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Are the Beatles classic rock or pop?

A friend an I got in a disagreement about whether the Beatles were considered to be classic rock.

Obviously, the Beatles are classic. The debate is over which genre they should be considered.


18 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I look at it this way:

    The Rolling Stones = Rock

    The Beatles = Pop

  • Classic Rock

  • 10 years ago

    They are a rock band--it is prevalent from their first album till the last. I don't know why people call them pop. It's a typical misconception (thanks to stupid bands like backstreet boys) that if 3/4 lads team up together and sing something, that must be pop.

    In my, and many other people's informed opinion, Beatles is a classic rock band.

    Source(s): Been a fan of their music for like forever
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    As the answers show, there's no consensus. I would say pop rather than rock. Certainly for a good few years they were definitely a pop band. There were, of course, several of their songs that could be called rock.

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  • 10 years ago

    I think they get way too much credit for being a rock band. All their music was pure pop! If anybody were to release songs like...


    she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah

    love, love me do

    I want to hold your hand

    and I love her

    can't buy me love

    yellow submarine

    all you need is love

    Do you think it would get played on one of the rock stations or a pop station? If it were to get ANY airplay at all?

    I just hate how their fans think they were the best thing ever, while they snub their noses at todays pop music. In reality, they were just the first boy band. And don't get me wrong, I hate the Jonas Brothers as much as I hate The Beatles but.....the Jonas Brothers write their own music, lyrics, and play their own instruments, and The Jonas Brothers songs rock just as much as any Beatles songs do. Just say'n!

    If you disagree, ask yourself this question.........If "love, love me do", "can't buy me love" or "I want to hold your hand" were released today, by a brand new band named The Beatles (I know, I know.....lame name, but let's just say that's the best they came up with). Where would that music get played? Do you think it would get played on one of the rock stations or a pop station? If you're honest with yourself you would be able to admit that they would get played on a Top 40 POP station, If it were to get ANY airplay at all?

  • 10 years ago

    I think at the time, they were considered Pop rock.

    They are definitely classic rock now.

  • vides
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    hi Mr D! i'm fifty 5 years of age. interior the nicely suited i like rock track. i comprehend no longer something of Justin Bieber, nor; do i prefer to nicely known of him or something to do with him. i'm born, raised in England. i comprehend plenty relating to the Beatles, their track and; so forth. i'm no longer fan of the Beatles, never have been or; ever would be. N. B. * Mr D! on the website after this Frank has a query " are you able to video exhibit this video? " Watch it, in case you could??

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Classic pop rock.

  • 10 years ago

    Overall, classic pop would be a better genre than classic rock, because not all of their songs are rock music.

    Source(s): Musician for over 50 years
  • 10 years ago

    I'll like to call them classic rock

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The Beatles are classic rock. They were a rock band back in the 60's. You need to remember there was no hard rock or heavy metal back then to compare them to. Back then it was called Rock and Roll music.

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