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Help!!!! Is there a chance that I am really pregnant?

I've asked a few questions on here about the same thing that has been going, but I will overview for those who haven't read them. Yesterday, I was 4 days until my period was due to start, so I decided to test. FMU was with Answer brand and after 1 minute of peeing on it, there was a white looking line where the test line is and after 3 minutes, it turns maybe just the lightest hint of pink. I was confused, and thought defective, so I retested around 3pm with a FRER, and the same exact thing happened with that brand. Still confused, I waited until around 8pm to restest, and yet again the same thing happened to me with FRER!!! So at that point I was just pissed because it was 3 tests that all had the same result that was very unclear! So of course at 2 am, I woke up and had to pee and could not resist my urge to POAS, so I did, and the same thing happened again on Answer brand test. So that is a total of 4 tests, 2 Answer brand and 2 FRER and all 4 with the same result. What do I make of this? All 4 tests cannot be defective. That seems highly illogical. Plus they were all taken and used correctly, read within the 3 minute time frame and all aren't expired until late 2013. So what would you think ladies!!! Help a girl out!!


I just wanted to add that my husband and I are TTC our 2nd child after we had a miscarriage 3 months ago:)

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since the line appeared within the 3 minute time frame i would say it is a positive result,well 4 of them in total,i think the reason the line is coming up so light is because it's still so early and the pregnancy hormones aren't that strong yet which is normal.

    Test again using first morning urine on the day your period is due and you should get a much clearer result,pregnancy hormone will have increased by then and will go on increasing very quickly in the early weeks.

  • 10 years ago

    I think you're pregnant. You said you saw a faint pink line for positive. Yes, that is highly illogical for them to all be defective. Wait another week to take a test. I know its hard, but to save money. It's a good thing to wait, or if it makes you happier :P Buy the 20 test First Response I see them all the time at kmart or walmart for 25-30 dollars. Buy those, they are sensitive. I know this probably sounds like alot of money, but just think if you buy the First Respone 2 or 3 tests for 15.00. You're wasting your money lol!

    Best of wishes!!

  • 10 years ago

    You sound like you're pregnant if all the tests came out positive

    Congratulations (word of advice if you don't want it adoptions better than abortion)

    Best of luck



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