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Introducing whole milk?

My daughter is 12 months and 1 day old. I know it's about time to introduce whole milk. She's been primarily breastfed, but I've weaned her to two night and one morning feeding. The rest of the day, she receives formula with her meals. I was going to ask her doctor at her one-year appointment tomorrow whether it's time to switch from formula to whole milk. However, due to a conflict at the doctor's office (flu season made them have a lot of appointments tomorrow), her appointment is changed to Monday. I have about a day's worth of powdered formula left. So when I go to the grocery store tomorrow, should I buy her whole milk (we drink 1%, and I know that she shouldn't get reduced-fat milk until at least 2 years) or continue with formula? Or should I do both? Of course, I always have the option to go BACK to the grocery for whatever she needs, but I'd just like someone to weigh in.


7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My doctor had me do half and half for the first week when she turned one

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Firstly... good on you for breast feeding that long... I am on my 9th month and hope to get to a year.

    I breast fed my daughter until 1 and then put her straight to cows milk. She never had any problems at all.

    I think it is just personal choice. My doctor and plunket nurse both say that there is no need for my son to be on a formula after 1, as long as he is getting enough good food and water... and provided he is not still lactose intolerant. But alot of people do think that they should stay on formula until 2-3 yrs old.

    All I can tell you is that my daughter is so healthy that my doctors office rang me a month or so ago to ask if we are still wanting to use them as our main medical provider.... apparently she hasnt been to the doctor in over 5 yrs LOL

  • 10 years ago

    Switch it. At a year old they can safely drink whole milk reguardless if you've had the visit or not. But if you're worried keeping her on formula till monday won't kill her either.

    You can always do the transistional switch by gradually replacing 1oz of formula with an 1oz of milk week by week until it's all milk.

  • 10 years ago

    At 12 months of age your babies body is able to properly digest milk and its components.

    However they suggest whole milk until 24 months of age. Then they say that they no longer need the fats that are in whole milk and suggest 2% or 1%.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    "So when I go to the grocery store tomorrow, should I buy her whole milk (we drink 1%, and I know that she shouldn't get reduced-fat milk until at least 2 years) or continue with formula? Or should I do both?"

    Neither, none of the above? She can get her needs in in two solid nursings at 1, and the formula is certainly not of any benefit. The rest of her calories and nutrients are better off coming from real food.

    When she does want a bit of milk with dinner or whatever she can have what the rest of the family drinks...

    "Reduced-fat milk OK for all toddlers, doctors say"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    just give her milk, if she doesnt like it, mix it with formula or breast milk to start, then add more cow milk and less of the other, but if she takes it fine right off there is no need to mix

  • 10 years ago

    she's 12 months which is when you are recommended to switch to whole milk so just switch to whole milk.

    Source(s): i believe 1st b-days are a day for many new things like first piece of cake, first day for a sippy cup, and first day for whole milk. its worked well with my family.
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