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Isn't okay to miss the birth of your child, when your reason is THIS valid!?!?!?

Me and my wife are getting ready to welcome a brand new baby girl into the world and it’s a joyous and festive occasion, as is usually the case for parents welcoming a new child into the world. This is my second child, and this will be her first, so she is really excited to become a biological mother, and I’m sure she will be great at it, she does a fantastic job with my son from a previous relationship.

One thing that we seem to be having trouble with is the actual day of birth for my child. Our Doctor says that it may be in my wife’s best interest if they schedule a C-section as this has been a couple of complications with the pregnancy and she has been closely monitored throughout. Well the doctor is saying they want to do it on October 27 if the baby has not come out naturally by then.

Well here is the problem, I have a championship softball game that day and its also a really big day for me as well. Being that I obviously can’t move my softball game, I made a reasonable request that we move the C-section date. The doctor gave me some lip service about how that could be detrimental to the health of my baby and my wife, and I think that is a load of crap, what difference would moving it back another 24 hours make? In HS, we got to the championship game for JV baseball, and I had to miss that game because I was injured. The lord has blessed me with another chance at glory and now my wife is scheming with her Dr. to take this moment away from me.

Now my wife is trying to hit me with some kind of ultimatum and being totally unreasonable in saying that I need to be there for the birth of my child or else you might as well go live with a teammate. I think this is ridiculous, especially when you consider that this is not my first time around the block when it comes to having a kid, as I stated I already have a child, and I was there for that birth so I doubt anything happens much different that I need to be there to see it. I offered to have my brother or sister or some other family member stand in for me, in case she needed a hand to squeeze or needed someone to help her breathe, im not sure how this C0section thing works. But surely its not a mandatory thing for me to be there standing around, when I got 16 other guys on my softball team expecting me to be there and show up for the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! My daughter is not even going to remember this moment so I don’t understand why she has to be so unreasonable. We both have smart phones she can take pics and video and send it to me instantly, or we can be on skype while the baby is being born and I can have my cake and eat it too, everybody wins all the way around.

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    *sighs* go to a tall building and jump off. You dont need advice you need you balls flicked really hard.

  • 10 years ago

    Although I understand your dilemma and sympathize with you. I however feel that you are being somewhat selfish. True your daughter will not remember that you were not there in the first 24 hours of her life, but your wife certainly will. Speaking as a woman, I understand that she is scared and having a c-section, its major surgery, its only natural that she would want to share this experience with her husband, besides she did not make this child alone. I agree, what would another 24 hours hurt? But keep in mind. If you choose this game over your wife. You will be showing her that she comes second to the game and that can cause a lot of trouble in the future. Tell the guys you cant make it or see if the doctor can schedule it later in the afternoon. Good luck and congrats

  • 10 years ago

    Huh? I'm at a loss for words right now. Hang on, I'll be right back. I'm going to go pack your bags for your pregnant wife that is going thru complications and facing a c-section! And if by chance, this is a legitimate question, I don't really think they will allow a computer into an operating room so you can watch the birth of your child.....ever hear of germs.

    PS: It will also be a little difficult for your wife to take pictures with her smart phone while her arms are strapped down! Your and a$$. Your wife should have invested in a smarter husband than a smart phone.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    If you think a game is more important than the birth of your child you have no right calling yourself a dad. Your not grownup enough to be having kids. If you skip that important moment in your life you wife will probably never forgive you she will definately never forget it. So go play and have a miserable life or be a man an do the right thing. And even though your daughter won't remember it how do you think she will feel when she gets older an finds out her dad wanted to be with his friends playing a game rather than be there for her mom or to see her for the first time?

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    omg! i kind of understand you but i am on you wife sides because you know how many times your baby girl is gonna born only once an your gonna miss that just for a championship that's nothing compare to your wife and daughter . you should definitively leave the game and be there with your wife to support her!.

    i guess your thinking that way because you already have a son you already went through that but for her this is her first time and you definitively understand her and be there with her hope you take the right decision or you might regret it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Any reason is valid IF you agree on it however when you don't agree then mom takes precedence so sorry but the game is out of the window. I do sympathise specially since mines escaping (he works away and will not make it home in time) but I'm fine with that your wife however is not and she needs to be your priority. I don't want mine there in all honesty as I can do without having to reassure him every 5 seconds that I'm actually fine and there's nothing to worry about, he gets a bit overly concerned at times

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Are you that stupid, really just cause you been there for your first child's birth you feel like you don't have to be there for your second child really wow. If I were your wife your thing's would of been packed and you would be living in the street's for all I cared. My bf has 2 kid's already, this is gonna be his 3rd and my first and he would not miss the birth for anything, and if he even thought about it his *** would be out of the house. Being there for your daugthers birth is the right thing to do and you know that!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Hopefully your wife wises up and divorces you. Grow up already. You'd rather make your wife go through a major surgey by herself rather than you be there because you want to play a game? I have a feeling the softballs isn't the only balls you play with when it comes to your team mates.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    STOP BEING SELFISH! Just because this isn't your first time around, this IS your wife and this IS her first time! She has every right to be mad at you. You need to be supportive of her. She is scared she has never done this before and SHE wants you there. This is going to be life change for her, and you need to be there to officially start the family. Your reason SUCKS and you should be ashamed.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No-that's not valid

    it's your child for goodness sake,

    off course the baby won't remember, but she will be told when she is older that you chose

    a game of softball rather then her, goodness know what she'll think of you then

    Take responsibility, you are the father, so be a father and be there

    Source(s): mum of 3
  • 10 years ago


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