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Lv 616,463 points

Michael S

Favorite Answers8%
  • Would 'clay fill' be suitable for a cheap 'baseball infield mix' landscaping material?

    I'm actually looking to use it for a patio a semi-soft surface that will retain some shape when compacted down (rather than landscaping the area with grass, cement, gravel, or mulch). I've gone to a few city ballparks and feel it would be the perfect material. It's a clay/sand mix which would cost me a few hundred bucks. 

    But I've found a guy who has a load of clean 'clay fill' which I could get for free. Just wonder if this might work...or if there is something super-special with infield mix. I could mix in some sand if necessary. Doesn't have to be perfect. 

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape12 months ago
  • Fuel Mixture Lean (P0171) after 'Fuel System Treatment'?

    Took car to wallymart. Got oil change and 'fuel system treatment', which involved them putting some 'stuff' in the fuel tank and in the engine area. They said it might run rough and stumbly for a bit after the treatment.

    Started the car and it died 3-4 times. Idle was really low and dying. But it got better and I drove home. Now have P0171 code (fuel mixture too lean). It has been a week and I'm on another tank of gas now. Not sure if I should wait it out, try some seafoam, replace the fuel filter, get a mechanic, or what.

    2006 Toyota RAV4. Vehicle had no problems before the 'fuel system treatment'.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years ago
  • Chevy Venture won't start (one click)?

    2003 Chevy Venture. I recently replaced both oxygen sensors, then left the van sitting for a few days. Next time I tried starting it, the dash electrical was flickering like crazy. For each startup attempt, it would just click once. I charged the battery. Still same thing.

    Battery has seemed to drain a bit over the past couple days again. Didn't even 'click' this morning. My OBD reader is showning 'no link'.

    I plan to clean the battery terminals and check the fuses. I'm hoping it is just a bad battery terminal connection. Maybe I'll disconnect the oxygen sensors temporarily to make sure they are not causing a short or drain. Any other ideas?

    4 AnswersChevrolet7 years ago
  • Atheists, why does the penis and vagina fit so well together?

    Not to mention all other other internal mechanisms, processes, and equipment that are required for attraction, erection, orgasm/ejaculation, mucus production (so you don't have a dry hump), and so on? Also not to mention everything required for conception, embedding, gestation, fetal development, contractions, birthing process, milk production, and so on. There are a lot of critical underlying processes involved here. Did our evolution just 'get lucky' that all these things magically happened and fit together like they do?

    My recommendation is that you consider thanking God the next time that you are giving your spouse the schlong.

  • Are atheists certain that there is nothing more than the five physical senses?

    Scripture says God is Spirit. Are there measuring devices for spirit? What if you cannot measure spirit with a yardstick or weigh it on a scale? Under similar means, I would have no reason to believe your thoughts exist, because I can only see the effects of your thoughts. Jesus said that you can see the effects of the Spirit, in a similar way as you see the effects of the wind. You can see the tree branches moving and the leaves blowing in the wind, though you cannot see the wind itself.

    If I were to describe music to a deaf person or colors to a blind person, would they be equally justified in saying that those things do not exist with certainty, simply because they cannot personally perceive them? Jesus said that the pure in heart would see God. He gives Christians the faculty of revelation to see God at work. Jesus equates faithlessness as blindness and deafness in the scripture. If you are perhaps spiritually blind or spiritually deaf, then can you say with certainty that you have all faculties to discern all things? Or are you just speculating?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the evolutionary purpose of baldness?

    I'm watching a tv show on evolution which talks about bird feathers growing in because the birds needed to stay warm as they changed from cold-blooded lizards into warm-blooded birds. Sounds pretty hokey to me. But if that is the case, I wonder what the evolutionary purpose might be for baldness. Apparently all this stuff happens for some reason, rather than by unguided chance. Is it because our heads are getting hotter?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Quote of the day: Subjective evidence through personal experience doesn't equal evidence.?

    Got this from one of the atheist responses. I feel like framing it and hanging it on my wall. Basically says 'evidence is not evidence'. Apparently no testifying should be admissible in the courtroom, because subjective evidence through personal experience is not evidence, right?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Pro-choicers, how many of you have aborted your own children?

    I'm just curious, when it comes down to it, how many of the pro-choice advocates have actually made that 'choice' to end the life of their baby. Or do you just support other people doing it? Thanks for your honest answer.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Atheists, why does you schmeckle fit with your spouses falafel (as a general rule)?

    If evolution were true, with time and chance creating all there is, how come all the sophisticated reproductive interactions and bodily components across various types of creatures seem to work together? Just so happens that your 'member' fits with your partners equipment, makes critical exchanges of sensory and glandular actions, not to mention the byproduct of a new life form (which is a hopelessly complicated process for evolution in itself). And just so happens, there is equipment on birds, fish, chimps, crocodiles, and human beings which are all different to perform that function, yet uniquely work together. The anatomy and mechanics are mindblowing.

    I can go through all the world, and i will not find a rock or a piece of metal laying on the side of the beach that will fit my ignition and start my car. Yet you guys assume all this sophisticated anatomical hardware just coincidentally happened this way across the animal kingdom by time and blind chance.

    You people of 'reason and science' have no idea how impossible your theories are.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Athiests...'can' God exist?

    What is your best undeniable empirical proof for why God CANNOT exist? What evidence can you give me with absolute certainty, showing that it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to exist?

    I'm looking for something real, not cheap games, word tricks, or your personal 'beliefs' about why God 'does not' exist. I'm looking for something to convince me that God absolutely cannot exist under any circumstance. Convert me so that I can know with absolute certainty that it is impossible for there to be a God.

    If you cannot give a clear undeniable proof that God CANNOT exist, then you would have to agree that there exists the possibility that God CAN exist.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Athiests...if we are just 'meat in motion' and our minds are just chemical reactions...?

    How do you define purpose, love, emotion, meaning, good/evil, social justice, etc? Instead, shouldn't you just be reduced to nihilism and operate as organic robots, don't you think?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Athiests...why do you try so hard to push your religion on everyone else?

    Why do you try to push your religious beliefs on everyone else? IMO you masquerade as if all your beliefs are science and logic, but I find many of them involving philosophy, conjecture, and false presumptions.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Athiests...where did matter originate from?

    Science points toward an origin point. Where did all the matter and energy of the universe come from?

    Stars have not eternally existed...else they would have burnt out and exhausted themselves in eternity past. They had an origin...but don't say that they were formed by gravity in gas formations. The laws of gaseous pressure would make it impossible to form a star this way.

    Not to mention that there is only a finite amount of energy, and in an infinite past, that energy would have been exhausted into heat death. You can't run for eternity on five dollars worth of gas. So where did everything come from, particularly the matter and energy?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago