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I'm a Pagan, I've read the Bible and disagree with Christ. I pray to Quan Yin, Odin, Thor, and Bacchus mainly. My Gods are just and fair. My Husband is in the US Military and I am proud to be his wife. Odin and Thor protect and guide him at war and bring him home to me safe and sound. PS- I don't care if you think I'm going to hell, I'd rather defy a tyrant and burn for it, than serve him and be rewarded by said tyrant. Not all who wander are lost

  • What has God done for you personally?

    I want to hear your stories of what God has done for you personally; that means the whole dying on the cross thing is out since he did that for all of mankind and not just you.

    So what has God done just for you?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • My power outlet just made a popping noise, I'm guessing it's not safe to use?

    I plugged in my hairdryer to my outlet adapter which gives me 6 instead of 2 outlets (it's not quite a power strip or surge protector). The moment I plugged it in there was a spark, a pop, and the smell of electrical smoke. I unplugged the hairdryer, and the adapter. The hair dryer has a chip in one of the prongs now (I don't believe it was there before) and both prongs are black. I didn't trip the breaker, so what exactly happened? and is the outlet or adapter safe to use?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Do you know Joseph Kony?

    Here, get to know a bit about him.

    I know it's a link, I know it's a video, and I know it's 30 mins long, But this is a worthy cause, you don't need to spend the money, just watch and share this video and spread the word. This must be stopped!

    Let's make him famous.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • What does Nordic Paganism (Asatru, Odinsim, etc.) say about Justice after Infidelity?

    I'm fairly new to Nordic Paganism, and after reading up on different stories of a few of the Gods unfaithful actions, I wondered, what about us humans? Oath breaking is a serious offense (especially the marital vows), what is the betrayed to do? What about the betrayer/ oath breaker? What actions/ steps must be taken to see justice done?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, what is your general impression of Pagans?

    Just out of curiosity. People of other beliefs are free to answer as well of course.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I do I tell the Christian Children next door that I'm Pagan?

    My next door neighbors are very Christian, and I have no problem with that, I just want them to know that I'm Pagan, and preferably not freak out when they do.

    Also how do I NICELY tell them that their Pasture is wrong about Paganism, Wicca, etc.

    He claims that the razor blades in apples was an ancient Pagan sacrifice to Satan...

    Also he's saying that Halloween costumes were used to invite demons into your home (and that the holiday originated in Christianity and Pagans perverted it)

    How do I explain this to young children?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Guys, My husband has changed so much, any advice?

    My husband and I have been married since Sept. but it seems like he doesn't care anymore. Like he got everything he wanted from me. I want to be treated like I was when we were dating, he used to write me poetry, stay up with me all night, and just seemed to put more effort into the relationship. I love him too much to loose him but I can't go on like this for too much longer. Men especially, what is your advice?

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What are the pros and cons to Placenta Stem cell research?

    Especially compared to Embryonic stem cell research. Now I'm not looking for a debate here, I don't care to hear everyone's rants about the subject, I just need some information on it. So if you could please answer the question respectfully and honestly that would be great, oh and please site your sources! a url will do just fine thanks *^_^*

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • What can I do or say to help them get more comfortable with the idea of me marring him?

    My parents really don't like my fiance. I obviously love him but they have some huge issues with him... He doesn't go to church, He's "Brainwashed" me, etc.

    I know it's normal for the parents to not like the guy but it gets really bad at times... my mom was talking about wearing black to my wedding (which is kinda funny cause the colors are red and black but I haven't told her that yet)

    They're still supportive but not happy... I want them to be happy though, but not if it means loosing him!

    What can I do or say to help them get more comfortable with the idea of me marring him?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What should I do for a Romantic Winter Solstice Date?

    My Boyfriend leaves for Basic training in February, so I didn't want to get him something that would just go into storage for months. I decided I would take him on a romantic date. I know we're going to this Steakhouse but I want to do something else. if you have any ideas please let me know!

    I already looked at the Capitol Theatre and we've seen the show... I want to do something new!!!

    and boys need not say it... the lingerie is already bought...

    Thank You!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • My Fiance is going into the Army. What can I expect?

    I completely support my fiance, as well as all branches of the military. I'm just not sure what to expect.

    He is going to mep on Wednesday and will be back on Thursday... Can anyone help me out with what will happen after that?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How do you put a bill to a popular vote?

    The whole health care thing has really frustrated me, my question is sorta two things at once.

    1. Is it possible to put this bill to a popular vote (pure democratic vote with no electoral college just pure Americans' votes) rather than allowing our representatives, who have so far proved to be very good at ignoring us, decide on it?

    2. How?

    I'm not asking for your stance on this subject just wondering if we can make it so everyone's voice is heard, not just the politicians'

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Transcontinental Railroad Passengers?

    I've heard a rumor going around that the good old Transcontinental Railroad (Union Pacific) will be re- instating the passenger cars. Does anyone know if this rumor holds any water to it?

    Keep in mind I'm in Wyoming so this is pretty big news for us.

    Rail1 decade ago