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Lv 4

Christians: You're thoughts on...?

what happened after jesus christ's death (in 33 A.D.)? How was his story spread to others before the first gospels were written (in 70 A.D. possibly later)?


The apostle saul lived and died before the gospels were written. Between those years the word of jesus was spread by saul (later changed to paul). Who claimed jesus/lord came to him in a vision and told him that he must spread the word of the lord instead of persecuting the jews (whom the lord called "those who believe in me"). Saul actually had no knowledge that jesus lived as a human, but believed he was the lord and resided only in a spiritual realm. He never once mentioned the birth of jesus or his miracles.

For more information to educate yourselves on the spread of christianity. I advise you to go to

So that from now on you no longer have to be so vague. It's okay, it's not your fault, but your church leaders had not explained what really happened before the new testament. They just left you to your own assumptions.

And my thanks to those of you who extended your answers past "word of mouth".

26 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most christians haven't a clue about the origins of the NT, or a single thought supported ny any evidence.

  • 10 years ago

    Word of mouth, by eye witnesses.

    Plus, there is MUCH evidence that Matthew's Gospel was complete by 45 AD, within 15 years of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.

    The first mention of Saul (later, Paul) appears within one year after Christ.

    Paul's letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) explains Paul's expansive ministry and the more than 500 people who had seen Jesus alive, after His Resurrection, and before His ascension into heaven.

    Matthew, Mark, and Luke make no mention of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman General, Titus in 70 AD. Such an event would have been recorded in their gospels and in Acts, had it taken place prior the the writings. Since there is no mention of it, then we can assume that their three gospels, and Acts were written prior to 70 AD.

    John's gospel account was written between 90 & 96 AD, while he was in exile on Patmos.

  • 10 years ago

    Word of mouth at first. Paul began writing about 40 CE but he did not deal with Jesus' life at all, only focused on the death/resurrection. And he preached mainly to the Gentiles, his Jesus was not the same as the Jesus of the early Jewish followers, generally known as "People of The Way". And they did have a lot of writings.

    Remember that at one time there some 80+ gospels in circulation. Some predated Mark. The original gospel that is still in use, Mark, was based largely on the Didache, which was a collection of Jesus' sayings. And only his sayings, no miracles, virgin birth, resurrection, etc.. The earliest followers of Jesus had no sense of him as "divine" at all, he followed him as a very wise Rabbi and teacher.

    It was not until Matthew and then Luke that Mark's gospel was expanded to include the supernatural (divine). At this point, the gospels and Paul's writings began to conflate into the "divine" Jesus.

    .Blessings on your Journey!

  • 10 years ago

    Word of mouth, but If the gospels were written after 70 AD why no mention of the destruction of the Temple? The earliest copies we have are from AD 70, doesn't mean there were no earlier copies that didn't survive.

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  • 10 years ago

    well what happened was written in the books after the Gospels, and you get a good idea from the letters to the churches of what was going on. but the same things were going on that were when Jesus was with them, miracles, healing, preaching, persecution...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Just as Christ, before the Crucifixion sent out 70 persons two by two and they returned to Him overjoyed that they could heal and cast out.....the believers that were not scattered after the Crucifixion, after the Spirit had descended upon them went out and spread the good news.

    Source(s): Faith of a mustard seed.
  • 10 years ago

    The Essenes have gained fame in modern times as a result of the discovery of an extensive group of religious documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • 10 years ago

    i am not a christian but i have knowledge about this topic.

    Jesus did not die he told every one that he would do the same as prophet Jonas that he will die for 3 days and 3 nights u see then Allah god resructed him and he came to the upper room where his dicipiers where discussing his death to say fair well he did not die he defied the laws of death

    the bible was written 70 ad that is why there are many error in the bible to day .

    some parts even ripped out

    how was it spread on disipher told anther who passed on the message and the message began to not make any sense to the people

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    The apostles went out preaching the gospel message.

    Read the book of Acts.

    God bless.

  • 10 years ago

    eyewitness accounts, the disciples and others who saw the resurrected jesus told many others and so on and so on. and remember back then no cell phones, no cars etc. so things had to be related by word of mouth. that is why the govt. officials and high priests killed so many people, because even dead jesus was still in control of things and word of his power continued to circulate. it infuriated those in power who looked at jesus as competition.

  • 10 years ago

    Umm.. let's see here... by the Apostles maybe? Who most likely traveled on foot, donkey or boat so they could share the good news.

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