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Athiests...'can' God exist?

What is your best undeniable empirical proof for why God CANNOT exist? What evidence can you give me with absolute certainty, showing that it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to exist?

I'm looking for something real, not cheap games, word tricks, or your personal 'beliefs' about why God 'does not' exist. I'm looking for something to convince me that God absolutely cannot exist under any circumstance. Convert me so that I can know with absolute certainty that it is impossible for there to be a God.

If you cannot give a clear undeniable proof that God CANNOT exist, then you would have to agree that there exists the possibility that God CAN exist.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is quite possible that a god might exist, the problem is that the god would be supernatural and all we have is natural means to detect that god so it would be impossible to determine the supernatural.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Let's clear something up first: there are *thousands* of claimed "gods," not just one. So you asking about just one (without specifying which one you're asking about) is a bit silly, don't you think?

    And each claim stands or falls on its own merits, on evidence for or against it (or lack of evidence).

    For most human-claimed gods, it can be easily shown (given the descriptions believers give about their claimed god) that the god in question is logically impossible, and so *cannot* exist. For example, the christian god is said to be omniscient yet give "free will" to the humans it created. That is a logical contradiction, and is impossible -- so the christians who claim a god with those attributes are claiming a god that cannot exist. The same problem comes up with lots of other claimed gods.

    There is also a great deal of evidence showing gods do not exist, mostly in the form of testing promises or claims supposedly made by those gods. Using the christian one again as an example, it's quoted in it's supposed holy book as saying that with a tiny bit of faith you can command a mountain to move and it will move, and nothing will be impossible to you. Yet nobody, with any amount of faith, has ever been able to move a mountain on command, or do things that are impossible to non-believers. The fest fails, as do all others, which is strong evidence that god does not exist.

    As for "possibilities" -- who cares? Darn near anything is "possible" (unless it's logically impossible, as many claimed gods are). It's possible (and nobody can prove otherwise) that my Uncle Harry created the entire universe 20 years ago, and simply put memories in everybody to make them think it's been around a lot longer. Does that mean we should "believe" that ridiculous idea? Of course not. You can determine the probability of something, which is much more reliable than "it's possible" -- and with no evidence of any kind to show any god of any kind exists anywhere, the probability of any god existing is exactly zero. Yes, some gods are "possible" -- none are plausible or probable.

    Finally, atheism isn't a claim that no gods exist. We simply dismiss the rather silly claims other people make that gods DO exist, mainly because there's no evidence of any kind to back them up, and lots of evidence to show them false.


  • mike s
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    it depends on your definition.

    god as a creator can exist - he could be a scientist from another period of time or planet.

    god as a ruler is really unlikely though, since in order to lead and really command and take charge, he has to be on the battle field at least once. and he never was.

    god is really only provable if he shows himself. not to 1, not to 2, but millions at once. he should be able to do this. he is god.

    it's impossible to prove that nothing exists other than to draw an outline with a question mark in the middle.

    however, you can PROVE he does exist - i have yet to see proof, evidence, examples etc. just loosely based stories, odd descriptions, and pointing at things like a banana (which was man made). you can believe what you want, but without even the slightest hint as to what your god looks like, and what is name is - there isn't any.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You wrote: If you cannot give a clear undeniable proof that God CANNOT exist, then you would have to agree that there exists the possibility that God CAN exist.

    Then the same is true for:



    Loch Ness Monster

    Sea Serpents

    Big Foot


    Little Grey Men and their flying teacups.

    Do you really want to go there?

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Quantum mechanics, the probabilistic nature of the universe, the fact that posessing omnipotence is logically impossible, the problem of God's existence (i.e. "Why would a god exist? How would a god exist?"), the fact that the universe can and does function without relying on a divine entity for explanation, the impossibility of a divine being residing in a complete absence of matter for eternity (for if it physically existed, then it would constitute matter and would therefore in itself represent a universe or totality of matter and would therefore be unable to create the universe because of its existence), the complete lack of evidence of ANY divine being existing despite thousands of years' worth of religions and curiosity regarding the origin of the universe and life, etc.

    Source(s): Do any of these suffice for you?
  • Nate
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    "Athiests...'can' God exist?"

    Possible, just given the lack of evidence thus far I highly doubt it, sort of like unicorns and the loch ness monster. Sure MAYBE they all exist, but probably not.

    "What is your best undeniable empirical proof for why God CANNOT exist? What evidence can you give me with absolute certainty, showing that it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to exist?"

    I don't claim that. So uh...I don't know why you're asking me.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I have no undeniable empirical evidence for why God can't exist because there is no undeniable, empirical evidence for God!

    Until evidence either way comes along there is simply nothing to put on the table!

  • 10 years ago

    That would depend on how one defined "god". Certainly there could be natural beings so advanced that everything they did would seem like magic. Would that make them gods? Or would it have to be something that actually violates the laws of physics? Such a being would probably be insensible to anyone in the natural universe, so it wouldn't matter whether people believed in it or not. I can categorically state that any human idea that has been called "God" is completely wrong because such gods don't make any sense..

  • 10 years ago

    The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    That question can only be answered by dying and then if he doesn't exist you will never know. Study what can be seen Ancient documents and the lack of points to a good possibility God or Jesus never did exist. why many stories in the bible only appear in the bible and no where else. study of ancient history and archeological digs prove that.Sure it's possible but highly unlikely.

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