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Lv 6
? asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

solutions for young alaskan malamut dog chewing up the house?

my friend has adopted a young[1yearold] alaskan but she is chewing everything in sight when she is out for a couple of hours ..she has tried putting a muzzle on ,but doesn,t want to keep doing this..

she thinks thats maybe why the dogs previous owners got rid of it...she did not get any information about the dog, so far it has destroyed feather duvets, books clothes, just anything that it can get between its teeth,, any solutions or help of any kind, i will pass on to,s hoping someone out there in yahoo land has the answer....

10 Answers

  • Labman
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Other dogs may not be as bad as the young Labs I am plagued with. Still your house and dog will be much safer with the dog in a crate when you are away. The dog may be happier in its den than loose in the house. It relaxes, it feels safe in its den. It rests, the body slows down reducing the need for water and relieving its self. Dogs that have been crated all along do very well. Many of them will rest in their crates even when the door is open. I think the plastic ones give the dog more of a safe, enclosed den feeling. They are harder for dogs to open too. Metal ones can be put in a corner or covered with something the dog can't pull in and chew. Select a crate just big enough for the full grown dog to stretch out in.

    Leave it some toys. Perhaps a Kong filled with peanut butter. Don't leave anything in the crate the dog might chew up. It will do fine without even any bedding. You will come home to a safe dog and a house you can enjoy.

    A dog that has not been crated since it was little, make take some work. Start out just putting its toys and treats in the crate. Praise it for going in. If you have been able to trust it with any bedding, put that in the crate. Feed it in the crate. This is also an easy way to maintain order at feeding time for more than one dog.

    Damaged possessions are the fault of whoever was watching the puppy. When you are watching it, immediately correct it as soon as it goes for anything except its own toys. In a quiet, but firm voice give it an ''Ah, ah, ah!''. Gently remove what ever and replace it with one of her toys, or if older, hold eye contact until the puppy drops it.

    Source(s): 21 puppies since 1991
  • 10 years ago

    A crate will solve the immediate problem, increasing both mental (training) and physical (walks, jogs) exercise will help resolve the underlying anxiety, boredom, excess energy, and lack of understanding boundaries that are "causing" this problem on a deeper level.

    A crate-trained dog is a joy - I can travel anywhere without a worry, my dog has a "safe space" if I have a party and he is getting stressed or nervous, and he can't harm himself (or be harmed by others) while I am not there - like the Boxer that recently was almost killed by an armed robber while his owner was gone, I would rather lose the flat-screen than find my dog dead or dying when I got home. Similarly, I would rather that he is safe if I forget and leave chicken bones poking out of the trash or spill something tasty on an electrical cord on my way out the door.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Dog is to be crated wgen owners aren't home. Working / herding dogs need a lot more physical activity than do most dogs. Hope your friend is physically fit. This dog needs to be taken fir runs a few times a day, and needs a lot of exercize in the yard, house, etc. Friend also needs to keep her house picked up and not leave stuff out for the dog to shred.Friend should have done a lot if research on this breed before getting the dog.

  • PR
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Cage training until the dog is out of the chewing stage. Give hardened rawhides while in and out of the cage. Without a cage, this will be an ongoing battle between dog and owner, with a lot of personal property damage, as well as the possibility of a sick dog from chewing things that can upset the stomach, or worse.

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  • Mya
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I would be sure the dogs gets tons of exercise and crate the dog when not at home. Lots of chew toys too! Dogs usually do this cause they are bored and need more exercise. She should talk to vet about options. Hope this helps

  • 5 years ago

    It's important to know not only how to train a dog, but what to train it to do. Read more

    Puppies have no sense of correct behavior, so they offer a million things you could correct; which should you address? In this section, we'll cover what to correct as well as how to train a pooch. We'll also discuss dog obediences classes -- also known as puppy kindergarten -- and specific thing you can teach your dog if you plan on traveling with it. Life tosses up myriad challenges to a dog's sense of obedience, and the more he's trained to understand, the happier you both will be. Finally, for fun and practical benefit, we'll cover a few basic tricks you can teach your dog. They're a wonderful way to bond with your pet and to entertain the both of you, while teaching it how to behave and react to your commands. Everybody wins!

  • JenVT
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Crate her when you're not home and when you are home, keep her confined to the room you are in so you can immedialtey stop the behavior. She needs two leash walks per day of at least an hour each. This is not the same as allowing her to romp in the yard for two hours. It sounds like she is bored, underexercised, and has a lack of supervision.

    Source(s): crate training changed my life.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Why not have your friend call the local kennel club, and sign up for some classes. This dog needs a good amount of exercise and mental stimulation.

  • 10 years ago

    more than likely not trained and bored

    they need 24/7 training and exercise

    take to professional trainer and learn how to train and exercise

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    high note

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