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K Mom asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 10 years ago

Need advice on how to quit diet soft drinks.?

Okay... I admit it. My name is K and I'm a diet soft drink addict. I recently read an article about 7 things that can cause a stroke. I'm do all 7!!!! I eat processed meats, I buy canned soup, I work in an office and sit for 8 hours a day (mostly), and I can drink 1 - 2 "big gulps" per day with no problem. And because of this crappy "processed" lifestyle, Over the years I have slowly gained about 50 pounds and am (no doubt) very overweight...and yes -- now I have diabetes. Okay, I got my slap in the face. Please don't judge me...I did it (along with my husband of 27 years), I shouldn't have, but here I am.

My question... this week I cut out EVERYTHING that raises the increase of CAD and stroke. That includes diet soft drinks. Well I woke up yesterday morning (after about 36 hours of no diet drink) with a crashing headache. I've never had a migraine, but I think this was one or close to it. My head hurt so bad I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes for any length of time, I got sick, dizzy, nauseated. I couldn't eat, but was throwing up. Nothing in my stomach to regurgitate except digestive juices (awful). i was like this until the evening when I talked to my friend and she said that I was probably having caffeine withdrawals. Really? And that severe? My husband brought me a diet drink and headache reliever. About 30 minutes later...I was fine. Like I had never been sick. So I think it may be exactly what she said, caffeine withdrawal.

Is this possible to have caffeine withdrawal THAT bad that it practically incapacitated me? What are my options? How do I quit diet pepsi/coke without this problem?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yep, happens to me also when I stop drinking pop/soda. You can switch to other low caffeine drinks to help make the transition easier. Drink unsweetened Iced tea but don't get addicted to this. Cold Turkey hardly works in most cases. Slow transitions always work the best.

    It will be tempting at times to have that diet drink, but just will yourself not to. (If you need don't carry extra money with you during the day.)

    @ Oo, Diet pop/soda contains no sugar.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have suffered from pustular psoriasis for years and I drink as much diet pepsi as you do and I am positive it has nothing to do with your getting psorasis. How do I know this, because I have been in a remission of sorts for about 5 years after suffering for 17 straight years and during the last 5 years I have consumed more diet pepsi than ever before. It may not be one of the healthiest choices we could make by some peoples standards but there are a lot of worse choices out there. It really bothers me when people try to pin the blame for psoriasis on something that we consciously do instead of understanding the disease and knowing that psoriasis sufferers would walk through fire if we thought it would cure it. Psoriasis is thought to be a genetic disease that is autoimmune and can be very difficult to control. There are various treatments available and can be quite disheartening when you don't get immediate results. You might not get immediate results so don't expect a miracle and if it happens then it is really great. When I was first starting to break out with it I would have it for a few months and then it would go away all by itself. Then 6 months later it would come back. Each time it came back it laster for longer periods of time until it wouldn't go away at all. Don't feel self conscious about it, it is just a skin condition and not contagious so don't get into the habit of hiding it and letting it live your life. Good luck to you

  • 10 years ago

    the caffeine part I'm not so sure, but I'd say cordial is perfect for the soft drink part. Start off by adding a ratio of cordial to water that creates a similar taste intensity to soft drinks, then you can start to slowly cut down, until you're barely adding any flavouring, then none at all. Also, you'll be keeping yourself hydrated which is always good! :)

  • 10 years ago

    ur body was detoxing. Thats what happens, u feel worse before u feel better because ur body is eliminating built up toxins. U should just ride thru it and drink atleast a litre of water a day, it will help.

    As for the aspartame addiction, watch this

    and research it and learn the devastating effects it has on ur mind and body, learn the names and numbers it goes by, and avoid it at all costs. Best of luck.

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  • Oo
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    You sure it just wasn't a sugar problem?

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