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Why do a lot of Christians describe themselves as God-fearing?

If God is a loving deity, then why should fear be the emotion that He arouses? Why not God-loving, God-following or God-serving?

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We have been mislead in believing that the God Yahweh is an all loving God to all the people all of the time God they taught us He was in Sunday school. Just as we fear our loving human father after we stir his anger from disobeying him we stir our Heavenly Father's anger when we disobey Him. He loves us by both rewarding us for being good and disciplining us when we have been bad. All to make us human beings and not remain wild animals.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    For the simple reason that the people of the Bible (mostly in the Hebrew Bible) stood in fear of their god; the Israelites were “god-fearing” people. Indeed, one of the main reasons given as to why Israel fell to Babylon was due to God being furious over the actions of the Israelites (i.e. drifting back into worshiping pagan deities). This resulted in exile for the Jewish people.

    The claim—which I’m seeing by some theists here—that “god-fearing” only pertains to “reverence”, is simply not telling the full story. At least, it isn’t comprehensively true when mapping it onto the Israelites (or the people in the Bible in general); people who witnessed YHWH devastate tribes in ancient Canaan, and a group of people who beleived that God would break the covenant if they angered him. And I’m fairly sure that, when taking into account the stories of the Bible AND later theology, the term “god-fearing” has a duality about it: both reverence and literal.

  • 10 years ago

    God Loving we are, God serving I hope we all are. BUT we also "fear" because we know if the devil (non believer like you seem to be) pulls us away from God, hell is where we are end up. Alone and burning with fire around each one forever on.

    Don't you "fear" Breaking the law, because then You could end up in jail?

    Don't you fear putting your hand on a hot burner, for then your hand would be severally burnt?

    Source(s): Bible
  • 10 years ago

    To fear God means the fear of displeasing him. Proverbs 8:13, 16:6 It means we respect and love him so much, that we wouldn't want to do anything bad to hurt him. It dosnt mean to be scared of him. He is loving, and we should all strive to please him.

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  • 10 years ago

    God-fearing means to have a reverent feeling towards God. Not fear as in "shaking in my boots I'm so scared" but more of a feeling of how awesome and awe-inspiring He is.

    Good question, thank you for giving me the chance to answer it. : )

    Wishing you well.

  • 10 years ago

    because fear is how they instill their beliefs into children and the weak minded.

    i remember back when i was a christian as a kid, I was in bible school and they told a story... about how god helped moses hold up his staff, which he was pointing at a battle... and they said as long as moses held that staff up, his side would be winning the battle. the battle went on so long god had to help moses keep his arm up

    when i heard this i asked the instructor, "Why did god want to help the one side?"

    "do not qquestion the word of god" she replied, and she scolded me for it

    cant believe i was a christian as long as i was after that. quit that closed minded nonsence. you realize one of the first things they do in church is to tell you to have faith (aka close your mind) then pass around a collection bowl? ya

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    In the Bible the term to "fear" meant to "respect" ie therefore "God-fearing" is actually "God-respecting" or Respecting God.

    Source(s): Christian sermon
  • 10 years ago

    God is Love and God is Just. His holy charcter demands punishment for the sin.

    God can kill both our body and soul.

  • 10 years ago

    Because Christianity is a fear based religion.

    If it wasn't,there would be no need for the concept of hell.

  • 10 years ago

    fearing God as recorded in the bible is to be in awe of who He and what He has done....its not being afraid...of Him....

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