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Athiests...why do you try so hard to push your religion on everyone else?

Why do you try to push your religious beliefs on everyone else? IMO you masquerade as if all your beliefs are science and logic, but I find many of them involving philosophy, conjecture, and false presumptions.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All atheism has is a large load of highly presumptuous theories that are tantamount to me spending 5 million dollars today under the false pretense that I will win the 10 million dollar lottery tomorrow. Proverbs 19:29 God Bless

    Source(s): Jesus saves
  • 10 years ago

    You talk about atheism as if its like your religion, with faith and believe. ITS NOT. Atheism is not even a religion. Look it up. By asking this also shows your a hypocrite since millions of christians DO try to push their religious beliefs on us.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 10 years ago

    Athiesm is not believing in religion sweetie. Also im one and i dnt push my beliefs on other people i rarely ever mention it. And i could say the same for religions. They push their beleifs on other people all the time, what makes it different? There's no point in hating on other peoples lifestyles, now why dont u stop being a jerk and get a life.

    Source(s): My epiclicious mind
  • We're just a buncha wild and crazy guys...unlike theists.

    “ I was a newspaper church columnist for many years. Endlessly, I heard ministers proclaim that religion instills love and compassion in believers. It's a universal message. Meanwhile, back at the paper, our headlines said:

    "Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs Massacre Each Other in India"

    "Protestant Gunmen Kill Catholics in Belfast, and Vice Versa"

    "Shi'ites in Iran Hang Baha'i Teens Who Won't Convert"

    "Christian Snipers Pin Down Muslim Machine-Gunners in Beirut"

    "Hands and Feet Chopped Off Under Islamic Law in Sudan"

    -- James A. Haught on

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You're a phucking idiot. Atheism is not a religion, and there are no beliefs associated with it. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD! Atheism is nothing more than not believing in God, anything after that can vary entirely from person to person.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Do Atheists go door to door preaching about their beliefs? No, Christians do

    Do Atheists stand in front of hundreds of people and spread heir beliefs? No, Christians do

    Do Atheists try and convert people? No, Christians do

    Gets your facts in order before you come in here

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    When was the last time you saw an atheist protest at a funeral - that is usually the Westboro church.

    It was the religious forcing prop 8 in california.

    It was the religious forcing their religion in the Dover trial.

    Where do we force anything again?

  • 10 years ago

    You ever see the Matrix? There is a good scene about blue and red pills. You should watch that.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


  • 10 years ago

    So they feel better about it. Nobody wants to party alone.

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