun in philadelphia.
You have to be 21 to buy rifles and shotguns in philadelphia
You have to have a permit [or license] to buy a gun in philadelphia
"I very anti-gun and think only cops and military should have guns, but I like to go the shooting range and shoot when I in the poconos."
"If you push a gun forward when you shoot it, the bullet goes two times faster"
"If you put a scope on any rifle it makes it pin point accurate regardless"
You don't have to show ID to buy a gun at Wal-Mart
Cheap guns should be illegal because poor people shouldn't own guns.
"9" is a gun manufacturer.
If a gun is "plastic" then it's based off the Glock design. So it can be called a Glock. [Even tough it says Smith & Wesson in big letters on the slide.]
State game lands that have there trails and such kept by the sales of hunting and fishing licenses should not be allowed to be hunt and fished on.
38 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat you prefer the Hi-Point C-9 or Jimenez JA Nine?
I would prefer to hear from people who own both, I know there are a lot of C9 owners out there. I would love to hear from a JA Nine owner. Only if your gun is Jimenez NOT Jennings.
I'm leaning towards the Jimenez. It's more visually appealing, feels better, and has a bigger magazine capacity. What I hear with Jennings/Bryco is your chance of getting a good gun is 50/50. This is with the OLD owner. I hear Jimenez makes decent pistols and has a life time warranty [If they stay in business]. Hi-Points can take a beating but I don't like the way the look and they don't feel as good as the JA Nine. Hi-Point has a life time warranty also. Hi Point seems like if I returned my gun for factory service I would actually get it back. With the BS the ATF comes up with the "Ring of Fire" I would be worried about getting my gun back at all.
So JA Nine or C9?
12 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat years did Lake City Ammo produce .30-06?
About five years ago when I was sixteen, my uncle died I got most of his military stuff. In a old sea bag tucked in my grandmother's basement I found some Army uniforms, gear and sleeping bag. At the bottom were casings. I asked my Dad [My dad was military and LEO] what they were and barley glancing over from a five feet away in dim room, he said "probably 7.62 NATO now get back to work". I put them back in and forgot about them until now { Now that Im in the military I need a Sea bag to cram all my worldly possessions into :) }. The Head stamp reads "L C 7 2". I figured Lake City Ammunition 1972. The round looks like .30-06 [I compared the mystery LC round to a .30-06, 7.62x54R and .308] but I don't think the US military was still ordering 30-06 in 1972. My uncle was in Ft. Lost in the Woods in the late 1970s [around 1978 to be specific]. So when did the US Army stop ordering .30-06? What firearm in .30-06 would be still be available in the 1970s in a military base?
4 AnswersHunting10 years agoDoes the US military use ammunition form Privi Partizan?
I bought what I thought was military surplus 5.56x45 for a good deal. When I opened it I saw the head stamp said "PPU 09 5.56x45". From my 7.62x54R surplus I knew PPU was Privi Partizan. I looked it up to double check thinking maybe it was a small domestic contractor. Sure enough it is Privi. So does the US military use PPU ammo?
5 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat's your favorite knife brand?
For everything EDC, hunting, or anything.
10 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat would have done if you were legally open carrying and....?
You hear someone yell to you "Yo, Junior!" and turn to see a cop pointing a gun at you and asking you lie down in dirt. Then your in a big city and of all the cops there they all believe OC is illegal even with a LTCF, and are calling supervisors, lieutenants, and the like to see what they can charge you with and one cop evens says "Were not even allowed to OC off duty".
Based of a true event:
*The man is being charged with Resisting Arrest and Disorderly Conduct after this was posted.
9 AnswersHunting10 years agoCCW/CCP holders what would you do in this situation?
Specificly Pennsylvania LTCF holders
What would you do knowing Open Carry is 110% legal in a City of First Class [Philadelphia] with a LTCF:
7 AnswersHunting10 years agoWhat are your feelings/experiences with cops and guns?
How do you think the average cop will handle finding a LEGAL gun in a car?
What about in a bigger city?
Has this ever happened to you? What exactly happened?
Even tough all my guns are legal and I follow the law when transporting them to the range, hunting, or buying them. I'm always worried that I will come up against a cop who doesn't know the law and will hassle me about registration or an FOID [Neither exist in my state[Pa]]. Or worse I will be held at gun point or in the back of a cruiser until things get straightened out or have my new legal confiscated.
10 AnswersHunting10 years agoMock Uzi suppressor for sale?
Those Chinese Uzi carbines [with a 16" barrel] are an eye an eye sore. Does anyone have a link for a MOCK suppressor that slips right over the barrel and screws on where the barrel retaining screw screws onto?
Something like this:
or this:
5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago