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I do I tell the Christian Children next door that I'm Pagan?

My next door neighbors are very Christian, and I have no problem with that, I just want them to know that I'm Pagan, and preferably not freak out when they do.

Also how do I NICELY tell them that their Pasture is wrong about Paganism, Wicca, etc.

He claims that the razor blades in apples was an ancient Pagan sacrifice to Satan...

Also he's saying that Halloween costumes were used to invite demons into your home (and that the holiday originated in Christianity and Pagans perverted it)

How do I explain this to young children?


Ray Balthazar- Yes I did know that

Mary Beth- Do you think I go next door and hang out with these kids? They come to me, they talk to me. I never brought up the subject of religion, they asked me.

MagnoliaMoon- ummmmmm thanks?

Update 2:

Jeffery- yes I did intend to put *Pastor instead of Pasture, thank you for catching that

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    <> I understand that you want to eliminate stereotypes and misunderstandings.

    <> But you may want to ask the parents of the children, because they might get very protective and defensive, and may get very angry with you.

    <> It's important that children aren't grown up in a biased way because if they live with the wrong facts of any religion they might grow up to deny anything which doesn't agree with their faith because they've been brought up with it.

  • 10 years ago

    Your question is in two parts.

    Q: How do I "nicely" tell them their pastor is wrong about Paganism, Wicca, etc?

    A: Sorry, there is no way of "nicely" telling someone that a leader they admire is wrong about anything. They will take it personally, as an attack on their belief system.

    Q: How do I explain this to young children?

    A: Just don't - not other people's children. It is not your responsibility to educate them. Their parents will say you are a Satanic influence. It might turn nasty. Remember they are your neighbours and you have to live with these people. Undermining Christian parents' choice of religious upbringing for their children - even if you don't mean to - will not help anyone to understand the truth about Paganism.

  • 10 years ago

    Leave it alone. Don't directly try to tell their children anything about your religion. They will accuse you of trying to convert them. It's probably best, for your sake, not to specifically say anything to them about religion.

    If the kids ask you about religion, answer with very simple non-involved answers like:

    "Do you believe in God?"

    "Yes. So how about this weather? IT's getting awefully cold out, do you ahve your winter coats ready?"

    "Our pastor says that Halloween is evil. Do you think it is?"

    "No, I don't. Have you seen the new laundramat opening up across the street? I can't wait to have that kind of conveneinece so close by."

    If the parents come over and start asking you questions about religion try this:

    "Which church do you go to?"

    "I don't go to a church. I meet with like-minded people at a coffee shop sometimes though. So how about that weather?"

    "Are you a Christian woman?"

    "No, I'm not. Have you seen there's a new laundramat opening accross the street..."

    "Are you one of those pagans!"

    "Well, tecnically, yes, I am a neo-pagan. I practice a modern form of European polytheism based on the myth cycles of the ancient greeks, actually. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about it."

    Basically, don't engage unless they ask you directly about your views and even then, keep it as short and non-commital as possible, use "safe" language, like "prayer" instead of spell or "energy" instead of magick. Your neighbors are probably not the best place to start your campaign of educating the masses. You'll just create a rift if you extend yourself out too far... it will look like you are looking for converts or prosthelatyzing. You won't be, but that's what they'll think and it will cause you misery in your own home when they make you a pariah in the neighborhood or start vandalizing your property because they'll think you are a Satan-worshiping child-molester.

    If you MUST reach out, do so at the church. Ask to sit down with the pastor himself and educate him about the facts as you know them, otherwise, you can't do much on your own. You don't have to hide, but specifically reaching out to educate your neighbors could be a big mistake!


    Source(s): eclectic neo-pagan with open-minded neighbors who mind their own business
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    They are children being raised by Christians so I wouldn't come out and say, I'm a pagan because it will most likely set off alarm bells and stereo types. You don't to be "the devil worshiper next door." I know that's not what you believe but it's a stereo type. As you're getting to know them and I presume their parents as well you can slowly reveal who and what you are before their defenses go up. I think this could be good for all of you.

    I'm a Christian and practice this on the flip side since many people will just automatically shut down or feel judged if I say, Oh. I'm a Christian and I believe.......

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  • 10 years ago

    1. Speaking as a Wiccan, I don't think it's my neighbor's business.

    2. Tell the kids to look up razor blades in apples on snopes.

    3.*Halloween,* specifically, **Halloween,** is a Christian holiday. It has become secularized, but Halloween (not other holidays on the same day) DID start in Christianity.

    4. Not your job to explain things to other people's kids. If they ask you about your religion, you tell them you find it impolite to discuss religion with people who have no business knowing. Hell, these kids need to hear it from some one, because when they get into the job market, proselytizing can make them lose a job, and if no one outside their church says it is improper, they'll never get it.

  • 10 years ago

    Well considering that my friend is a pagan he keeps it to himself unless of course he is asked about his religion. There is no real point to bring it up unless your neighbors bring it up, then by all means tell them the truth.

    And no pagans are not satanists. But trying to convince them of this may be difficult because they sound like they are hard wired into believing only what their Fundamentalist denomination teaches. Hell even I know that the early Christians were mainly pagan converts, it's even mentioned in the New Testament. That is of course the individual that is reading it understands that the church of Rome (Romans), church of Corinth (Corinthians). etc. etc. were places mainly made up of pagans where St. Paul and the other Apostles brought the Gospel of Christ.

    And of course this guy does not know the difference between Samhain and All Saints Day which is were the word Halloween originated from. I don't know if you know this or not but All Saints Day originally was May 13th, but Pope Gregory III wanted to convert celtic pagans to Christianity moved the day to November 1st. The night before All Saints Day was called All Holy Evening, later on called All Hallows Eve, then eventually called Halloween. Of course explaining this to them may also prove pointless.

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Just don't associate with them. If they are that stupid, they do not deserve your friendship. Do what I did and put Pagan items about your lawn. I have a lot of runes and statues and such on my lawn. Christian neighbors steer pretty clear. It's like a barrier of some sort it seems, closed-minded Christians fear what they refuse to actually learn about.

  • Bob B
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I'd simply not discuss the matter with them. Religion is one of those matters that it's probably not a good idea to talk about with people unless you share the same beliefs. Too many problems otherwise.

  • Do you presently above mean Pastor, not Pasture?

    3 step analysis for many USA Christians.

    1. Who, what, when, where, how, why.

    2. Two or more witnesses (Matt. 18:16, 2 Cor. 13:1) Put another way, the difference between opinion and fact.

    3. Are they scripture (2 Tim. 3:16-17) i.e. scriptural fact versus fact. (Hint: Jews Joshua 1).

    (God's o.t. is the law of Moses; not Satan's Genesis-Malachi).

    Pagan versus Christian

    A) Are they consistent with scriptural principals?

    B) Give your pagan views.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Don't be nice to idiots, it only encourages them.

    Besides it was Christians who put apples around razor blades so that children would bruise themselves and get juice on their chins when they were shaving.

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