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So broken hearted :( Don't know what to do. Someome help please!?

Don't even know where to start. I just feel trapped at the house all the time. I stay home with my 2 year old son while DH works and am currently 6 weeks pregnant. I've always felt that DH only likes me or is nice to me when it benefits him. I do all the cleanimg, cooking, shopping, taking care of our son I cook, serve and cleanup dinner, make desserts and serve those too. A few months ago I was told to make sure his three credit cards where paid on time, not asked told, because he was supposedly too busy at work to do them and "I'm home all day". Well anyways tonight he just happened to open one of the statements that came in the mail and it so happens that I must have been one day off on the due date because there was a late fee, so I immediately I got b* out about it. And everytime I say he should pay them because they arnt mine he says he works more than me and does more than me so I should do just this one thing. Are you kidding me I do just as much work as him if not more. I also got told that all the saving money and coupons I do are a waste of time be cause I always pay them late and waste a lot more money than I save. I work hard to save money and I give up things to saveoney and I'm tires of being put down. So broken hearted and tired of just going around and around this way. What Experiences to share?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds to me that he doesn't know very much about women, or very much about house work. You know what a great teacher is? Silence. Check out my link, though....

    Obviously, there's something that he's indulging in, right? He comes home, kicks off his shoes, and gets into his hobby. He ignores you for it. It's probably something like watching TV, playing games, drinking, or whatever, and it's also 'more important than you'.... He needs to learn to appreciate life, which means learning to enjoy things like work, house work, etc., and may mean taking a break from 'the hobby'.

  • 10 years ago

    I feel for you. I stay home with a very active 3 year old. basically he doesnt ever appreciate anything. He is so busy jumping up and down that I am not cought up on all things house that he cant stand it if I ever go out. and I might add I almost always have to make my side keep my girl if its somewhere she cant go with me as he doesnt ever want to be bothered. I have been sick the last week and so has she but what does he do he gets into it with me tonight becasue I didnt like something he said. I get the line about you are home all day. I am so over it, I do the couponing and he doesnt get its effort, when its good its great but Ihave been thru it this year withhim. stay strong.

  • 10 years ago

    Sounds like he don't appreciate you. Men often want babies and then don't understand how hard a house wife really works. Im a mom so trust me I get it. We honestly give our all to make a house run smoothly and that's 24 hours a day work-no clock. Honestly you need to talk to him about the way he talks to you. Let him know that not only are you pregnant but also doing your best to make the house run smoothly. Let him know that you need some support and some help around the house something would be greatly appreciated. Tell him that you will try your best to get him bills paid on time and this is something you should be able to do ok without complaining. Let him know that you like to be asked to do things like pay the bills instead of feeling like its a demand. You both need to support each other and he needs to understand how much hard work goes into being a women, mother, pregnant spouse with emotions.

