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Lv 727,909 points

Old Bookworm

Favorite Answers27%

I'm Australian, born in 1950. Politically left of centre, but not so far that I'll fall off the edge. Atheist, but not the evangelical type. Interested in reading, puzzles and wildlife, among other things. I enjoy helping out in Homework help, and generally finding information for people.

  • Question about Passover Matzoh?

    I was reading an article about shmurah matzoh and it said the process of making these had to take no longer than 18 minutes.

    Does anyone happen to know the reason for this? It seems a curious rule, because obviously in the early days of celebrating Passover there was no way to measure time so accurately.

    2 AnswersPassover6 years ago
  • Why can't I answer questions?

    Since about an hour ago I'm unable to answer questions. I can type up an answer, but there is no "post" button. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Why is there no comment section for Yahoo news in Australia?

    If I look at the American Yahoo news site, there is a comment section for most news stories. But this doesn't exist for Yahoo!7 in Australia. Does anyone know why?

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events9 years ago
  • Question for "It's about FREEDOM, stupid" about Internet censorship?

    In this thread, you said this:

    "You think you are free? You have no idea how much you don't know because your country censors your internet."

    As an Australian, this concerns me and I'd like to check the extent of it. Would you please give me the urls of any sites that you believe are blocked by the Australian government. If I can't access them, I'll have evidence to ask my local member of parliament about.

    I'm asking on here because you have no email address listed. If anyone else has evidence of such censorship in Australia, I'd like to know about it.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why won't Yahoo work properly in IE8?

    All of a sudden I can't view the main Yahoo!7 page in IE8. I mean, that you get to from the home icon at the top right of the Answers page. The page starts to load, then the whole thing freezes up and I have to use Ctrl Alt Delete to be able to close it.

    Any ideas why this would happen? It worked fine up until last night, and I haven't changed anything on my system. By the way, it does work with Firefox, but I don't like the way the text on the pages looks in Firefox.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • Why am I getting pop-up ads in Arabic?

    I'm logged in from Australia, but I keep getting ads on the right hand side of the screen in arabic, from something called I've no idea what they say. Does anyone know why this would be happening?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Would anyone here believe that a tyrannosaurus rex ate a footballer?

    I'm just curious, since at least one person here believed another story from the same satirical site.

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why are my best answers getting double points?

    Today I've had two best answers, and both times I've got two emails about them, and two lots of 10 points. Not that I'm complaining, but why would this happen?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • What does † FNS † mean?

    Presumably it's religious, given the †'s, can anyone explain it please.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Does this help explain why creationists don't understand evolution?

    Question:" If homosexuality is so unnatural?

    Why are 33% of seahorses gay/bisexual?"


    comparing mollusks to humans"

    So now seahorses are molluscs??? Good grief!;_ylt=Ar...

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What in the world are Aurite Fields?

    Someone was talking about crystal technology in a question earlier. They referred to "Aurite fields" around electrons in the Bible. I'd never heard the term, and Google is no help. Can anyone explain the term?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do some Americans think Yahoo Answers is an American site?

    I just came across this question, where the poster asks about a petition. The question was originally posted on Yahoo Answers India.

    An American immediately bounces in and says "What happens in that country is its problem. This is America". Didn't he/she even see that the question originated in India? I've seen this sort of thing quite often.;_ylt=Al...

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do Americans have to register which way they vote?

    I often see references to "registering as a Republican" or "registering as a Democrat". In Australia you just register as a voter in the electorate you live in. I'm curious as to whether it's compulsory to say which party you'll vote for when registering, and if so, why?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I was wrongly given best answer, can I get it changed?

    I got "best answer" for a math problem, but when I looked at the question I realised I'd made a mistake, and there was another answer that was correct. Can I get the points given to the other person? Or can the answer I gave be removed? The person who asked the question can't be contacted by email, so I can't tell them I made an error.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Biblical lineage question?

    I've seen this posted twice tonight:

    "The whole bible is about God and the covenant with his chosen people. Adam was the first man in that covenant and that is what Genesis is about.

    This is why one can trace lineage from Adam to Jesus, then no more records."

    I thought God's covenant was first made with Abraham, and Jesus' genealogy as given in Matthew 1 only goes back as far as Abraham.

    Can someone tell me where the lineage from Adam to Abraham is, in the Bible? Also where it is stated that God made a covenant with Adam.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do a lot of Christians describe themselves as God-fearing?

    If God is a loving deity, then why should fear be the emotion that He arouses? Why not God-loving, God-following or God-serving?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why is my mouse pointer erratic?

    My Logitech MX518 mouse won't work when playing Jewel Quest 5. It was OK up until last night, but today the cursor is slow and jerky. This is what I've already tried:

    Using a different USB port.

    Updating mouse drivers

    Updating video card drivers

    Uninstalling/reinstalling the game

    Does anyone have any other suggestions? This is really annoying, because I was really enjoying the game.

    3 AnswersPC10 years ago
  • why won't it keep me signed in?

    I've always had the "keep me signed in" box ticked, and when I go to Yahoo!7 I'm automatically signed in. But for the last few days I have to sign in every time I want to check my mail or answer questions in Yahoo! Answers.

    Why has this changed, and how can I fix it?

    I'm the only one using my computer, so it's safe to set it to "keep me signed in"

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products10 years ago
  • What is the point of sock puppets?

    I've come across several references to people having multiple accounts, and voting for their own answers. I'm honestly curious about this; why would anyone do this? It's not as if you get money or any tangible reward, so what do they get out of it?

    Note: this isn't in reference to any specific person, nor am I saying it shouldn't be done; I'm just puzzled by this.

    Posted in R&S because that's where I've seen the references.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago