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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

Why do people think that Israelis are terrorists?

Israel clearly is not a terrorist state, yet many people accuse it of being one.. while praising Palestinians... many of which are actually terrorist (Hamas).

America is the biggest supporter of Israel, and America absolutely does not like terrorists, so if Israelis are terrorists, then why does America support them?

Every day for no reason Palestinians launch rockets into Israel and innocent men, women, and children have to live in fear that they are going to be blown up. So of course Israel defends themselves from this and they become the terrorists for not wanting rockets in their country... it makes no sense.

Never in Israel's history has even one Israeli been a suicide bomber... not one, yet there have been hundreds of Palestinian suicide bombers.. one of which killed an American teenager at my Florida school... but of course Israelis are the terrorists.

Israel has not started any wars in it's history... all of the wars have been started by Arabs or Palestinians... the Yom Kippur war, when Israel was attacked on the holiest day of the year, the six day war, when Israel again was attacked for no reason, the attack a few summers ago when Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets into Israel... but still people think of Israelis as the terrorists.

Hamas, the government of the Gaza Strip, is a recognized terrorist organization.. but still Palestinians think that Israel, a recognized democracy, is a terrorist state.

The acts that Israel do that people claim to be terrorist acts, are acts of self defense, being surrounded by hostile nations. They should be given every right to defend themselves.

Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas for defending his own country against attacks from Hamas and keeping him away from sunlight, in solitary confinement with little food and human interaction for five years. Does this sound humane? not at all. But no, Israelis are the monsters for imprisoning Palestinians and have actual trials, not just taking them. And even in prison, they most likely had better living conditions than they did in Gaza.

I don't understand how people can be so blind do the atrocities that happen to Israel, but still side with their enemies.


djc1175- i am 15 and yes i have checked out that website.. it gives the "facts" but not the reasons behind them. For example, more children have been killed in Gaza because they are used as human shield and terrorists will hide in schools and around children. And also... I was getting the sense that you dont believe that a teenager was killed from my school, i would like you to google search Daniel Wultz, read about him, and then tell me that the people that killed him werent monsters.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have never believed that Israelis are terrorist. I believe what you're saying, because I know Palestinians are terrorists, who want all jews wiped off the map. They make this loud and clear, like most all muslims do... What I don't get, why Israelis released 1000 convicted terrorists/murderers? I know they got their 1 soldier back for doing this. I know Israelis love their soldiers just as much as we in the US, UK,.. etc..etc... love our soldiers. We love our soldiers too, just as much as Israelis love theirs.., but when it comes to saving 1 of ours, ..knowing it will surely cause many more deaths for our people in the future,. we have learned that EVERYONE has to make sacrifices in war.. or it will NEVER end. Don't Israelis understand that by releasing 1000 convicted criminals, that it will surely cause, HUNDREDS of more deaths for Israelis? These 1000 Palestinians are going to gear up and kill as many jews as possible, along with their terrorist brothers, who are already doing it. Why would Israel put Hundreds of more lives in danger like this? Don't they care just as much about their fellow Israelis dying, as they do this 1 soldier? Shouldn't they be concerned about all Israeli deaths? Surely they know that this kind of deal will lead to many more deaths for Israelis.. When this happens, how are Israelis going justify this, in their own minds? Are they going to say.. this 1 soldiers life was more important than hundreds of Israelis who will surely be killed because of this deal? I don't believe Israelis are terrorists, but they're certainly opening up a way for even more Israelis to be murdered. Sacrifices must be made, or the Palestinians will win. I don't want these terrorists to win, and take over Israel..and Im sure ''you'', the Israelis don't want this either. ..Israel must stop releasing these criminals.. (for any reason) or they will never have any peace.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    These same people who say Israel is the terrorist will not acknowledge the fact that thousands of Israelis have been killed over the years by Palestinian terrorists.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Israel is a central authority non-compulsory by the human beings, terrorists are people who inflame the human beings, in lots of situations detrimental uneducated human beings into taking over their reason which won't be yours, you haven't any longer have been given any determination the two you bypass alongside are die, in the advise time they might build you a hospital are 2.

  • 11UN
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    As I said yesterday, I am neither pro-Israeli nor pro-Palestinian.

    The United Nations should bang their heads together and tell them to resolve their differences. The states of Israel and Palestine both have a right to an existence.

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  • 10 years ago

    Muslims worldwide are most vocal about Israel, their irrational religion-based hatred, their desire to destroy it. I will not go over all the lies that go around about this conflict but muslims have their own rhetoric and language. These same rhetoric and language are picked up by western antisemitists who enjoy a tribune, mostly among politicians, artists and media. These sum up the people who brand Israelis "terrorists".

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    People think that Israeli's are terrorists because they are poorly educated. They usually know very little if anything at all about Israel's history and if they are getting their current information from the liberal media then that explains it all, doesn't it?

  • 10 years ago

    This is your 2nd question in a few days trying to convince people that jews are victims of "atrocities." In your last question someone provided a link for you to check out, I assume you haven't looked at it..and you should. Perhaps it may help you not be so blind to "atrocities"

    The fact you mention someone in your school being killed by a suicide bomber leads me to believe you're a young person.

    If you learn nothing else in life remember..there are always 2 sides to every story.

    EDIT: Jacob, read my answer again, where did I say I didn't believe about your friend, you are so blinded by hate you can't even think straight.

    I'm not going to argue with you, you will never change my mind..what the Israelis have done to the Palestinians is criminal..and quite obviously I'm not the only one to feel that way

  • 10 years ago

    Because they choose to buy into Muslim propaganda.

    You notice they use terms such as 'open air prison', genocide, concentration camp etc etc

    Odd when gaza has luxury shopping malls and the population is booming.....Israel keeps their border secure as the peace living people of gaza have a history of killing Israeli kids on school buses when arab children have been paid to be suicide bombers

  • 10 years ago

    A young woman from my community in Washington state, Rachel Corrie, stood in front of the Israeli bulldozers in an attempt to protect the home of a Palestinian doctor.

    She refused to move, and they bulldozed her to death.

    I call that "unbridled terrorism," my friend.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Source(s): Search online! Why is it that when I criticize Israel I get thumbs down, but when other criticize Muslims they get thumbs up???
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