  • 10 years ago

    Well, I don't know if you will LIKE my answer, but I'm "going to give it to you straight." Okay? NOT being mean. I promise. Men rarely (if ever) appreciate and understand that whole stay-at-home-mom thing. They just don't get it because they don't. And they never will. I had a much older woman friend tell me YEARS ago that when she cleaned the house, or cooked a good meal, or did ANYTHING around the house, she did it for HERSELF. NOT for her husband. It puts a whole different spin on what you are doing. I know this sounds a little "odd". But trust me. What have you got to lose by trying this approach? Here is what I would do if it were me. I would completely withdraw myself from the need for my husband's approval. Yep. That's right. And then I would start by taking WAY, WAY better care of myself FIRST. When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself, "What can I do to take good care of myself today?" And LISTEN to the answer. And then DO it. Maybe it will be to eat a little bit healthier, or to sleep another hour. Or to get 45 minutes of walking in in the morning. Or to eat a healthy breakfast that includes an egg, some fiber, and some fruit. The only person who can make you happy is YOU. Okay. I get that you have a 2-year-old son. But there are a lot of Mommie type websites where you can find support, inspiration, and information. I think you need to find some other moms close to you and get some emotional bonding and support from them. Enjoy your clean house for YOU. Set up some kind of system that works for you with these bills. You can do it. I put them in a brightly colored box by the phone, and I write on the outside of the envelope the date the bill is due: for example: 10/16/11. And then I circle it. While I am standing there having my coffee in the morning, I go through box, look at the dates circled, and then I know what needs to be paid. I also keep a calendar near the phone. I know you are also feeling tired because you are pregnant again. But that's okay. Just ignore your husband and find a way to be happy within yourself. Pretty soon, he'll start to feel and sense something different about you, and will be drawn to you again. Also, he knows that he is the breadwinner and that can make the men feel a little like strutting peacocks, as well. But I promise you, if you start feeling emotionally strong within yourself, and disengage a little bit from needing his approval and even gratitude, YOU will be the winner. Because, really, the only person you can control is yourself. We would all like our husbands to be better, different, more caring, more grateful. And then there's reality. I'm not saying your situation is free of suckiness. No, it is not. BUT, I am seeking a way for you to "make lemons out of lemonade" so to speak. Without YOU losing anything. If your husband is otherwise a good man and you love him, let him b __ ___ __ ch about the bills. Or anything else. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. (I hope you are at least smiling now.) But it is true. Just nod your head and act concerned. Tell him you are really sorry. Then go sit down and eat some ice cream and forget about him. He'll never know what you are thinking. You can always "get back" at him later. By being happy no matter what he does. Try this. "I invite you to change places with me. How about YOU stay home with the 2-year-old today and be pregnant and do housework all day?" I'll go to work for you. Deal?" You can say it with a bit of "spicy" humor. Just don't let him "beat you down" emotionally. But here's the thing. He can't do that if you don't let him. And don't let him. You'll be fine. Make him something awful for dinner if he keeps this up. And try not to laugh when you serve it 4 nights in a row and he complains. Say, with a straight face (if you can) Oh, but honey, I thought it was your favorite! Sorry. My bad. My older and so much wiser friend had also lived in Japan (we are talking many, many years ago, so if this is not as "politically correct" as it could be, forgive me. She told me how the Japanese wives of the businessmen were so (for lack of a better word, here) kowtowing (you know, kind of bowing and scraping) to their men. BUT, what she also noticed was that even though they served the men first, the Japanese women made sure they all got the very best cuts of meat and put them in THEIR OWN bowls FIRST. BEFORE the men were served. The men never knew. So, metaphorically (and in reality, too), I want you to "fill your own bowl with the best cuts" FIRST. Then "serve" your husband. I think you will be much happier that way. Give to yourself first. And THEN give to him. All he will know is that you are happier. He does not need to know why. Good luck.

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  • 10 years ago

    I can relate to you sweetheart. ive been there. and im so sorry, men don't always mature as fast as women, leaving them insecure, selfish, and just plain stupid sometimes. When i was in my early twenty's i went through the same thing, All i can really say is do you love him? Do you really love him. because they do grow up they do learn to appreciate. I know it seems like he always blames you but that is there way of feeling superior when they really know just how weak they are compared to there wife, look what all you can do in a days time, there's no way a man can do this. lol Men do take allot of there stress out on the women, He might be a little jealous of the time you spend with your toddler, Men do need time with there wife's and as lame as it sounds. men need to feel like the king of the castle. Try for one week to do what you can to make him feel important as a man and a lover and i promise if he don't change the way he treats you. my name isn't reggie. lol

    and i don't Men waiting on him hand and foot, i mean things like. Damn baby you are so hot, when you get home tonight imma gonna....... . lmao. it really works men will do anything for you as long as they know they are the **** in your eyes. try it.

  • j0wner
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I think it's wonderful that you put in all that effort. If I had a wife like you I'd want you to feel loved and appreciated for what you do and take care of my own business to not make it a burden on you. I'm sorry that your husband doesn't feel this way. I've seen that happen between my own parents and that's why I'm determined never to be that way.

    I hope someone who has been in that spot can offer some first-hand advice.

  • 10 years ago

    your the fool ..stop playing his game ..yes just stop .. do nothing until he says you ..

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