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Ari Gold asked in SportsHockey · 10 years ago

New York Islander's goalie situation?

DiPietro was hit in the mask by a teammate in practise the other day and (surprise, surprise) he's out with a concussion.

Who will be starting the majority of the Isles games? Montoya or Nabokov?

Is enough finally enough? Should the Isles just buy out DiPietro's contract? I know it's a ridiculous contract, but this is just getting stupid...

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Insurance is paying RDP's contract yet again if he lands on LTIR just like they have year after year. This has no effect on the Isles so they arent assuming any risk....him getting hurt actually helps the teams bottom line since they arent the ones on the hook for this joke of a deal. Buying him out hurts them for a very long time as they are forced to take the cap hit and actually pay him out of their own pocket (Wang isnt going to do that....Rick isnt going to retire). Obviously this contract looks very bad but think about it....had he stayed healthy and played to the level he PROVED he was capable of this would have been a steal with the increase in salary and having a potential franchise player locked up for life.

    They will showcase Nabokov and deal him....this will be Montoya's team for better or worse.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    If the Islander management were smart, they'd start Nabokov for the majority of the games. I honestly don't have much confidence with Montoya in net (especially with the Islanders defense).

    Then again, Islander management sucks, so they'll probably split the games between the Montoya and Nabokov.

    Oh joy...


    In regards to DP's contract, it's not worth buying it out.

    Sure he gets injured too much, but when he's on top of his game he is a very good goaltender (and has proven himself to be so).

    That contract, however, was a huge mistake.

    Signing someone who is injury prone for that many years?


  • 10 years ago

    Buy him out? He is in year six of fifteen! If they bought him out he'd be on their books for 18 more years!

    Keep him on the IR is the best they can do, serves them right for 1) trading Luongo away in order to draft him, and 2) signing him to that huge deal.

    Nabby and Montoya split, and if Montoya does good, he can eventually be the long term starter. But lets be honest, it is the Islanders, they'll screw this up somehow.

    Live and die by the (Charles) Wang.


    They are in a similar situation as the Bruins are with Savard. The Islanders have to hope that he stays injured so that the contract doesn't count towards the cap. If by chance DiPietro finally gives up and retires, the Islanders will be off the hook. The only other way that contract is gone is if someone trades for him, which I doubt will happen.

  • 10 years ago

    Montoya with Poulin backing him up. That's what I'd go with. But unfortunately it's all about the money.

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  • WHAT?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Montoya will start, with Nabakov backing up.

    Source(s): Isles fan
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well seeing that the islanders suck even with him it wont do anything

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