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Lv 6
? asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 10 years ago

What is the best multi-tool you ever owned?

Mine choice is SOG Power Lock. I got it a few days ago as an early birthday present. I did two little jobs with it and it's the best multi-tool I ever saw or used. Knife if 1/2 serrated and edge holds great. Saw is double bladed and works very good. Wire cutters cut chain link no problem. Handles feel very nice. It's also bigger and heavier then a Leather man which like. I wanted the SOG Power Assist tough.

So what's you choice and why?


I heard great things about the Victorinox multi-tools. Never saw one in person tough.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Victorinox Swiss Army Huntsman model.

    Has surgical steel blades. Scissors come in handy for cutting off skin from blisters and other wounds. Saw blade will cut through 4 inch diameter tress and branches. Tweezers come in handy for removing thorns.

  • TDM
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I have an early model Gerber Multi-Plier that is great, except the handles come together all the way and can pinch your hand if you're not careful. My new favorite is my Leatherman Super Tool 200. Both were gifts, and I've never bought one for myself because they can be damned expensive!

  • 10 years ago

    It is like carrying a gun. Sure, you can get a Leatherman that can do everything including gap the spark plugs on your car. But it is so big and heavy you probably will not carry it with you all the time.

    I have a Swiss Army knife called the Tinker. It is small enough and light enough I can just slip it into my pocket and forget about it. And since I always have it with me, it is the bet tool I own.

    Long blade

    Short blade

    Can opener, small regular screwdriver

    bottle opener, large regular screwdriver


    Medium Phillip Screwdriver/wire stripper



  • 10 years ago

    I have a Gerber. The pliers are strong and reasonable, the individual blades are protected, not too long and fit the bill. I carry mine as a "survival" tool on my motorcycle, along with some other essentials. But the Gerber has been handy for simple wrenching when needed and other stuff too. Wouldn't leave home without it.

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  • 10 years ago

    I own a victorinox. Havnt a bad word to say about it. They are a bit more pricey than gerbers though. One of the tools on it is a spike about 1 inch long that is great for cleaning...... Guns!

  • ken
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Gerber has been around for nearly 500 years for a reason, their stuff is GOOD. I own 3 gerber knives, 2 multi tools and even their small one locks in place. Quality all around

  • C_F_45
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I like the Leatherman "Super Tools" but might have to take a hands on look at that SOG

  • Mav
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Gerber!!! I've had this for over 20yrs! I use the s- -t out of it and the only thing I ever had to do was to restake the rivets that hold the pliers together! You can't find a better tool IMHO! :)

  • 4 years ago

    I certainly have constantly heard Leatherman makes the superb.I certainly have by no capacity owned one yet I certainly have had a Gerber folding knife for years and it has by no capacity enable me down,so Gerber is an incredible form.

  • Karle
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    i have several dozen of various brands and 95% of the time the one i pick to use/carry is the leatherman wave ....

    its size and weight works well ....and it has a file which some of the others don't .....personally i use a file more than scissors....which is its bigger brother surge sits home.....has no file

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