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The most friendly people on earth?

Where do they live?

In one place i lived, I was surprised how much people are cold and asocial and also rude, for instance, if you would like to get off the tramcar, the crowd would rush inside and you could barely get off. Also they are quite dirty, leaving dog poo on the pavement and at the entrance of the shops and so on. Apart of that, I had my laptop stolen and my car occasionally was scratched and so on.

so, do you know a place where the people are nice, social and polite? (and not only towards tourists)

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Philippines. I have travelled to many countries and always found filipinos to be the most friendly and polite.

  • 10 years ago

    People in Colorado are friendly but only if you have one or two generations there. I don't know, it's not friendly where I live either.

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