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Poll: Do you think people are too politically correct nowadays?

I think so.. Just a little...

I mean... there's prejudice and racism around us.. There are negative thoughts about people as a whole that we have.. most of us have... It's perfectly human! Perfectly natural.. Blame the instincts given to us by our monkey-human ancestors.. You stayed away from a rival tribe because they could kill you or take your resources away..

We live in a "civilized society" but time doesn't really affect our brains does it? It's always buried deep down beneath logic and sometimes it gets tapped into once in awhile and we're called racist or prejudiced..

I say it's okay to secretly find a different group of people unfavorable.. I mean, you need to let the blind hatred out somewhere.. as long as you're not burning crosses, openly speaking about it, or committing genocide, I think I have the right to secretly hate the French language, Belgians, and Republicans... Hating EVERYONE is just too... hm... tiresome... concentrated hatred is much more energy-efficient..

Haha.. I sound like a troll and that was my little rant.. Don't comment on my rant, comment on the question I asked...

46 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well said, though I would argue that our civilization certainly does affect our minds and the way we think. Politeness and consideration for the feelings of others is a good thing.

    I do think we are way too concerned with political correctness these days, but with the world as crowded and diverse as it is, that is probably better than the other extreme. We humans do not seem to be capable of continual moderation, and the world might be a dull place if we were.

    Source(s): Heinlein said each person should try not to offend their neighbors, and should not allow themselves to be too easily offended. I agree.
  • 10 years ago

    I totally agree, I am anti-political correct, I hate political correctness in all forums, and I still have a lot of Friends and hold a position that usually is swamp with that crap, however Im respected because I'm honest in that fact that I not and a don't care if someone does not like my opinion or they way I may speak to or at you depending on why I'm speaking to you.

    I correct people too when they use politically correct speech, African -American, that's the biggest one If your black born in America and do not have a African citizenship then you are American, and may have an African heritage, same with all the other races, simple and plane.

    People are basically trying not to offend any one, screw that, if your offended by one persons thought which escapes there mouth then you as an individual need to act accordingly which is to change that person opinion if you can.

  • 10 years ago

    In the UK there are influential people with small wisdom and big voices who self-righteously say what the rest of us should believe or think! With that twin scourge called 'human rights' they are both eroding the UK special national characteristics of free speech and free expression of matters of conscience.

    To seek to keep Britain British, with all that this used to entail, is some how classed as bigotry or even phobia against other cultures by these odious self-righteous people! To prefer what you have been used to is a natural human tendency which you have mentioned, but it is not automatically associated with hate. The more that natural preference is attacked and falsely seen as prejudice, by a certain political group - the more resentment does it spawn - and then you have created hatred.

    These social engineering cowboys no doubt have had little experience of life. When you are young you quickly assume values and beliefs based on what seems to relate to fairness and a healthy mental attitude. But when you have been on this planet a fair while, you realize that the finer noble principles in action often do not work for the greater good. I am thinking about politics and Law.

    For example, a too-kind developed welfare state, as in the UK has spawned and grown bad characteristics in too many people, from proud independence and the morale to cheerfully accept a very limited life-style we now have a culture of dependency that sees the government as having an obligation to cosset and pander, with the money they get from us hard-working, saving, thrifty people - not fair - definitely not fair!.

  • Garcia
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I think being too politically correct is making everyone too emotionally sensitive about the language we use. For example, we used to use the word shell shock to represent the horrors of war back in the early 20th century, nowadays people say PTSD for people with the same emotions. Another example would be some people use the word civil disobedience instead of saying simply a riot was going on. Being too politically correct in a way shields the truth of the situation. By creating words with more syllables, its basically sugar coating the truth.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Your rant is funny because it is funny in a humorous way not a bad way. I liked it. I agree with you on the politically correct being pretentious. I find most people who pretend politically correct attitude are more intolerant than others who are not so worried about it.

    I do agree with you for the most part. I do think we can overcome prejudices, but we first have to admit that we have them in order to work on them. I think people are more prejudice now than they have been before in many areas.

    I thnk we just need to work on these and quit trying to pretend that we are so politically correct which is really an oxymoron in practice.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yes i agree many people are, im not though.

    Because whatever we consider being 'politically correct' some retarrd made it up, oh don't do this don't do that, errrrr no mate

    Then again, suppose it depends on how you are brought up, some people say things that others think are wrong and they think are perfectly right. Who are we to judge, we most probably do the same thing.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Yes. I read some schools did not kids wear costumes to school on Halloween. Can they get more idiotic than that?

    Also the stupidity with not saying Merry Christmas because it might "offend" someone. What about the people who are offended but not saying it?

    What is next? Will we stop saying Happy New Year because someone might be offended by saying Happy? Don't laugh; that is about the only thing they haven't stopped saying. And if someone says they are offended by it then it will not be said anymore.

  • 10 years ago

    Yep. I don't believe in prejudice, but I sometimes feel that people take things WAY too seriously. I also try to forgive other people their prejudices- I've known my best mate since we were seven years old and although we feel completely differently about certain hot-button issues (i.e. gay people, ethnic minorities and immigration), we don't let that come between our friendship. I believe that although my friend is mildly racist and homophobic, he's also a decent guy whose natural kindness and good nature would over-ride his prejudices.

    Mind you, he did ask me if I had any spare white sheets and whether or not I wanted to form some kind of militia . . .

    (p.s. that's the kind of joke that will no doubt offend some people . . .)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    People are way too politically correct. Black and Ne,gro aren't offensive terms if you ask me. African American is actually pretty irritating to me. Retarded is not offensive if you use it in the right context. It actually means "slow". Stuff like that irks me.

    And I do have some black ancestry, so I have the right to say that. If you aren't African, you aren't an African American. That's just like me calling my white friends European Americans.

    One last thing. I hate the N word. I also hate it when people use "retarded" in the wrong context.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    To some degree i support sensitive speech, for example I think it's wrong to call someone a retard, the word itself just SOUNDS mean, but my problem with political correctness is that we are so intent on not hurting people's feelings, we will even suppress scientific data to make things look equal when they actually are not.

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