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book of enoch????????????..??????

why wasnt it included in the it because it was found later[dead see scrolls{.are our gods an alien race that created us for it them we should pray to.they are coming back.

11 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Enoch was Noah's great-grandfather. This book was rejected by early Judaism and is not found in the Hebrew Torah or the Christian Old Testament. Moses was the first writer of the Old Testament. Not being in the Torah (the first writings of God to humanity) shows that it is not scripture.

    The book was not grouped with the scriptural scrolls in the Dead Sea Scrolls. I would add that there were many other writings found in the Dead Sea Scrolls also, including many records and reference materials but not considered scripture.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Is the Book of Enoch really a lost book of the Bible? A born-again Christian who has been reading the Bible for several years only needs to read the "Book of Enoch" briefly to know that something is very wrong. There are so many obvious flaws with this alleged missing book of God's Word. It is clear to me that someone copied from the Bible and wrote this garbage. The same type of mumbo-jumbo can be readily observed in the Qur'an. I do NOT believe that Enoch, who lived during the time period of Genesis, wrote this manuscript. Evidently the King James translators didn't either, and for good reason. The Devil is working relentlessly to corrupt God's Word, as he has been doing since the Garden of Eden, when he caused Eve to doubt God's Word. Satan is so shrewd that he even tried to confuse our Lord by misinterpreting the Scriptures in Matthew 4:1-10. In these apostate times, the Word of God is under attack like never before. The reason why is simple... if Satan can pervert the Word of God into a lie, then he can control the masses!

  • 10 years ago

    Well, you might want to read the wiki article about the Book of Enoch, because you are wonky on just about everything you brought up about it. You seem to be mixing the planet Nibiru/ Annunaki/ thing with the Book of Enoch.

    Concerning Biblical Canon and the Council of Nicea:


    The Biblical Canon: Development of the Christian Biblical canon

    A number of erroneous views have been stated regarding the council's role in establishing the Biblical Canon. In fact, there is no record of any discussion of the Biblical Canon at the council at all. The development of the Biblical Canon took centuries, and was nearly complete (with exceptions known as the Antilegomena) by the time the Muratorian fragment was written, perhaps as early as 150 years before the council, but more likely in the 4th century, specifically at the Council of Carthage in 397. In 331 Constantine commissioned fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople, but little else is known, though it has been speculated that this may have provided motivation for canon lists. In Jerome's Prologue to Judith he claims that the Book of Judith was "found by the Nicene Council to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scriptures".

  • 10 years ago

    usually the book of enoch is one of the most important books of Left Hand Path religions. xianity, being a Right Hand Path religions, didn't accept that book, it could bring down all the religion. It normal censorship, if a book or anything else doesn't fits in xian dogma, then or it's heretic, or it's pagan.

    Moreover, the book of Enoch talks about GODS not only a god ( as could be in xianity with jehova), which is non-canonical.

    But it's a good thing it wasn't included in the bible, because that "best seller" is full of bull... err... I mean imprecisions.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    St Augustine was very interested in the Book of Enoch and wondered the same thing BUT he deferred to the CHurch and in any case would not interpret it solely on his own. He did not go for Private Interpretation or Sola Scriptura.

  • 10 years ago

    The Book of Enoch would never have been included in the Bible - the Catholic church would have called it heresay for sure.

    Angels mateing with human women who produced giants - who taught the humans the use of weapons for killing and introduced meat eating.

    The introduction of sorcery - learned from the angels??

    And his prophecy is completely different from the Bibles .....

    Very interesting reading - thanks for mentioning it!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    maximum Biblical pupils evaluate the artwork to be pseudo-pygripha... meaning it replace into written via neither. The earliest existent copies of the artwork look to this factor it to around 200bc...this could do away with the two of the Enochs indexed interior the scriptures.

  • 10 years ago

    Because that was the decision of the committee (Third Council of Carthage, year 397 CE) who decided on which books should be in the Bible and which should be left out.

  • OK
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I can tell you why it wasn't included in the Bible, because it doesn't jive with Christian orthodoxy.

    As to the rest of your questioning, there are other writings that could lead one to conclude such a thing, but I can't say, I just don't know.

    Extra-terrestrial involvement with humanity is a possibility.

  • 10 years ago

    It was one of the canons that was removed during the council of Nicea. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church actually still uses it and is in their "orginal bible" Anything that negated the divinity of christ was removed.

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