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Lv 6
Bandit asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers ยท 10 years ago

What do you think of Yahoo questions?

I keep looking at the questions being asked on this site and it seems to me that just about all of them could be answered with a simple google search. With that being said, why are we wasting our time to look up and answer questions when the person asking the question is too lazy to do it themselves? And, what percent of the questions asked have any relevence, IE I just saw a question wanting to know how much stuff cost in NYC? How in the world can anyone answer that. And, why does Yahoo allow those kind of questions to be posted.

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    There are plenty of really good questions on here. Certainly there is more than a fair share of bad ones, but we can ignore those. No one told you that you had to waste time answering questions people can look up. If you don't want to look something up just because they can... then don't. It's not up to Y!A to allow or disallow other than what's already in place in the Y!A Community Guidelines. If the question is a violation, then it's up to Y!A users to report it. Like this question... any question not seeking knowledge/useful information, or asking people's opinion (any question beginning with "What do you think of...") is a violation. If you don't like a question, pass it by, and find ones you think are worthy of your time. No one is forcing you to waste your time answering those questions you think are a waste of your time to answer.

    You actually think Y!A shouldn't allow questions just because they can be looked up on Google? That's a little hard-nosed, isn't it? Sure, many can be looked up, but some people don't have the savvy to do proper searches. Some just want to ask here... it's a choice! This isn't a prison... as long as the rules are followed, people should be allowed to use this site to ask their questions if they want to.

  • 10 years ago

    People have helped me out on several occasions. Just ignore what you don't like about Yahoo Answers. Why label those of us who use it as lazy? Good luck in not letting little things annoy you. After all, it's a free service.

    Source(s): IMO
  • 10 years ago

    A lot of people make this same argument, and maybe you're right, but most people look for personal opinions and answers.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I thought the same thing at first but I realized sometimes its better and funner to hear it from a from a real person

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because people here are very sad and lonely like me and you my friend.

  • 10 years ago

    ja i agree. some questions r just retarded!

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