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For those who want Socialism, I have a question:?

Since you believe in "to each according to his needs and from each according to his means," would you agree to this scenario?

Young people are most capable of doing strenuous physical labor on a daily basis. So, why don't all of you college-educated young folk who can't find a job go do physical labor every day and give your money to someone older who is not capable of such hard work? After all, you have the means to do the hard work (a young, healthy body), and the older people do not.

Does it sound as fair when you're on the losing end? Do you like the idea when you'll be working harder than others, yet getting no greater reward?


9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's amazing how many people don't get it and won't listen to logic. When it comes to THEM giving up what they have earned, they come up with excuses. When it comes to them working harder than others and giving up the fruits of their labors, they say "it's different."

    What if these idiots had to give up their grades and share with everyone in class? Wouldn't that be fair? I mean, what does it matter if you study hard and learn while others party? Why shouldn't these idiot students SHARE their hard work with the "less fortunate" who choose to party instead of study?

    They claim they know about Socialism and Communism, but they don't ever see the down side of the system. They all think THEY will benefit, so they're all for it. Once they are on the working end of the equation, they suddenly have excuses.

    They are so transparent, it's amazing we can see them at all.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    You would be making a good point if Americans actually wanted socialism. Very few do; including liberals. That's just a straw man argument from conservatives not creative enough to come up with something, anything, new besides a 1950s-era red scare tactic.

    New flash: social programs do not equal socialism. And any educated person knows that in a globalized, service-based economy, government control of the means of production is not possible, so any attempt at "implementing socialism" would be a complete waste of time. The best example of socialism in the US I know of is the fake "free market" health care system where I pay double premiums (because I work) to cover health care for seniors and the unemployed. If it were true free market they would be left to die. And BTW, the young DO work a helluva lot harder, for less, than seniors do.

  • 10 years ago

    This is a very simplistic question. For a start you have quoted what Marx said about Communism, not Socialism. You also assume that only monetary rewards are worth achieving. As far as young people having the ability to work harder, this is also not correct as you do not include all the disabled young people and some women who can't. So it is a loaded question evidencing no research. Time to go read and learn before you post incorrect statements.

  • Andy
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Well, in my country, the U.K, which I've heard plenty of Americans refer to as socialist, that's more or less what happens. Retired people are payed a pension by the state. The state acquires this money by taxing the economically active. So, the 'young' amongst us work in order to pay for the elderly who have already worked for all their lives.

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  • 10 years ago


    I don't want Socialism

    I just want our National Health Care to have the Public Option

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Idiot, The "to each according to his needs ..." is Communism not socialism. pick up a book and get off your sister.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No, that's not how it works. Someone has to take away your money at the point of a gun, and then shoot the old person who can't work. What happens to the money? I don't know. But that's how it works.

  • 10 years ago

    sound fair?. sounds stupid cause social security is a program that works.why replace it with something that won't?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    they want the rich, whoever they are, to foot the bill

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