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Fellow Christians: Did you know that the Old Earth "theory" is not compatible at all with the Bible?
The Ussher chronology states that the Bible lists the Earth's age as 6000 years old. The "days" in Genesis cannot be interpreted as any time longer than a 24 hour day. This "day is longer than 24 hours" idea was peddled by Satanists pretending to be Christians.
Please renounce your faith in evolution and believe only in God.
16 Answers
- ?Lv 710 years agoFavorite Answer
I have answered this many times before in my previous Yahoo life as John the Baptist:;_ylt=AmIHo...;_ylt=AuG7G...;_ylt=AuG7G...;_ylt=Ak.NS...
The problem reconciling the Bible with evolution is that the Genesis account does NOT say that Adam was anything other than a man.
Conflict is inevitable when we therefore admit that if the Bible doesn't START with truth, how much more is questionable?
Belief in evolution allows one to escape accountability to God, even if it's only temporary...
Rom 1:20 for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
We are to avoid evil; we should expose and avoid all teaching that opposes God's word. Christians should recognize what the idea of evolution and its sister teaching of an old earth does by undermining the authority of scripture:
1) It adds death before the sin of Adam and Eve.
2) It sullies God's character because it makes God's "very good" creation (Genesis 1:31) one that includes horrendous death and suffering.
3) It contradicts the most "hermeneutically correct" (plain) reading of Genesis 1.
4) It renders the Ten Commandments as allegory or wrong (Exodus 20:11).
5) It relegates the Genesis Flood to a local event and not worldwide (you see, if a person believes in long ages, then that means they must also accept that the fossil record was laid down over a long time, and was not mostly produced by a global Flood).
6) It makes the words of Jesus wrong; in Mark 10:6 Jesus said, "But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female"; in other words, according to Jesus the first people were not created millions of years after life forms first appeared on earth--they were created at "the beginning."
Most Christians have simply not thought through these insurmountable difficulties when they add evolution/ millions of years to the Bible.
The age of the earth can be calculated by adding up the genealogies in Genesis 5, Genesis 11 and Matthew 1. Depending upon what number you choose to assign a Biblical "generation" the age of the earth is ~6,000 years.
Yours in Christ,
Voice in the Wilderness
- TruthTeacherLv 410 years ago
I believe only in God - He created the Heavens and the Earth. However, I think that the chronology really relates only to the creation ON the Earth. What does it say? The Earth was formless and void - therefore, Earth already was there. For how long? Not known. What the account relates is how God brought form - land divisions - to the Earth, set the sun in place, moon, etc. Then, we see Man and the animals being put on Earth, which by chronology happened at least 6000 years ago. However, the chronology may not be that accurate, since some of the generations were not directly successive, as in father and son, but some mentioned are father and grandson, or great-grandson - so, the term 'begotten' is not necessarily, 'son of', thereby extending the years between listed generations to 80 or more years.
This does not discount my belief in our Creator nor does it prove evolution in any way, shape or form. What it does show is that, just because Earth or the existence of mankind may be older than the Ussher Chronology suggests, does not mean that God is any less Creator nor does it mean that evolution is anything more than a theory. Also, Harold Camping suggests an exact amount of years - to the date, which is something around 13,000 years - since creation, but while his numbers sound good, he has no real basis to prove where he gets his numbers from. I would say he speculates, but I think imagination plays a larger part in his thinking.
If you read the details of the Ussher Chronology, it was merely a literal chronology based on what they read in the Bible. However, there are gaps in times and dates, especially in the chronologies of kings after Solomon - look it up in Wikipedia, they give better info than I can describe. Some scientists have gone too far in their pushing of theories and most of their dating techniques are not accurate, but we cannot discount what we do find in archeology and palaeontology which does agree with the Creation account - such science was not available when Ussher came up with his chronology.
- 10 years ago
You say it is not compatible with the Bible yet you use no scripture to prove your point.
But I can use scripture to demonstrate otherwise:
- "Day" is used at Genesis 2:4 to refer to all 6 creative "days". Clearly the word "day" HAS been used in the opening chapters of Genesis to refer to a period longer than 24 hours. This lends credence to the point that the 6 "days" previously referred to are not literal 24-hour periods, but long epochs of time.
- The seventh day is a lot longer than 24-hours as it has not ended yet. (Hebrews 4:1-10) This fact makes it reasonable to assume the previous 6 "days" were also extended periods.
