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Lv 4

Christians: Why do you have it out for the Atheists on this forum?

So what if they don't believe in your religion? I don't see anyone attacked here near as much as atheists. Christians seem to tolerate others who follow other religions (just because they believe in something). The only religion they bark at more than they bark at Atheists is Satanism and that's just out of pure ignorance/lack of research. Same reason why they bark at Atheists at all. Oh boo hoo if they tell you your god doesn't exist. If you really believe in your god it truly wouldn't fire you up so much to constantly post questions trying to "prove" jesus or god (always with "ATHEISTS" in the title of the question). So again: Why do you have so much against Atheists?

I'm agnostic leaning more towards a theist, but I'm not trying to prove my beliefs. It doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong.


Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer: and... you're not a nerdy computer? I'm sure your computer is way cooler than mine. -hands you back your answer- Thank you!

Update 2:

.....i know christians get attacked too...but I think Atheists are far more creative than christians in their questions/attack.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some Churchie Christians cannot seem to stand that others do not buy their story of following Paul.

    Some Churchie Christians actually give people thumbs down for stating their opinions. - can you imagine that?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You know me , I just like to make jokes .I do not take this site seriously & I do not take offence at insults directed at me.

    I have had both Christians & atheists be rude to me but it is my personal observation that the Christians are by far the rudest .(not all Christians are rude ,some are very nice)

    The funny thing is ,I just maybe a Christian , take none of what I say seriously ,I am only here to play .

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Christians are jealous of anybody who doesn't live in constant horror and guilt.

    And a bonus Factoid: I don't attack anybody from "behind a nerdy computer" with anything they won't hear in person. If called upon to do so I can provide links aplenty to show this to be the case.

    Nevermind that my skull looks like a thimble now because of these actions but you'll have that.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I don't have it out for Atheists at all... anywhere.... I just love to study, and if someone sees my answers well it is great.... I don't force how I feel upon others... in fact, i rarely answer athiest questions unless, i feel there is a chance that someone genuinely wants to know... what thoughts I have concerning God, or anything... Only God can draw others to Christ, if ... something i have written through deep study sparks someone towrds God then I am glad... !!! I don't need to bite someone to speak the message.. that God is Love...Abundant Love!

    Same goes for Christian questions... too. I learn much from atheists, from all groups on here... and I think we would love to have all the truth, and some of it remains hidden... from us all.

    Also, in this, it is worthwhile to mention there are only so many questions one wants to answer, even when sparked...

    I love all... but, my first love, is God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and all who stand for him...

    I wish all men good blessings. And you ... how bout you?



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  • 10 years ago

    I don't have any clue as to what you are talking about. It happens from both sides here. I have nothing against a non believer. It's the atheist trolls that bother me.

    You say you are agnostic leaning toward a theist, I'm not sure exactly what that means. But perhaps if you were a Christian you would understand how some of us feel.

    God Bless!

    edit: Btw I just want to show you how mistaken you are. I posted a question just recently for Christians. It said: Christians Do You Think Our God is an Awesome God, followed by song lyrics to that.

    Three Christians answered yes but I got one atheist troll who is now blocked who said:

    "Your god is an aweful god. Read the bible, he`s sexist, irrational, racist, unjust (original sin - we`re all born of sin, therfore we`re evil... I didn`t choose to be born. Did you? Fvck off.), insecure, a little baby, hateful et cetera.


    The Good Book, or so they call it."

    So here's one for the Christians.

  • behr
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    regularly occurring rule. in case you have faith in some thing, it in common terms means it is not actual. it remains questionable, no concrete foundation. in certainty, there is not extra debate, not extra arguments, not extra asking. nevertheless keeps to be, unchange. and in common terms one meaning. the place are you in? All varieties of ideals at the instant are not actual no count number in case you're christians or atheist or buddhist or by any means. all are immature.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Party agree, but i assume some Christians don't have much will power and just attack back because atheists have attacked them in the first place. If you haven't noticed atheists do most of the attacking on here. In the sense of mostly questions that we see as harmless but to Christians it isn't.

    Source(s): Spiritual Atheist.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    As someone who's been stalked, harassed and reported into suspension by so-called "Christians" I can tell you that some of them have some serious issues which truly require professional attention.

    Anyone who makes claim that we "seem to have it out for them, so who can really blame us for responding in kind" has absolutely NO clue what they're (she's) talking about. (I can't believe other longtime R&S regulars actually invited you to join them on Facebook, you rotten, snotty beyotch!!!)

  • 10 years ago

    I have been here for years and I can verify that atheists are the ones who have it out for Christians, not the other way around. Atheists have no problems with attacking Christianity in this forum, but they wonder why they are "attacked" when Christians respond to their hatred and foolishness.

    Atheists flippantly disregard the persecution of Christians, but they treat any atheist who is shunned by religious people as a martyr.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Meh. We get attacked, Christians get attacked, Muslims get attacked, Satanists get attacked. Whatever. It's the internet.

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