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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 10 years ago

Is the far, far, far right wing on Y Answers afraid to debate issues on the merits?

I repeatedly see far, far, far right wing posters here answering serious questions by calling President Obama evil names, calling liberals names, and lying about our Presidents record? Why is that? Are you all afraid to debate the issue on their merits? Lack of fact? Know you would lose?

13 Answers

  • bill j
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would enjoy having a fact based debate on the issues with a liberal. The problem is I haven't met a liberal yet who has any facts. They deny reality and substitute their ideology in it's place.

    Here is a little truth for ya. Obama borrows and spends over $4 1/2 trillion dollars in less than 3 years. We are now over $14 1/2 trillion in debt. How do we solve this massive debt problem? The conservative answer is to spend less. That's pretty simple. If you are spending too much then spend less. The liberal answer? Borrow more and spend more and go deeper into debt. If we spend enough we can spend our way out of debt. How can you have a serious discussion with someone who thinks like that?

    Obama spends $830 billion to stimulate the economy and create jobs. The economy is not stimulated and unemployment goes from 7.6% to over 9%. Conservatives say the facts, the numbers, the reality shows this stimulus spending to be a failure. Obama and the liberals talk about a "recovery summer" and how well stimulus spending worked. They claim it worked so well they want to try it again with an additional $447 billion.

    Obama tells us that if he spends another $447 billion it will save or create 288,000 jobs. Lets assume it works perfectly and creates that many jobs. Now lets apply a little 4th grade math to the numbers. $447 billion divided by 288,000 equals over $1.5 million per job. Conservatives think that's a little pricey. Liberals think it's a great idea.

    Or we can look at the numbers and the facts about Obama's "green" jobs programs. So far Obama has spent over $20 billion on green jobs and claims to have created about 3,500 new jobs. Simple 4th grade mathe tells us this is over $5 million per job. Conservatives think that's too much to spend per job. Liberals think it's a good idea.

    Liberals are quick to tell me about a couple of other ideas they have. They say they don't want to raise taxes on working class people. They want to tax businesses instead. That sounds great. Until you stop and consider a little reality. Obama says he wants to tax oil companies an extra $4 billion a year. This is great. I'm not paying the tax it's the oil companies. But the oil companies then raise the price of their products to pay the extra taxes. Gee, it looks like working class people ARE paying the additional taxes.

    Liberals always assume the company will just pay the taxes out of their own pockets and not raise prices. It never works out that way in reality but liberals keep claiming it does.

    I am a small business owner and liberals keep telling me they want to raise my taxes and increase government regulations on my business. Both of these will take money from my company. But somehow I will take less money and use it to hire more people. In reality less money means I will hire fewer people. Try explaining that to a liberal.

    You wanna talk about Obama's record? He promised to close Gitmo. It's still open. He promised to end the wars in the mid east. Then he sent 30,000 more troops over and started a 3rd war in Libya. He promised to end the recession. It's getting worse. He promised to lower unemployment. It's getting bigger.

    Here is my favorite. He promised us a more transparent government. We would all know what he was doing and how he was doing it. And he has his transparency meetings in private. No press allowed. Seems he doesn't want us informed about what he is doing.

    You are right about one thing. I always lose a debate with a liberal. They rant and scream. They deny reality and quote their ideology. After a while I just quit talking to them. It's impossible to have a common sense debate with someone who has no common sense.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    What drives me crazy is that the fall back for many of the people on the far right is that the president is a muslim that wasn't even born here, wants the country to be a communist dictatorship, and might possibly be the antichrist. If those people actually went after the president like adults, and cited their stances with a reliable source for their disdain I'd listen respectfully even if I disagreed. List the credentials, or lack there of about these issues that upset you. The thing is we don't live in a dictatorship, and people are allowed to have opinions that don't align with mine. I can't respect a stance that is just blatantly a hateful diatribe that makes no sense though.

    Some people on the right do believe they have fact. It's just that it comes from Faux news, so has no validity in the grand scheme of things.

    Whenever mentioning the fact that they are statistically the most uninformed viewers they just yell, and say you're wrong. How can I debate with a person who doesn't understand math? I can't. I did the leg work, it doesn't work. I use logic and fact, sadly the extreme right don't do the same.

  • 10 years ago

    If you supply guns to someone (drug dealers) and you knew,or reasonably should have known,violent acts would be committed with said guns you are GUILTY of "reckless disregard for human life" (manslaughter) and conspiracy to commit murder,as well as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" (treason)

    Obammer and Eric holder are co conspirators and belong in prison.

    Would you care to debate this ???

  • 10 years ago

    That's pretty funny, coming from an Obama supporter, whose leader plants questions in press conferences and refuses to allow certain news agencies to ask questions at all.

  • Bryan
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    You cannot debate extremists on either the left or right. Fanatics are not open to such things.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Lets see Pelosi very words on Obama care to know whats in it you have to vote for it that doesn't leave much room for debate now doe's it? Reid's very words i will put this CCB bill on the shelf and not allow it to the floor for a vote or debate. Obama's words if this bill come's to my desk i will veto it. Now your either an uninformed Troll or very stupid or just a combination of both.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, name calling and personal attacks are so much easier and they do not require any proof.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    lol--seems to me you guys used the same tactics when bush was in office--now that behavior is somehow wrong? At least be consistent--oh wait--i forgot--your a democrat--you are genetically unable to do so.

  • 10 years ago

    Both sides do it constantly. You are only attacking one side for it. Seems pretty biased and unreasonable to blame others for what you are doing yourself. There is a word for that - HYPOCRITE

  • 10 years ago

    Yes. Why would they be any different on Y than in the world?

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