- Genesis 1:1,2 shows that the planet was already in existance for an unspecified time before the terraformation described from Genesis 1:3 onwards. Who can say for sure how long a period Genesis 1:1,2 covers?
Thus the Bible actually does not contradict scientific findings suggesting the planet is a lot older than 6000 years. The 6000 year period (or thereabout) only applies to the time that man has been on Earth.
Also belief that the Earth is older than 6000 years is not the same as beleiving in evolution -- the two are NOT synonymous. I don't believe in evolution, nor do I believe the earth is a mere 6000 years old. Neither does the Bible nor true objective Science agree with either of these viewpoints.
- ?Lv 710 years ago
Let me ask you this, how long is a Day to God? Your basing this off of a 24 hour earth day which is determined by the sun. God didn't create the sun, moon, and stars until the fourth day. Now you're also telling me that you have to disregard everything which has been proven by science, including astronomy which has proven that the earth is not the center of the universe?
And take for example the Archangel St. Gabriel's prophesy of Seventy Weeks, Sixty-two Weeks, and One Week and a Half a Week which was given to the Prophet Daniel. The Archangel St. Gabriel used weeks to measure years.
70 Weeks was actually 70 years of Jeremiah's prophesy the capture of the Kingdom of Judah by the Babylonians and the exile of the Jews and there return to Palestine.
62 Weeks was the murder of the High Priest Onias III in 171 BC, which was the beginning of the persecution of the Jews.
1 Week was the final phase of Antiochus persecution, and the 1/2 Week that followed was the desecration of the Jewish Temple.
Daniel 9:24-27
“Seventy weeks are decreed
for your people and for your holy city:
Then transgression will stop and sin will end,
guilt will be expiated,
Everlasting justice will be introduced,
vision and prophecy ratified,
and a holy of holies will be anointed.
Know and understand:
From the utterance of the word
that Jerusalem was to be rebuilt
Until there is an anointed ruler,
there shall be seven weeks.
In the course of sixty-two weeks
it shall be rebuilt,
With squares and trenches,
in time of affliction.
After the sixty-two weeks
an anointed one shall be cut down
with no one to help him.
And the people of a leader who will come
shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
His end shall come in a flood;
until the end of the war, which is decreed,
there will be desolation.
For one week he shall make
a firm covenant with the many;
Half the week
he shall abolish sacrifice and offering;
In their place shall be the desolating abomination
until the ruin that is decreed
is poured out upon the desolator.”
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- 10 years ago
So, if the Earth is only 6,000 years old how can you explain the bacteria stromatolites that date back to 3,800 millions of years ago, or the fact that there are dinosaur fossils from before 65 millions of years ago, or the fact that the human race has over a million years of existence. You know there is a city in what's now Turkey named Çatalhöyük that was established in the year 7500 BC.
P.S The age of the Earth has nothing to do with evolution. The evolution you're talking about is a concept that can only be applied to living organisms.
- FAT MANLv 610 years ago
If you're so strict about biblical literalism, why dont you stick to the bible itself, instead of this usher chronology? If you can bring in extracurricular materials, then so can I.
As for most atheists, I know for a fact that the universe is exactly 13.89157 billion years because my public school science teacher says so lol. Proverbs 8:27. I was there. Were you?
- secretsauceLv 710 years ago
What does "day" mean in Genesis 2:17?
"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
Does that mean a 24-hour day?
If so, then you've got major problems with Genesis 3.
Consider also, that in Genesis 1:27 God creates humans ... "male and female created he them" ... in the 6th day. He also tells them (on that day) to "Be fruitful, and multiply".
So if humans were created *as a group*, with both *males and females* ... in one 24-hour day ... then when did the Adam and Eve story take place?
(This is why, as a Christian, I reject Biblical literalism. It turns the Bible into a logically inconsistent jumbled mess ... instead of a source of PROFOUND truth.)
- Anonymous10 years ago
Look at chapters 1 and 2 of genesis. Why are there two different versions of creation?
In chapter 1 it says that on the sixth day god created man AND woman but in the 2nd chapter it says he created woman from Adam's rib.
- 10 years ago
Humans have dominated the planet for close to 6000 years .1100 years left for humans
- Anonymous10 years ago
Clearly stating an opinion/fact (depending on your beliefs) makes it an askable question, right. You're either a really annoying fundie, or a bad troll. If you're the former please don't try to convert innocent web browsers because you feel good about what you believe in. If you're the latter please practice on lower profile websites before you attempt to troll here, omegle makes good practice.
Edit: I guess a few people bit.