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Lv 4
Jay asked in SportsHockey · 10 years ago

When will people stop attacking David Steckel?

So, I'll be the first to admit that Crosby's injury has been unfortunate. Love the guy or hate him (those who have seen my past comments know where I fall on that one), the guy is a great hockey player, and a huge loss for the league. But when will poor David Steckel finally be able to move on? People keep asking him about the collision (or accusing him), but the fact is, every time, his answer has remained the same, and nothing about that replay looks any more than an incidental collision (Crosby as much at fault as Steckel). Or will this incident be the only thing people associate Steckel with?

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with James Buckley.

    Crosby keeps making shabby innuendo and insinuating that Steckel did it on purpose. That's pretty classless. I give him some slack since he's probably frustrated and looking for a scapegoat, but if he's going to fan those flames and incite this anger, he should at least be up front and transparent in his accusations. Just say it outright.

  • The Caps seem to be the team folks love to hate. And even though Stecks is with the Leafs now, they're still going to hate him for his collision with the league's Golden Boy. Never mind that Stecks doesn't have a rep for dirty hits. Never mind that the league didn't feel it necessary to discipline him. Never mind that every single replay shows that it was clearly unintentional. Never mind that Crosby played the third period of that game when he probably should have sat it out AND that he played in the next game. Never mind that it's Victor Hedman's deliberate hit into the boards that put Crosby out for good. They're going to hate Steckel because 1) he was a Cap at the time and 2) he hurt Crosby.

    I hate Crosby, but I was as worried as any Pittsburgh fan at Heinz Field when I saw that he was hurt. I'm not the sort of person to wish injury on anyone (except maybe Matt Cooke, for obvious reasons). He's a whiny little jerk, but he didn't deserve that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I think the better question IS when will Crosby start taking some ownership for the situation he currently is in? I mean Crosby suffered a concussion when he was nailed from behind into the boards, instead of sitting it out, he decides to come back full well knowing he has a concussion and knowing full well he could suffer another head injury. Crosby is just as much at fault here, if not more for making such an idiotic decisions, he not only risked his career but his life as well and for what? Just so he could play hockey. Did Crosby ever stop to consider the ramifications of his actions? What if he suffered another head injury which could forever impact his life? What if he took a blow to the head and died from it? He did not stop to think things through, and he has nobody to blame but himself for the situation he currently is in.

  • I don't think it was on purpose. I've seen the replay plenty of times and he wasn't even looking when he collided with Crosby.

    Unfortunately, he collided with the NHL's "golden boy" and a fan favorite of many, many hockey fans (although I think it was Victor Hedman's hit that made Crosby's concussion more serious) and he's always going to be associated with that.

    Source(s): Personal Opinion
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  • 10 years ago

    Steckel just skating into Crosby and Crosby's making a big deal over what CROSBY did.

  • Simple- the next time anyone so much as spits near Steckel you send Colton Orr to go out and have a chat with them. Problem solved.

  • 10 years ago

    Never heard of him then again I don't watch sports sorry.

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