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Lv 43,364 points


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Agnostic leaning more towards theist. For homosexual rights, pro-choice, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, etc. May love/compassion find you.

  • I'm looking for games like Age of Empires?

    I remember playing games like it when I was a teenager, but I can't remember the names anymore. Please no online rts. I can't stand those games. Takes forever to do anything, but I do want strategy. Simulation games are welcome.

    3 AnswersPC8 years ago
  • Skyrim question; HUGE problem..? Ok so I'm on the Forbidden Legend quest and I'm at the "Learn the truth from?

    Ok so I'm on the Forbidden Legend quest and I'm at the "Learn the truth from Daynas Valen", but the way point for the quest leads me into my home Vindrel Hall in Markath. Whats worse is that it's leading me behind my bookcases/wall into are part of my house that doesn't exist! I've tried searching through other building above and below but it keeps telling me I have to be in my house. This is driving me crazy. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I tried to go into the dungeon next to where I found the book and it still didn't fix the way point. Is this a glitch?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Skyrim question; HUGE problem..?

    Ok so I'm on the Forbidden Legend quest and I'm at the "Learn the truth from Daynas Valen", but the way point for the quest leads me into my home Vindrel Hall in Markath. Whats worse is that it's leading me behind my bookcases/wall into are part of my house that doesn't exist! I've tried searching through other building above and below but it keeps telling me I have to be in my house. This is driving me crazy. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

    9 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Christians: Why do you have it out for the Atheists on this forum?

    So what if they don't believe in your religion? I don't see anyone attacked here near as much as atheists. Christians seem to tolerate others who follow other religions (just because they believe in something). The only religion they bark at more than they bark at Atheists is Satanism and that's just out of pure ignorance/lack of research. Same reason why they bark at Atheists at all. Oh boo hoo if they tell you your god doesn't exist. If you really believe in your god it truly wouldn't fire you up so much to constantly post questions trying to "prove" jesus or god (always with "ATHEISTS" in the title of the question). So again: Why do you have so much against Atheists?

    I'm agnostic leaning more towards a theist, but I'm not trying to prove my beliefs. It doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Several questions...?

    One of the things that makes life unbearable are those people who are ignorant/mean/negative/etc. Those people are the terrible examples for the religions they represent. I believe we should all love and accept each other..... but I always seem to find myself hating the ignorant/mean/negative and producing my own force of negativity. Should I embrace my other side? Trying to balance my positive and negative? Or should I try to find a way to stop my own ignorance towards those who anger me? Any advice on how I could stop it and become completely positive?

    (I'm agnostic)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Question about my boyfriend...?

    My boyfriend just admitted to me he would never have sex with a pregnant chick. So I asked him "If you get me pregnant then you're not going to have sex with me for 9 months??" and he immediately said "Yes!" Then I asked him "Then who would you be having sex with?" and he stopped and said "Myself"..... should I really believe him? Or am I right to assume he's going to cheat on me if he ever gets me pregnant?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Down by the bay where the watermelons grow....?

    Down by the bay

    Where the watermelons grow

    Back to my home

    I dare not go

    For if I do

    My mother will say

    "Did you ever see a bear

    Combing his hair

    Down by the bay?"

    Down by the bay

    Where the watermelons grow

    Back to my home

    I dare not go

    For if I do

    My mother will say

    "Did you ever see a bee

    With a sunburned knee

    Down by the bay?"

    Down by the bay

    Where the watermelons grow

    Back to my home

    I dare not go

    For if I do

    My mother will say

    "Did you ever see a moose

    Kissing a goose

    Down by the bay?"

    Down by the bay

    Where the watermelons grow

    Back to my home

    I dare not go

    For if I do

    My mother will say

    "Did you ever see a whale

    With a polka dot tail

    Down by the bay?"

    If my mother filled me with such horrific possibilities of what I could see if I went to the bay... I would never go there too.... I don't know why but for some reason I can see how this could represent the fear some christian parents instill in their kids to never sin or they will witness and suffer unlikely ordeals ......your thoughts?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Muslims: Do you get frustrated when people lump you into the same group as Islam?

    Or do I just get frustrated enough for you? It ticks me off since it wasn't YOUR people that went into Islamist countries and forced THEM to convert.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Christians: You're thoughts on..(continued)?

    In continuation from my last question on how the story of jesus spread after his death. I would like to ask what do you know of the man saul/paul? (died in 68 A.D. two years before the first gospels were written)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Christians: You're thoughts on...?

    what happened after jesus christ's death (in 33 A.D.)? How was his story spread to others before the first gospels were written (in 70 A.D. possibly later)?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Amazing evolution...?

    I'm humbly request that you take some time out to watch these amazing videos...

    Speed Shooter:

    Can you cut a speeding bullet?:

    Never stop running:

    Lightening Calculations:

    Electric Power:

    Pure Strength:

    The Killer Mind:

    Once you watched at least one or two videos then answer me your opinion. How is this is possible without the power of the human mind and evolution? Please try to avoid just saying "gods gift" if you can. I thank you for your time :)

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why do the most interesting questions in R&S...?

    .....come out at night?

    I've noticed this many times that the most stupid questions come out during the day, but as soon the the sun starts falling then the more interesting questions rise up.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Where are the best places to start training for my Microsoft Certification?

    I have been doing my own research in my local area of Altamonte, Fl and I was hoping maybe any of you might know of a company I have not found yet. Much appreciation.

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • Christians.. I know not all of you do....?

    But why do so many of you HATE so MUCH? When you hide behind a idol that resembles LOVE? I want you condemners to know that it was your hate that caused me to run from your religion. And your false concerns for others souls to gratify your "holiness" sickens me at times. For those of you who don't hate please don't bother answering, this is not directed to you, but for those of you who do... do you even see it? Do you even notice it? Do you really believe your god wants you in heaven with your blackened hearts towards homosexuals, people with other religious affiliations, and atheists?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why do they always send the poor?

    Why do people honestly believe the military/government see them as a person and not as a potential casualty?

    Whether you're US, Afghanistan, British, Australian, White, Black, Orange, or Purple. Why are solders blinded by the fact that they fight for men who are filthy rich cowards?

    2 AnswersGovernment10 years ago