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What's the big deal about parking in front of somebody's house?

This is kinda long, so I apologize in advance. Hope you read it all!

My parents have never talked about it. They parked in driveway, and I mostly parked in the driveway as well. I moved out, and now I park on the street. I always considered the public street just a public street and it wasn't such a big deal. I noticed parking in front on one of my neighbors' house seems to bother him a lot. They would take up 2 spaces just so nobody could park in front. This is southern California where people can live on top of each other, and many neighborhoods are filled with cars and people. I always figured that I could park wherever I wanted to on a public street. But now, it seems to be not the case.

I have read many discussions on why people get mad. Really mad, to the point they want to hurt somebody's car. Car's are kinda expensive things, so anything that would happen to my car wouldn't be fine. I read that people like the look the way their homes look when others cars don't park in front of their cars. Does that mean they think their cars look prettier than mine? I have also read that people don't want their views blocked. I drive an Acura integra. I wash and wax it, its not ugly and not big, so I kinda don't see this applying here. I'm trying to understand this. It's a small car, so it's not like I'm blocking sunlight. And my house is in front of their house, so it's not like they have a waterfront view or anything visually awesome. It's just North Long Beach.

So, then people on the internet say why don't I just park in front my house. My answer to this is that I never really thought about it. I just park and view the street as one giant public parking lot. Never thought anything else. This house, the parking spot in question, is directly in front of my house. I figure as long as I'm walking half way down the block I don't care. It's only across the street, and to me that's basically the same as in front of your own house. I don't mean to cause any disrespect by doing this, however sometimes there's simply no place to park. I wouldn't feel anything if anybody parked in front of my house, and would even get excited if I see what I consider a "cool" car parked in what I guess would be "my" spot?. I'm a very personable and friendly person. However, this is the only person that I can seem to get those negative vibes from.

I park so others can park there and fit, and only noticed this being an issue when I realized when I wanted to park there and couldn't seem to fit, 2 spots seemed to always be taken. I would have to walk a little farther, not too far, but I felt kinda offended actually. Since I felt the street was just one giant public parking lot, I would figure that people would try to fit as many cars into the limited curb space available. Like a courtesy to others. Make sure everybody has space. Only did I read online that it appears I am the inconsiderate one for having not to care that it was in front of somebody's house.

Apparently I am really inconsiderate and rude as well. I simply don't understand this. I don't understand why they are mad. I just understand that they are mad. I think I have some decent reasonable points on my side. I'm not trying to be disruptive, but at the same time, I don't want people hassling me or messing with my car. So that's my humble argument about parking on the street wherever I care, or not care. Except now, I guess I should make more of an effort to park in front of my house. (Damn, 3 point turn!... Damn me, that's about as lazy as you can get!)

Lastly, my wife opposes to this idea but I want write them a note. Not a mean note, just one in their mail box saying that I believe I may have noticed a situation and don't want any animosity towards any of my neighbors. Give him some of the things I said here, leave my cell phone number, and hope for the best.

Let me know what you guys think, and try to give me a better understanding as to why this action is offensive to some people. Not only pissing people off, but getting really, really, mad. Never would have thought it...But, that's life, you grow up and learn about people. Sorry for the long read. :( Let's see who sticks it out and responds. lol

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago

    While your property actually ends before the street and any parking space, homeowners feel like its theirs anyway.

    Look at it this way, have you ever swept up in front of a house a 1/2 block away ?

    Why not ?

    Is it all privilege no responsibility ? Only you get to be lazy ?

    If I have to keep it clean,fix the curb,and Im the one who gets sued if you fall on the sidewalk I didn't shovel, then Im entitled to that spot. Somebody is having a 4 of July BBQ and a guest parks there 1/2 a day, I can see that.

  • 10 years ago

    It pretty much comes down to THIS:

    If your neighbor USES the spaces in front of his house, you, as a good neighbor, should park elsewhere.

    I have several drivers with cars at MY house and use BOTH spaces in front of my house EVERY night, so it annoys me when someone parks there and causes ME to have to park down the street.

    On the OTHER hand, we have one neighbor who NEVER has a car parked in front of his house and he gets all worked up if someone does park there, and he turns on his sprinklers to wet down the car.......

    My take is: try and be observant and see who NEEDS spaces, and park where they are not needed.

    In other words, be a good neighbor.

    Taking the attitude that it's a free country and you can park wherever you want is NOT being a good neighbor.

    Just remember. The day is coming when YOU TOO will own property, and you'll get some payback for your bad attitude.with people plugging up all YOUR spaces..........

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    kinda seems like yoj're actually trying to antaogonize the situation to me.

    if yor'e living somewhere else and simply visiting your parents, if the street in front of their house is full of parked cars (yojre' not really clear on this point" why no simpy park in th edriveway? it's not like your'e staying, right?

    point is, what if they have guests? dont they have the right to have their gusts park in front of hteir house instead of somewhere else when you could be parking either in ffront of your parents house or in the driveway??

    the key here seems to be in your queisont, "you didn't reallky think about it" like most self important libs from cali...

    if you try to think about someone besides yourself, this may become clear.

    my sister has a simila issue w/ her neighbor, a couple of punk kids hwo dint think about the community in which they live. their front door opens onto the street where there is no parking, but at the same distance on the side of the house is plenty of parking. yet for some reason, they always park in front of my sisters house/front door so if she comes home for a errrand or has a guerst, they have to park down the street or on the side where the neighbor coulda parked jsut as close as in front. self important ignorance of surroundings seems to be the order of the day for kids these dyas.

  • 10 years ago

    "Like a courtesy to others. Make sure everybody has space. "

    Common courtesy is not nearly as common as it once was.

    Nor is common sense.

    I agree with your wife. A note will only cause problems. Just keep hoping for the best.

    Source(s): Dealt with similar in a much worse neighborhood.
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  • 10 years ago

    If you cant park in front of your house because your neighbor is always parked there you probably wouldn't like it either. Thanks for reminding me why I moved out of the city long ago

  • 10 years ago

    I totally agree with you. The street is public property, what's the fuss? Maybe next time you see him you can ask him about it, or bring over a couple of beers/cookies or invite him to a BBQ to make it friendly.

    If it continues to be an issue just park in front of your house I suppose, but they're the ones who are being petty and rude.

  • Dv8s
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Dye your hair blonde, get some breast implants and then you can park where ever you like.

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