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Why is Ken Clarke still in the Tory Party?

Am i the only one who thinks Ken is a wet liberal i mean i only read in the papers how he attacks fellow tories for being real tories( patriots etc) . The man is a Eu Fanatic he does not fit with the grass roots mocks those who question the Human rights act and its effect on deporting foreign criminals. He is one of the remaining Heathites Ted Heath was also a liberal pretend tory who betrayed the country Heseltine is a other. Cameron if he had a spine and was a genuine patriot would do good by ditching him.


Baphomet Ken brings it upon himself he constantly preaches love for the EU and lies about how we need to stay in to survive regardless of the cost to the taxpayer he would be more fitting in Cleggs party. A half decent politician that is indeed a matter of opinion but he is no conservative when it comes to standing up for your nations freedom.

Update 2:

Simon please give it a rest because i don't support the EU does not mean i support the BNP in fact i support UKIP. Clarke is not a Conservative when it comes to our nation he is out of touch with the grass roots. I remember Mail columnist Peter Hitchens giving him a Labour party members pack a few years back don't think he was to happy.

Update 3:

Simon thanks for withdrawal yes UKIP has its faults but it stands firmly for Britain to have a referendum on EU membership and has attracted former Tories and Labour supporters . Old Labour was eurosceptic and Tony Benn for a example still is i am not a hardline Tory supporter but a patriot who supports democracy.

Update 4:

Baphomet yes there is a lot of blurring when it comes to right and left the present Conservatives are run by liberals who are pretending to be patriots and sounding tough on issues like Europe so Clarke is honest about his liberalism that party needs a shake up though or a name change. EU dictatorship i have my suspicions to about Bilderberg Clarke is indeed a member i see the main three parties as the same doing there masters bidding.

Update 5:

So the Home Secretary was right after silly Ken Immigration official James Devitte did indeed allow the Bolivian right to stay because of his cat Maya under article 8 of the Human Rights Act the right to a private and family life.Ken can't stand any criticism of any thing from Europe be it the EU or the European Court of Human Rights he would as i say be more suited to the Lib Dems.

Update 6:

Kit i very much doubt half of all members of the Conservative Party are supporters of the EU at the grass roots the majority are sceptics to a degree the support are from the liberal left in the ranks those who share Kens Heathite( ted Heath) views as does Heseltine who have turned the party into a another shade of the liberal left they turned on Thatcher because she woke up to the truth about the EU this why many left and joined UKIP in the end.

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    EU Bilderbergers control our parties: Ken Clarke, Maude, Cameron, Osborne, Millibands, Mandelson, Clegg, they are all Marxists.

  • 10 years ago

    He's hardly the only Tory who likes the EU. Around half the members do, let alone the MPs. He might have some views that sound liberal, but over all he is a Conservative, especially when it comes to economics (which is what counts, really). No-one says you cannot be Conservative and support the EU. Anyway, Ken Clarke may be a little bit off-message some times, but there is no rule saying everyone in a political party has to have the same views on everything. Just as there are some Labour MPs who are practically Tories, there are a couple of Ken Clarkes', who, on some things, are a little more liberal than your average Conservative.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    So he's on the liberal side of the Tory party yet remains one of the most popular Tory MP's with the public. Surely that says more about what the Tory party should be doing to chase votes than whether he should still be in the party or not.

    David Cameron realised that the public no longer want the old nasty Conservative party and hence they have become more liberal, and hence he managed to win them an election where those before him had failed. Fact is the party had to be dragged into the centre ground, largely against the members' wishes, because they were unelectable where they were.

    Ken Clarke is an asset to the Tories, one of the few politicians I respect and one of the only ones with his integrity still intact despite being one of the longest serving MPs. If he stood in my constituency I'd vote for him over anyone else, and I'm definitely not a Tory.

  • 10 years ago

    Mr Ken Clark has always spoke his mind on what he believes in passionately. OK he likes a tipple but don't we all?

    But make no mistake he has a good mind and intellect. And as a Conservative is very genuine and up front.

    Why is he still in the Tory party, its evident for all to see, a true patriot a true Tory, and an overall good chap. (by the way, I'm not a Tory, but admire people of his stature).


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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because the Conservative Party will not be dictated to by the gutter press.

    Old Ken is one of the few half decent politicians left.

    edit. All this talk of left and right can be misleading.

    Left = Communism, Labour (((Democracy))) Tory, Capitalism = Right

  • 10 years ago

    Ken Clarke might be a liberal but he is also articulate and able. You sound like a Powellite, maybe it is you who belongs in the BNP.

    EDIT: OK, the BNP thing was a bit of a smear - I withdraw it - but the argument still stands. Ken Clarke is a good performer which you being a non-Conservative may not notice - right?

    And I don't think much of UKIP either, basing my opinion on conversations, meetings and TV and internet appearances, they do not convince me. That's just my own worthless opinion of course.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Why is Ken Clarke a wet liberal because he questioned the truth of Thresea 'the lying Con' Mays' claim that the HRA was used to stop a person being deported becaue of their cat. Infact the whole story is false and it was the Government department involved in the deportation who messed up the case and not a cat.

  • 10 years ago

    Why is anybody in the Tory party!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    theyve been called conservatives scince like the 1800s get uo to speed mofo

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