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How do you deal with the high number of idiots in cages?

I'm pretty fed up with the standard lie "I never saw you." taken from the same book of lies as alcoholics when asked by a cop how many beers they had a "I've had two beers officer." How are people with licenses so careless with the way they drive? I've been tailgated so close I thought about offering them a helmet so I wouldn't get a ticket for having a passenger with no helmet. The texter slamming into my lane, that mouthed the words "I wasn't texting." after coming so close to me I put my hand flat on her door. I love riding, and I pay attentino to those around me, but wow! How is it some of these indiots are still on the road, and how do others deal with them?


I've thought about carrying an automotive nut and bolt that's been sat in a salt water bath so it's corroded. Hard to prove where that came from if it looks like it's been out on the road for a while. Tailgaters are the worst. Even when it's raining they just won't back off. I let them slide by me, but some of them have come so close to takign out my rear tire when they squeeze in a space not big enough, I've followed them on occasino and given them a piece of mind. I don't do that very often. the other guy pretty much has to be an award winning idiot for that to happen.

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been Lucky that I've never been THAT close to tailgaters...

    But I'd probably follow them to a stoplight, come up Next to them. and Just Take a Wild Punch at their Driverside Window Or Hulk Smash their Hood. Both Equally Effective

    Whats the WORST is down in the southern states we got all the rednecks that like to go "muddin' " So their Ford 350's are up on >2 Foot LIFTS.. I've seen one I could LITTERALY have ridden UNDER if not for the Axle to Clothesline me...

    At that Point You just get out of Gravedigger's way... (Nobody is going to get the Monster truck Refernce here)

    I like your Idea with the Rusty/ Corroded Bolt. Just Throw it Backwards threw their Front Windshield.. Claim it was Kicked up by your rear tire. "Probably wouldn't had happened if you weren't Tailgating" That will teach em.

  • Irv S
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    If you're not a serious massive threat, you don't exist for them.

    Not much you can do except stay awake and try to keep a bit more

    room around you especially in front. An extra second 'in trail' buys a lot of

    wiggle room if things get dicey.

    I deal with tailgaters by carrying a red plastic gas container, with the 'Gas' label

    picked out in yellow, on the back rack. (Filled with water though)

    Pointing to it is usually enough to back 'em off' a bit.

    Cop stopped me, regarding it as a 'dangerous condition"

    When I told him about the water and the tail-gater issue, he approved heartily.

    Source(s): Old Road Rat
  • ADB
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Because without a license big business can't make money off of them. If you restricted driving to only those that actually are responsible there wouldn't be as many cash cows.

    The trickle up economics of auto, insurance, medical, legal,body shop etc is that businesses profit thanks to that license.

    So speaking sarcastically as a rider myself, if you get hit, lots of people stand to make money, but they are in business because there is a need for their services.

    Didn't see you? louder than stock exhaust systems help, but there's not much you can do when someone has their stereo blasting.

    Dealing with tailgaters is let em by, you never know when you've got a whack job just looking for a road rage excuse on your behind, otherwise i've heard of people building gadgets to inject oil into the hot exhaust for a cloud of smoke.

  • 10 years ago

    I had so many close calls with blind or careless people in cars, I expect them to cut me off or try to run me over. It still angers me when it happens but I try not to let it bother me. Last fall I was looking for a parking spot at Walmart following a Chevy avalanche, he was about a car length ahead of me. He stops I stop, his back up lights come on , I lay on the horn and start pushing my bike backwards and bang he's on top of me pushing me backwards. Finally he stops, I thought he was going to kill me. He apologized I took his plate number and his name, he didn't want to cooperate but he had no choice insurance fixed my bike. He had every excuse in the book to try and say it was not his fault. ///// I filled my bike with gas at a Canadian tire gas bar,I am inside paying for my gas, I come out and this old man backed into my brand new bike and pushed it backwards on the stand about 6 feet before the gas attendant stopped him. Now he is saying the bike came out of no where and it was the bikers fault. I had some special words for him....He did pay for the damages,,, The list goes on......

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    at 70 (years not mph) almost always drive a"cage" have a vespa 250 scooter which is fun

    I realize the car drivders are JUST NOT MENTALLY TUNED to motorcyles

    the see with thier eye but do not percieve with thier brains. it is only a split second delay to realize a cycle is there but that can be life or death ( for the cyclist)

    Attitude is everything. it is YOUR life , ride in a big bubble and stayout of their way

    Source(s): 1,000 pound bike, 200 pound rider 4000 pound car or 10,000 pound truck big dogs eat little dogs
  • 10 years ago

    It' just a given that cars are out to get you. If you choose to ride a motorcycle, your job is to stay alive by being very aware of the various ways cars will try to wreck you during each ride. Think ahead of the game and be proactive. If a car tags you it isn't his fault it's yours. Being dead and right isn't a winning play. Taking it personally is a waste of time.

  • 10 years ago

    In my more careless days, I carried golf balls in a small bag sitting on my headlight. Every time a cage would try to kill me, I would throw the golf ball at their window, usually breaking it. I have heard of pulling in front of the offending cage and using steel ball bearings, but I have not done that. My method has gotten the attention of EVERY cager, and the police in one instance even backed me up. I'm not saying it will work for you, and you need to be prepared for confrontation. I have also been known to slap or kick canges who come in my lane, but in my old age (26) I have not been nearly as agressive. Until it is considered attempted murder, and you can legally shoot the cager threatening your life with a deadly weapon (a 4000lb car, and a leading cause of death in America) nothing much can be done.

  • strech
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I used to carry large ball bearings.

    A handful over the shoulder will get the attention of a tailgater.

    Now, I just try to put as much distance between me and them as I can.

    Lane splitting being legal in California helps.

  • Dimo J
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    He may have nine bad things, but if has at least one right: "If you choose to ride a motorcycle, your job is to stay alive ... If a car tags you it isn't his fault it's yours."

    A motorcycle is faster, more agile. You have no blind spots. You can see them coming and can dodge. The idiots in the cages? They are not *good* enough to hit me. If you are not good enough to dodge, you might consider driving in a nice safe steel cage.

    You do not have to anything to some idiot cager -- they will meet another idiot cager and they will collide.

  • mn
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    a boot in the door... or removal of the side mirror usually wakes them up...

    or.. pull up next to them at the lights... tap on the window.. when they open the window.. remove their car key & throw as far as you can before taking off...

    oops.. your in the USA... not sure if you can reach the key on lefthand drive cars...??

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